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Posts posted by D-L-B

  1. As the title says. Floyd Rose trem, nice action, loads of pick up options. Has some chips in the finish on the back edges and misiing the rear trem cover, as shown in the pictures. For any more details or pictures just give me a shout.

  2. I never understand peoples reluctance to make offers on things up for sale. Is it some kind of English reservedness that restricts us from possibly offending the seller with a low valuation of their goods?
    At the end of the day (I hate using that phrase), I can say a price but it's only going to be worth whatever the potential buyer wants to pay.
    Have a punt!

  3. Had only light home use for a couple of years and spent most of the past year as more of a bedside table than an amp! This is in excellent condition and has no damage or marks since it's never been gigged and only left the house when I've moved home. This is a great little combo at a steal of a price!
    Apologies for camera phone quality picture, could get better pics if anyone really needed them.

  4. It's an old beast, circa 1980, but sounds great with a plethora of tones available from it. I'd like to keep it but to avoid going to jail I'm going to have to pay my council tax sharpish so it's up for sale. (although perpetual GAS still leaves me open to offers of trades for any gear).
    She has a number of scratches and dings about the place due to her age so she isn't the prettiest of ladies.
    [b]£150 posted[/b], includes gig bag.
    Sorry about the picture quality I only had the camera phone but can get better pics if anybody needs them.


  5. When the band on before you finish don't go rushing straight onto the stage with all your gear and get in the way of them packing up. It'll really piss them off and they'll just take even longer.

    Allways try and be nice to the in-house sound man. Once you start playing you're entirely at his mercy!

    It's good to have a friend at gigs who knows your set and can communicate to the sound man about the mix while you're playing.

  6. In the video above, there's a load of noise that begins at 12:00. It instantly reminded me of a this time a guy said to me "slap bass is for pr*cks".

    They've crossed the line where it stops being musical and it becomes just using a technique for the sake of it.

    (Don't get me wrong, I like a bit of slap, I often indulge can play to a decent standard, and I like and admire these three musicians. But this reminded me of the times when I'm watching a band and I can't help but feel embarrassed for the people up there).

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