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Posts posted by jmchich

  1. I believe you can get a thing like a large credit card with a load of holes in it. You feed the strings in until you find the smallest it'll fit. No idea what it's called, maybe String Gauge Checker?

    My mate from school used to have one.

  2. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1372773086' post='2129738']
    How can anybody love a cat. You know they would eat you if you were small enough. No exceptions. There's no loyalty from the little bar-stewards.....

    If I die, I don't want a pet that's just gonna sit there and starve looking mournful while my body lies there. I want a pet that's gonna take the initiative and do what is has to to survive.

  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1372711938' post='2129109']
    For myself, I prefer modern music [i]with[/i] lyrics. A catchy, well-sung melodic hook does it for me every time and it doesn't have to be 'clever'.

    Thinking in a general sense, lyrics are only as relevant as the writer's intent and the audience's expectations. There is nothing inherently bad about asinine nonsense if the objective is to provide accompaniment to convivial, liquored-up hen nights. Similarly, there is nothing inherently praiseworthy in addressing issues of complexity through song.

    One thing, though. Why is it that many male pop stars deliver such whiny, self-pitying lyrics whereas their female equivalents espouse sassiness and empowerment? Where are the roaring boys?


    There they are!

  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1372606140' post='2127608']
    Up to now never had a problem with theft at gigs and in 35 of playing live the only time any of my gear has got anything worse than the odd ding was last year when a fat psychobilly collided with Mr Venom in the wrecking pit and then fell on top of the theremin splitting both end cheeks where the aerials attach. Luckily it was fairly easily repaired with a couple of re-enforcing screws and a recalibration of the circuits to compensate fro the changed capacitance of the casing.

    As I've said before when there has been discussion of the safety of musical equipment at gigs, if I went somewhere where there was concern about the audience damaging the gear, I'd probably be more worried about damage to my person. Musical instruments can always be replaced.

    Sounds like my sort of gig.

    So, err, why you no play Rebellion?

  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372517376' post='2126706']
    [size=4]Never. I said, '[/size][i]your [/i][size=4]Polynesian nose flute recital.' [/size] :D[size=4] How did it go, btw..? Nostril still sore?[/size]

    Oh right, thought I'd found a fellow "nasal flautist". It was alright, until some drunk bloke came and fell onto me and I had to have the flute surgically removed.

  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372514047' post='2126666']
    Yep. Rock 'n' Roll, innit? And if it isn't, then you can justifiably twat the perpetrators. Why did they come to see your Polynesian nose flute recital in the first place if they were just going to misbehave? Arseholes. :D

    So, err... When was your last polynesian nose flute recital? :P

  7. How much difference does this make? My bass has no shielding. You access the electronics through a panel on the back, not under a scratchplate. Would it be worth fitting some? Apologies if this is the wrong thread.

  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1371027893' post='2108702']
    OK here's mine... First clip is my old death metal band doing an At the Gates cover when I was 15 with me on bass and ridiculous vocals

    and something I recorded a couple of weeks back... bit more mellow, much less hair and fortunately no vocals...

    Even if it makes you cringe now, that's actually not a bad cover. I do like the 1 audience member in the front headbanging :D
    Your music has really changed!

    [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1371032793' post='2108793']
    Sadly (more probably luckily) I haven't got any of the old late 70s early 80s tapes and I haven't seen any the former band members for over 25 years so I'll have to go wth my first recording after coming out of retirement.

    Here's the only track I can just about bear to listen to from the previous band Magic Ship that all three Jetsonics were in before a bloody coup d'etat in 2009. There's a lot of out of tune out of time awful Americana guff on that 2008 LP. This somehow made it onto the cover mount CD of Classic Rock mag though.

    Here's the title track fom the last EP we did. I'm a million times more comfortable with what we're doing now.

    Definitely an improvement. Vocalist's voice is really good on both though.

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