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Posts posted by ossyrocks

  1. 10 hours ago, Velarian said:

    The hammer price for this was £2,300 so it looks like the dubious provenance didn’t influence the outcome.




    Quite a bargain in the end! With all the extra costs, what will the buyer end up handing over to take it home? 

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  2. I’m currently appraising my ampage. I have four amps set up on top of each other, on top of two cabs, and the aim is to decide what suits me, what to keep, and what to sell. The amps are, top to bottom, TE Elf, Bergantino Forte D, Aguilar Tone Hammer 500, Mark Bass Little Mark 3. Cabs are Barefaced One10 and Super Compact. At this point, the Elf is in no way demonstrating that it has inferior capabilities or power. Running at 4 ohms, with both cabs, it really is holding its own. This is at home mind you, but I’m not necessarily tickling these amps, I’m letting them go a bit. The stand out amp is the Bergantino, but that’s not surprising, it’s simply wonderful. But, I need to decide what to keep as a backup, and it’s a toss up between the Elf and the Aguilar at the moment.

  3. 44 minutes ago, MacDaddy said:

    Just out of interest, and I know this is not what it's made for, but what is the loudest useable volume?

    If you put it through a 4x10 could it keep up with 2 guitars and drums?

    I did gig mine a couple of months ago in a busy pub with full kit, guitar, sax and trumpet. I used a Barefaced One10, and that's it, no other reinforcement at all. I wouldn't say it was a loud gig, but it coped, and someone actually complemented me on my tone! I felt I had hit it's limit though. An additional cab would have been much better.



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  4. Now, the Forte D has arrived. This is getting interesting and complicated at the same time. 
    Here’s the heads - LM3, TH500, Forte D. Cabs - MB Traveler 102P, BF Super Compact, BF One10.

    I’m slowly going through all combinations of the above, to see how everything compares. 

    I’m not ready to say definitively what works yet, but the Forte D has upped the ante quite considerably, and it’s sooo simple to use. Also, the difference in character of each of these amps is quite pronounced. 
    I am aware that I have some serious and expensive kit here, but that is the point really, and some of it will get sold on in order to keep what works best for me. 



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  5. So, an Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 arrived today. It’s been very interesting to play it through three different cabs and compare it to the Mark Bass LM3. It is much more of a different amp to the LM3 than I expected, much different. It completely threw me at first, but I’m starting to get used to it, and appreciate its difference. 

    This exercise also highlighted the difference in tone between the Barefaced One10 and the Super Compact which I haven’t used until today. I thought the Super Compact would sound like a big One10, it doesn’t, it’s much more hifi/neutral, so I have to dial it in with the amp. More to do tomorrow, to appraise the new setup, and see what I think. It seems the LM3 has set a benchmark tone for me though, it’s just so chewy in the mids. 

    Bergantino Forte D incoming too! I’m going to be busy.



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  6. 11 hours ago, Downunderwonder said:

    Best be clear if you are the sound crew as well as the headliners. Big difference.


    This doesn't sound like an established biker rally with someone in charge of the entertainment who is engaging bands, crew, security, staging, power yada yada yada....


    Be wary or you might be showing up and they ask you where your generator is.

    Years ago a band I was in got booked to play a bike rally. Big stage, big PA, lighting rig, lots of people. We were 20 seconds into soundcheck when the power went off. They reset it, and it happened again, then again. I asked to see where they were running power from and traced a single long extension back to an outbuilding plugged into a single 13 amp socket. We got paid, but no bands played that night. Rob 

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  7. @rwillett Rob, I would say don't stress over numbers of people, or indeed flyers. Word of mouth will probably be enough. If you get 50 folk turning up it will be too busy. 20 or 30 would be ample if everyone brought two or three things to look at and talk about. 


    I've not been to a bass bash before, but I have been to guitar based small gatherings, and we had a drum kit and backline set up for timetabled jam sessions. It might be worth considering, although we'd have to convince a drummer to come along and be bored most of the day!



  8. Ahh, just seen that they have announced the dates for Ribble Valley Jazz & Blues Festival - Fri 3rd to Mon 6th May 2024. Chances are I'll be getting at least one gig at this festival. I played it this year, and now I'm two bands that could do it.



