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  1. 2 hours ago, Doddy said:

    I only know the weight of my F Bass because it was on the spec sheet (9lb 10oz), the rest of my basses I haven't got a 


    The only time weight has been an issue was when I was playing 3-5 sets a night, every night, with my Warwick Streamer 5 string. It started to get tiring on the shoulder when I was playing that much, but it was easily sorted with the purchase of a Gruv Gear Duo Strap. It distributed the weight over both shoulders, and took away any strain that was starting to appear.

    I seem to be in a Basschat minority, in that I'm not a huge fan of super light instruments and prefer a slightly heavier bass with a quality strap to take the weight.

    That may be because you’re in the minority of not having a completely shot back. 😉 If you have no idea of the pain that you can suffer, never mind the effect on other bodily functions, you’re very, very, very lucky. 



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  2. 5 hours ago, neepheid said:

    In the height of my Gibson pomp I was regularly playing a 12lb+ Victory Artist and RD Artist.  A wide, cushioned strap can take you a long way :)

    Not when you’ve got several prolapsed intervertebral discs it can’t. 😉


    Once upon a time I had basses that weighed 12, 13 lbs and never even noticed. Post prolapses, if I put my 10lb Wal or Alembic on both my legs went completely numb, which is why I sold them. I could have had a strap 4 feet wide and made of helium and it wouldn’t have helped. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Lozz196 said:

    It’s funny how the same instruments can vary so much in this respect, I had a 78 Precision in yellowing Oly White/Rosewood which weighed 10.5lbs, a mate of mine had the exact same bass/year of manufacture, 13.5lbs.

    That’s wood for you!

  4. On 22/05/2021 at 18:55, Marvin_ said:

    Thought I'd give an update on the short EHB. I have become less and less enamoured by the Bartolinis, a position which was confirmed when I picked up my old Hagstrom for the first time since getting the EHB and being blown away by how much better it sounded. It had more punch, and that kind of 'woody' sound that I associate with bass, where you get an inkling that the sound is coming from a metal string vibrating, not just a noise. That also highlighted some other shortcomings, so I switched to a set of D'Addario (my general string preference) Pro Steels to get some brightness, and then played around more with the EQ. I also raised the action a touch and lowered the pickups to try and get some clarity. I generally found a cut to the mids helped the sound, but this time I found that boosting the bass and treble and leaving the mids centred got a better sound, but still just muddy and woolly. Playing with a pick gets the kind of tone I wanted from fingers - with a pick it sounded decent (although not as good as the Hagstrom still).

    So, fast forward to today when a set of Aguilar DCB-D4 pickups arrived. They're technically 6 string pickups, but blades, so work well with the 5 string. LowEndLobster on YouTube did the swap with the long scale EHB1005 and there are some good comparisons on his channel. It's night and day. It genuinely makes me wonder why they chose the Bartolinis for the bass as they're clearly divisive at best. By selecting such a dull/muddy sounding pickup, it limits your market, and your tonal options so much more than the opposite surely?

    Anyway, expensive as they are, it's required I feel now I've tried them. The Nordstrands in the higher end EHBs also seem to be well liked, and to my ears sound good too (prefer the Aguilars a little - LowEndLobster did a back to back to back of the three in EHBs).


    That looks awesome. What a colour! 

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  5. On 28/07/2021 at 21:51, Obrienp said:

    What is it that you don’t like about the Bartolinis and what will the Aguilars bring that the Barts lack? The reason I ask is that I recently bought the 4 string version of this bass and I like the sound the Barts make but they have been so widely criticised that I am beginning to doubt my judgement. I kind of baulk at paying out £200 on replacement pickups on a bass that cost £800 (or £1k in the case of the 5 string). Will the Aguilars really be that much better? 

    As has been said, if you like the Barts it’s all good.

    Can’t speak for the Ibbys, but I’ve had Barts in several (very expensive) basses and the only one they worked in was my Pedulla, possibly because it was all maple, so bright in the first place. I just find Barts generally too dark. I like a big, twangy, full range tone and IME they just aren’t great for that. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Linus27 said:

    One of the bands I was in recorded our album with an amazing producer called Mark Wallace (It Bites, U2, Travis, The Primitives etc.) and we spent a couple of weeks in pre-production playing through the songs. The first thing he did was make us set all the levels of each instrument, starting with the drums. So we would play through a song starting with just the drums, then the bass would be added and he would set the volume accordingly. Then add the rhythm guitar and adjust accordingly and tweak the bass if necessary. Then the same for the lead guitar and then vocals and backing vocals. We literally slashed the volume we used to play at by half and not only was the overall sound so much clearer and dynamic, at the end of rehearsals we were so less fatigued. 

