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Posts posted by Galilee

  1. [quote name='Phil Mann' post='256708' date='Aug 6 2008, 08:51 PM']Graduate from Jeff Berlins Players School of Music in Florida 2006, and then five years study at Basstech @ The Guitar Institute in London[/quote]

    Are you posting from the future?

    Nice CV, I wish I was you.


  2. [quote name='coasterbass' post='257246' date='Aug 7 2008, 02:38 PM']Presumably the drummer would still have to be going at a consistent speed otherwise the sample will never run at the same speed?? Mmmmm - this does sound like bad news.[/quote]

    Only way is to suck it and see I suppose. It's not a massive amount of work to setup a full track with click (especially if you already have the keyboard part), and maybe your drummer [b]will[/b] be able to play along to the click for the whole song.

    For us, the struggle was where we had a backing track that lasted the whole length of the song but was only a click in places, then big stabs of keyboard (or whatever) in other places. In that case, it's not just a keeping in time issue, it's also a making sure that you play the song exactly the same every time issue. If you throw in half a bar extra somewhere (for example), then you're shagged, because you're out of synch with an immovable backing track. Whereas, if you have a human triggering bits and pieces when required in the song [b]you're playing[/b], then you don't have to be so accurate with your real instruments.

  3. If the sample track runs all the way through the song, it's a complete pain. We've tried playing along to song-length samples and, even with a click track for the drummer, it's next to impossible to keep in time with them.

    What we do now is create smaller patches (say, up to 30 seconds) that can be triggered by a human when they're required. These are loaded into a piece of free software on the PC (forget what it's called but I can find out if you like) and triggered by a bank of midi-controlling footswitches (like [url="http://www.roland.com/PRODUCTS/en/FC-200/index.html"]this[/url]). Whoever's least busy at that point hits the switch!

  4. [quote name='bassjamm' post='255870' date='Aug 5 2008, 11:06 PM']That's how i started out i guess, not that i've progressed much beyound this.

    Having spent a lot of time..............[/quote]

    I'm not going to quote the whole thing, because I just wanted to say, what a great, inspiring post that was!

  5. I had a very odd 'audition' a couple of weeks ago. I'd studied myself half to death to get their whole set down, I had charts for every song written out and bound, in order into a ring binder, I was calm, confident and ready to play.

    Turned up at the designated Sarf-London sh*t-hole at the designated time, there was nobody there. Sat in my car, melting. People started to drift in over the next hour or so, then it emerged that their regular room was not available. Eventually we got into a room, 90 minutes after I was told that I needed to be setup and ready to go.

    I set up and started to warm up and immediately one of them came over to me, and told me I was 'too trebly'.

    That's my sound, it growls underneath and cuts through on top, said I.

    Too trebly.

    They had a new umpty track mixer desk for this rehearsal. They'd never used it before. I was repeatedly told to 'be quiet' so that they could read the manual to try to get the blasted thing working. Forty five minutes later it was ready.

    In the end, I played about three songs (I'd learned about 30) through gritted teeth, then packed up and left. And drove the one hour home without taking a breath between each swear word.

    Still, I can laugh about it now......

  6. Yup, been looking for a function band for a while now, as it seems like they're the only ones out gigging in decent venues regularly.

    'Tis a pain though, especially when they send you a massive setlist of stuff you've never played before.

    I just spent a solid two weeks of evenings woodshedding 30 Blues Brothers songs, only to get to the rehearsal to find a completely shambolic setup that I wouldn't have joined if they'd begged me (they didn't!).

  7. Make sure you wear a huge kipper tie and platform-heeled boots whilst you're sitting on the train listening to yourself play that through headphones.

    I'm willing to bet you'll get a whole double seat to yourself at least.


  8. [quote name='larrikin' post='256366' date='Aug 6 2008, 03:13 PM']There's an online metronone that I think I will play along with for now, or clap my hands to as one website says.[/quote]

    Ah, if you can play along while clapping your hands, then you clearly have ninja bass skills, and you should stop pretending you have a problem just to get our sympathy.


  9. [quote name='cheddatom' post='256273' date='Aug 6 2008, 02:00 PM']Almost as bad as your singer forgetting his songs and turning round to grab your drum sticks to stop the song because HE's so important![/quote]

    Oh good grief, how did you not kill him?

  10. Can you tap your fingers or clap your hands in time along with a song? I know plenty of people who can't do this, and it's made me think that some people just can't discern a rhythm.

    Not trying to be discouraging, just wondering.

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