  9. 34 minutes ago, rwillett said:

    This is Clapham village hall, it is probably, in the nicest possible way, as cliche a village hall as anywhere I have ever lived. It's very clean and tidy, people take care of it and treat it with respect as it's a valuable local amenity. The Brownies and Guides use it on a Monday evening, the local IT group for senior citizens use it every month, the WI have it, there are quizes here, we have jumble sales and meetings here. I would be gobsmaked if they have ever had anybody playing bass through a large (or any) stack here :) I am going to hire it for myself and my family so I can lay out my Scaletrix in full (my kids love it, thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it). My house backs onto the village hall and as I type this I can see the entrance door through my office window. The kitchen is good and there are plenty of plates and stuff.




    We are around 25 mins from the M6 if you are coming down from Scotland. Lancaster is 45 mins away via either M6 or the backroads through Hornby and Caton. There is parking at the village hall, outside on the roads (no yellow lines in the village at all).  Leeds is 90 mins along the A65, though it depends on the number of caravans heading to the Lake District. There is a train station, Clapham North Yorkshire, which has a reliable but infrequent service, about a mile away. Skipton is 35 mins. Anybody coming from Newcastle area would probably come Penrith way, 2.5 hours (ish).


    I think we are actually getting close to enough numbers to make this viable. My company will sponsor the event, which is a dead posh way of saying, I'll pay for the day and bank it through my company so it goes against my corporate taxes, there's no VAT to claim back sadly.


    What about a Sunday in early May, rugby is over, weather a little better than now, though you can expect rain. my forecasting is that good six months out. It always rains here :)


    I can see if Promendate Music in Morecombe would be interested in coming along. It would depend on numbers. I have no relationship with them, so if somebody lives Morecombe way, and knows them well, that might help.


    Who else is in for early May and what else do we need to do?







    A Sunday in early May works for me, I'll bring everything I have, but what that is by then is anyone's guess ha ha. I'm sure there will still be Barefaced cabs and a tasty amp or three, as well as my vintage Fenders.


    I live in Morecambe, so will be able to speak to Gary at Promenade Music about it closer to the time. We'll need to decide what we're asking first.


    Thanks for offering to sort this out!



  10. 1 hour ago, OliverBlackman said:

    Is 1990 old enough to be considered vintage? It feels that way for me 😂 there’s also basses such as Wal, Ken Smith but yes all boutique stuff. Nobody wants a ‘90 Fender 

    Didn’t there used to be a definition? I recall it was 25 years, but I could be wrong. In the early 90’s I bought a 1965 Fender Deluxe Reverb. It was only 27 years old then, but it was considered vintage. I still have it! 

    On the other hand I have a 1987 MIJ Fender PB-62 Reissue. It’s a great bass, and it’s 36 years old,  but I don’t consider it as vintage! 


  11. 2 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    It is really nice and I know there’s not many around that are all original ,but I’m not sure I could part with 28K for it , I think it will sell though,

    63 years old, original , and still going strong is amazing 


    I couldn't drop that kind of money on a bass either. My recent '73 Jazz is sunburst/tort/rosewood, plays and sounds great and I love it. I could buy 7 or 8 of them for the price of this one. Also, I travelled on public transport yesterday to and from rehearsal, returning late, with it slung over my shoulder in a gig bag. I'm not sure I could wander around a city in the dark with that bass over my shoulder.


    I wonder who will buy it though, and if it will get used the way I use mine.



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  12. I’m in the market for a new amp. Eight days ago, after exchanging a couple of messages, I said I would like to buy an amp and to please send payment details so I could pay. No argument over price, full asking. After that, nothing.


    Two days ago, I messaged another seller here, also saying that I would like to buy their amp, no offers, just send me detail of how to pay. Nothing. I’ve messaged twice about it, and updated the thread to say I’ve PM’d. Basschat tells me they have visited here in the interim. 

    Is there a possibility that they are not receiving my messages? Is there something I’m not doing that I should be doing? Is there a secret blacklist of people that I’ve been added to? Is Suella Braverman an admin here? 


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