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Posts posted by inthedoghouse

  1. 10 minutes ago, Newfoundfreedom said:

    I always found this utterly ridiculous. I mean, what were they thinking? 

    It's somehow even worse with the sound off. 


    You'll never un-see this 🙂
    When I was looking for it just I found a video of Beyonce on stage and she actually brings him on for a few moments!  Seach 'fat guy single ladies'' dance on YT to see it.


  2. Just take off the scratchplate and insert the plug and look where the positive spring part of the socket touches when the plug is fully inserted.  It could be as easy as a little bit of bending of socket's contact.  Pretty much what others have said.

    If it was me I'd probably just buy another decent socket - it's such an easy and cheap fix if you have a soldering iron and even very basic skills.

  3. +1 on the ACS moulded ear protection.  I wouldn't be without it!

    +1 on Ashdown amps too.  When my TE AH500 head died I got an Ashdown 500 and I love it (with TE cabs).  I play in an originals rock band.

    Oh, and a Sansamp pedal of your choice.  I've used the BDDI for over ten years and I'm really happy with it.

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  4. I've been through this a couple of times when I really thought I'd finally given up playing bass (or guitar) after over 40 years of playing and being in bands for much of that time, including a pro band.

    For me it was a combination of pub/club gigs attendances not being what they used to be and the disappointment of latterly being in a couple of (cover) bands that simply failed to meet my expectations.  I used to check the ads on Join My Band and local FB pages several times a day sometimes, but either found nothing or timewasters.  I was thinking something along the lines of 'if this is all there is I can't be bothered' and I totally lost interest in all my lovely instruments and music in general.  As BB King sang, 'the thrill is gone'.  I suppose in some ways it was linked to depression, which I am prone to sometimes.  The final nail was my partner's cancer diagnosis late last year (she's ok now).

    But ... an oppotunity arrived out of the blue just before lockdown and I was invited to join an originals rock band with a couple of guys I've known for a long time.  We've had several rehearsals and I couldn't be happier with the style or quality of the music I'm playing now (although we are agreed the drummer could do with pulling his finger out a bit).  It's done a great deal to raise my spirits and enthusiasm with the band telling me how much better it sounds with me and they appreciate my pro attitude.

    Good luck - I hope you find something to help you along, whatever it may be.


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  5. 10 minutes ago, jacko said:

    We have Are You Ready in our setlist for the classic rock pubs. They love it. The sex on fire brigade just look blank.

    Awesome! 🙂   I was in a covers band a few years ago where I wanted to start the set with Are You Ready, but I couldn't even get it included in the set.  It was a Sex on Fire type band and I didn't stay very long.

  6. I'm totally happy with my all my gear - more or different gear isn't going to improve my sound in our band.  Having said that, there are two or three things I would like if I had the money, but I'm certainly not losing any sleep or planning and plotting ways to gather enough money.

    I think I've been cured of GAS for a few years 🙂

  7. 3 hours ago, Angel said:

    Wow, I've never seen anyone mention Grand Funk/Mel Schacher ever before! I'm actually a massive GFR fan, I bought all their albums on vinyl back in the 80s. I think that Mel is a real kick-donkey bassist, my fave moment of his being the extended bass solo on I come Tumblin which was probably quite a rare/innovative thing for a rock album back in '71.

    Glad to see that someone else here appreciates the man!

    Great!  I've never seen them mentioned on here before either.  They seemed to have slipped under the radar for some reason.  I love Mel's pumping, driving sound, especially on the live album.  I've got all the albums.  I well remember that solo on Tumblin' 🙂
    Back in the day our local-ish band who almost, and should have made it, Strife, had a bass player who was a huge influence on me - Gordon Rowley.  I'm still in touch with two of the band and their roadie although the band has long since gone.  Ssdly, Gordon has had very serious health issues for years.  They were a wonderful live band, probably not a million miles from Grand Funk in style.

    There was an extended bass solo one of their albums.  Not to everybody's taste on here though, I'm sure.



    And they usually finished with this - here's a live version.  I loved the sound he got with Orange amps and a Precision


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