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Posts posted by jimijimmi

  1. hey..
    anyone interested in my 2005 Fender USA Precision 4 string.with hard case.
    its black with rosewood board..
    ive put on a mint green scratch plate and added the thumb rest and chrome plates..its looks amazing..

    if anyone is interested ill post pics tonight when im home...

    and looking for offers around £550

    ive added two live shots of the bass..so you can see it..but ill post some Shexy pics later

  2. [quote name='ahpook' post='623445' date='Oct 11 2009, 08:40 PM']much like you, i'm really trying to get rid of stuff at the moment, so i'm after a sale rather than a trade.

    it's a great unit - fingers crossed on your clearout.


    do you still have it?

  3. use the toilet bout 100 times..
    stretch my fingers..
    put in earplugs.
    always have my bass on my back for 20mins before the show,doesnt leave me..and i havent walked on stage without wearin it in 6 years!

    then i go to pieces ha

  4. i actually got one of these today...haha..
    i went to the store to pick up a strap...i saw a road worn in the window and thought it looked nice but i cant be arsed with Fender as i dislike them highly.
    the guy insisted i played it...i did,and f*** me was i suprised.it plays and sounds amazing...i couldnt believe it...i havent put it down..i bought it there and then.
    i didnt pay full retail and i wouldnt..but for the money i paid its worth it..not worth the £1200 mark tho..

  5. im lookin to sell one of my flight cases..

    its a top of the market Scott Dixon universal case...ideal for any fender,musicman,warwick etc...
    these cases are the balls...they are as light as a feather,so ideal for travelling..

    they are strengthend aluminum...for an advert they got an airline vehicle to drive over one with a les paul inside!!

    they retail at £250...

    yours for £150 if anyone fancies it...

    they look fantastic too.....

  6. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='551118' date='Jul 25 2009, 02:27 PM']And probably much more fulfilling to be interviewed about your own music too![/quote]

    most deffinately....its actually MY playing and MY style that was spoken about...not a 20year old record that im playing note for note!!

  7. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='551057' date='Jul 25 2009, 12:59 PM']jimijimmi -- plays with the Quireboys.[/quote]

    ive actually left the quireboys now..

    my band Raven Vandelle take up alot of my time and i couldnt give myself fully to the Qbs..and as we all know,its so much more fullfillin' to play your own music and be yourself rather than filling the boots of someone else...

  8. there's an interview with me in August's edition of the mag!!

    its one of the proudest moments of my life..i used to buy the mag as a youth!

    i was interviewed at Sheperds Bush Empire with my band www.myspace.com/ravenvandelle
    we were supporting UFO..

    hope everyone is well and enjoyin the sun-while it lasts!


  9. [quote name='cheddatom' post='549939' date='Jul 24 2009, 11:03 AM']It says in your sig you're a blackstar pedals endorsee, but I can't see any on your board?

    Also, I would get a better PSU, one that can power them all so you only have 1 plug.[/quote]

    i use blackstar in the studio and live...the board changes from time to time..the pic was taken at a time they werent on the board!

    yeah i see what youre sayin about the PSU..but i can be arsed! haha

  10. [quote name='KevB' post='537170' date='Jul 10 2009, 12:59 PM']Also, if you are not in a great hurry, a few people may change up from their std Epi's to the Epi Pro leading to a glut of std Epi's on eBay at knock down prices. Last time Pete Way toured with UFO he was using Epi T birds rather than Gibson and it sounded fine, I doubt they were modded.[/quote]

    pete's Epiphone wasnt modded...but for the last 18months hes used MY gold Tokai...ive recently got it back and its for sale if anyones interested...?

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