    It's something I have gone on to do in every band I have played in. It makes such a difference.

    This is something I’ve always tried to do. But then people start turning up gradually throughout the evening. 🤦‍♂️

  7. Cymbals are the worst for me, they cause me physical pain. We’re an acoustic band and the “drummer” plays a cajon, which is lovely. However a couple of years ago he decided he’d add a cymbal and hi-hat for a bit of colour. We’ve just started rehearsing again and I’m going to have to get earplugs, because it’s painful every time he hits one of them. If only he’d stuck with just the bloody cajon. I told him last week and he said whilst he’s deaf as a post (he is) he’d never heard of hearing damage causing physical pain. 🙄 

  8. I’m unfortunately aware of the fact that given Kevin first enquired a couple of months ago and had got his order in already, whereas I looked sometime in the last week and I’ve now got to wait until March next year to even consider putting in an order, God doesn’t want me to have another Jaydee.☹️😂


    A shame as I’ve had a used S1 (dodgy neck, a bit cumbersome for me), used S2 (great but too heavy), and was going to go for a new S3 next time…



  9. 56 minutes ago, kevin_lindsay said:

    I contacted them a couple of months ago, and was put on the prospective order list, with an anticipated open slot for August.


    So, now that August has arrived,  I was able yo pay my deposit. 


    The orders have been high recently,  hence the order book being full with prospective orders until next March now.

    Looks like you got in at just the right time! Congrats again!🙂

  10. 50 minutes ago, TheGreek said:

    Considering that Jaydee are considered relics from the 80s they do seem to be doing alright.


    I should never have sold my first one...

    I sold my first because it had a dodgy neck. My second went because it was too heavy. I’d love a light one with a stable neck though. 😉

  11. On 09/03/2012 at 19:55, fretmeister said:

    Don't know if we have many fans of Kyle, son of Clint on here, but I love his stuff!

    Anyway this bass:


    Apparently it's a Gibson custom shop job. No doubt hugely expensive... but, is a short / medium scale? It just doesn't look right to me!! What I mean is - I really like 32 scale basses and there aren't enough of them in the world.

    Anyone got any more info on the instrument?


    If he’s as tall as his dad it could easily be 34”.😉

  12. 8 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

    Will see John Diggins getting an influx of new orders.


    I really think the Supernatural shape lends itself to modern colours etc.


    Loved this one - apart from the logo at the side of the neck…




    Must admit I was looking at the current ordering situation, but the website says the next order spot is March ‘22 and then it’s a 16 (?) month wait…

  13. 2 hours ago, Grassie said:

    Thought that those of you of a slappy persuasion might be interested in this - pictured at Camp Bestival yesterday. Not sure if this is a permanent switch back to the Jaydees, but it's good to see it get an airing...:)May be an image of 2 people, people playing musical instruments, people standing and guitar

    He obviously knows I was watching old Level 42 live footage - all featuring the Jaydee - the day before! 

    It’s not helping my GAS for one….


    His sound with the Jaydee was so different, it was so aggressive, relatively speaking. 

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  14. Les Pauls. Love ‘em. If I had the money I’d have dozens of them. Luckily (?) I haven’t, on both counts. Rickenbacker  381s. And pretty much any nice acoustic. Don’t get me started on twin-necks……or citterns. 😁


    The only thing that worries me about retiring is that I may then have the time to learn keyboards. And that’s a rabbit hole I don’t even want to consider.😂

  15. 1 hour ago, ubit said:

    I watched a Brian Cox documentary a while back and he was deriding the fact that people always go on about saving the planet. He added that we could completely poison the planet. Kill most living things, atmosphere completely deadly and in a couple of million years Earth would recover. A new atmosphere would be formed, new life would start to break out of the seas. Basically the planet has nothing to worry about. When we say save the planet, what we should be saying is save us and the animals that live with us. The dinosaurs ruled for millions and millions of years longer than we have been here. We are just a speck in the timeline of life on this planet.

    All the people that moan about the millions being spent on space travel should realise that we have to start getting into space travel because in a few million years this planet will start to heat up as the sun expands as it enters its death throes. We are going to have to look elsewhere for a home if we want humans to carry on existing. I very much doubt the music of the Beatles will be foremost in the future humans minds!

    This is why, ever since I was a child, I’ve fallen apart at the last verse of After the Goldrush. 

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