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Everything posted by Dastill

  1. I've recently been having a clear out and after upgrading to a Line 6 Lowdown HD750 and Gallien Krueger speaker cabinets, I no longer feel the need to keep my other bass amps around, and want them to go to a better home: Yamaha 100 watt bass amp, I'm unsure of the age of this, it was the first live amp I ever bought, but it only ever left to gig one or twice, before becoming more of an extremely loud practice amp, there's a small scuff on the red front panel face of the amp, but other than that it's near perfect, it's covered in carpeting so it's alot easier to keep clean than most amps! It can produce some really nice tones and is quite a lovely little amp all round. Peavey Mark 3 head and cabinet: This 150 watt beast was my main gigging amp (although the we didn't gig all that much) with its built in eq and it's massive tonal qualities I loved this thing every second I played it, although the there is quite a large hole above the speaker meshing ( I believe the cabinet was actually a combo amp at some point...) I know it is all electrically sound after having it all checked over and PAT tested in the past (for playing a festival we had to have all our gear tested for safety.) I'd love to keep for the history but I just don't have the space. Peavey 100watt keyboard amp, I'm not so sure of the model of this amp, or it's actual age, I inherited this from a family friend, but as I have no desire to learn keyboards and it gets in my way at the minute, I like it gone out my way May also sell for the right money... Zoom B1 effects unit Ibanez GSR190 bass Washburn T14T Pro sound wireless guitar system Drop me a message for more info on anything and to get pictures Thanks Dastill
  2. I bought a pack of 24 last week on eBay for round about £3-4 I think it was, made by fender and they're really durable long lasting screws! Not like some of screws that come standard on alot of basses ( took me about an hour to manage to get the screws out if my p bass stock pickups earlier cause whoever set it up last decided to round every single bolt!)
  3. Hello fellow bassists of the world! (Or the UK even..) I'm new here and I come to seek your knowledge! So, last week I bought a cheap 2nd hand Mexican Precision Bass, on a visual basis she was almost a beaut, Lake Placid Blue (always my favourite of any coloured basses!) lovely straight neck, but she'd done a few miles over the years and needed general changes to make her perfect, this ment rust removal time! Basically meaning I changed every screw, added a mirrored pickguard and polished every inch of it, but the rust on the old fender stock pickups was eating away at me, so I spent a few days doing my research and settled on a set of EMG P's as they where more my sound and the easiest to install (or so I thought...) the solder less design made life easier for me (mainly due to lack of talent with a soldering iron!) when they arrived today I ripped through the box like a kid at Christmas, before spending sometime to sit with the wiring diagram, I put the system together and mounted it to the pickguard, and after then spending about 2 hours with a small air sander and file inside the cavity of my newly beloved bass just to make it so a 9 volt battery would fit under the huge pots of the EMG, it was finally all back together and ready to rock and roll, that is of course until I plugged it into an amp and figured out my jack input will not work when the jack is inserted all the way in! But if it's half out.. It sort of functions, and after taking it apart again, checking everything, re-reading the wiring diagram over and over again, I can still see nothing out of the ordinary, so after explaining the exact ordeal I've had today, I'm begging for one of you to actually be able to tell me what to do to solve it... Thanks guys
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