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Posts posted by Len_derby

  1. [quote name='WACOJACO' post='1375284' date='Sep 16 2011, 10:59 AM']Hi to all... great site here :)[/quote]

    Welcome, and I like your introduction. Short and sweet :)

  2. Met Tom for the first time today at Northampton services on the M1.
    I bought his beautiful Yamaha Bex semi-acoustic bass off him.

    Tom's a lovely fella and drove all the way from his plantation in the deep Thames Delta to meet up with me. :)
    He was totally honest and genuine in pointing out the (minimal) dings on the bass before I bought.

    A top guy, and a pleasure to do business with him.

    I hope your journey towards being a 'guitar god' continues well Tom.


  3. [quote name='bassman7755' post='1372015' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:57 PM']IME bands with mixed motivations dont last. I play purely for fun (as my day job pays extremely well) and was once in a function band where some of the other members of the band depended on the money. They would book far away gigs that result in me needing to take time off work that amounted to lost income for me that in a few cases was more than the entire band was getting paid - [b]it would literally have been cheeper for me to pay the bands fee to stay at home than to actually do the gig.[/b][/quote]

    Will you join my band please??? Oh, and by the way we have a very well-paying gig next week in Thurso. :)

  4. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1371944' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:12 PM']Hi all,
    He's a bloody good drummer and there's a [b]shortage of them [/b]round here.[/quote]

    That's the crux.
    But, my advice is that you try and resolve it in some way before it festers and ruins what sounds like a succesful band.
    As the old saying goes, graveyards are full of people who thought they were indispensible.
    How do the rest of the band feel about this?

  5. [quote name='Woodfinger' post='1370814' date='Sep 12 2011, 05:52 PM']Hi all,

    As you can guess I'm new here :)
    I'm 34; I've been playing bass for one year now, but I've been a drummer for many years. This helps a lot !
    I'm currently playing a Yamahe BB615 with a Markbass head and a GK cabinet.
    I mostly (try to :) ) play jazz, funk, fusion and latin stuff.
    These times I mostly listen to Uzeb/ Alain Caron, classic disco/funk stuff, some japanese artists... you've never heard of lol
    I like many others styles, including classical and some metal, hip-hop...
    Well I think as long as music grooves, it's good to listen to !

    Talk to you soon[/quote]

    Welcome, and enjoy.

  6. When my back plays up I find that if I keep moving and avoid staying in one position it helps and avoids it 'locking up'.
    So, when I'm playing I try to move around and gently flex my back and shoulders between songs. There's not always room to move though!
    I have to say that since I switched from a Behringer 2X10 (I'm sure it's made out of ex-Soviet tank components) to a Barefaced Bigone my back is much happier!

  7. [quote name='jcater' post='1268414' date='Jun 14 2011, 11:24 AM']One day maybe roundwounds will be hard to find in shops?


    I hope not.
    On my daughter's Squier 'tele' bass (seen with me in my avatar photo) flats sound too lacking in clarity. The mudbucker sounds the best with a set of rounds.

  8. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1368441' date='Sep 10 2011, 11:59 AM']Smallest audience? I've done gigs where there were more people in the band than in the audience :)[/quote]

    Years ago I went to see a jazz quartet and I was one of a sadly small crowd.
    The sax player (who was a 'cuddly' shape and no oil painting in looks) cast his eyes sadly round the room and said
    'F***ing hell, I've slept with more people than this'

  9. I've toyed with the idea of getting a headless, the reasons being shameless novelty value and also the storage/portability advantage. What other extras or characteristics do they give? I've never had the chance to play one so it's a mystery to me (like most things are :) )

  10. Smallest 10, biggest about 500.
    I try and put the same amount of effort in whatever the audience size. Otherwise it's disrespectful to those who have bothered to turn out.
    You have to put the same amount of time and work in on set-up and take-down anyway.

  11. [quote name='Toasted' post='1366707' date='Sep 8 2011, 05:29 PM']Or, just learn to play everything in standard tuning. You don't have to be in the same tuning as the guitarist.[/quote]


    It'll improve your knowledge of fingerboard/note positions no end. Plus you won't be a hostage to the whims of an alternate tuning maniac.

  12. I think the question you've got to ask yourself is 'do I want to do this?'
    If the answer is a genuine yes, then go for it.
    I have played for several years as part of a church band, often as the leader.
    We've always had a floating list of players, people come and go,and we often have to recruit and develop newcomers.
    What I've come to believe is that commitment is far more important overall than experience. (just my opinion of course). Give me keen newbie over an un-commited smartass any day.
    So, if you want to do it, if you've got the passion AND your bandmates are patient and supportive, go for it!

    If they're not able to give you the time and support you need it's probably not the one for you.

    Hope that helps

  13. [quote name='tauzero' post='1364201' date='Sep 6 2011, 03:55 PM']Gigs on Friday and Saturday night in Munich. Two of the best gigs I've ever played.

    Report on the whole thing (which is still undergoing changes) [url="http://www.thelightning.co.uk/munich.html"]here.[/url][/quote]

    Well done, that sounds like a great time. I play most of my charity fund-raisers at the local church hall. It's all of 300 metres from where I live. At least it ensures that there's one neighbour who doesn't complain about the noise. :)

  14. [quote name='ojplaysbass' post='1364175' date='Sep 6 2011, 03:33 PM']Hi i'm James - currently based in S. Wales

    I've been playing for about 15 years now - done all kinds of playing from metal tours to big bands to pop bands to jazz ensembles and sstill got a lot to learn.

    i've got some bits and bobs that i need to clear out of my garage which some of you guys might find interesting - a couple are up already but there's more lol

    other than that, thanks for having me :)[/quote]

    Welcome James. We love a garage sale.

  15. [quote name='malcolm.mcintyre' post='1363746' date='Sep 6 2011, 08:29 AM']Well the Microcube is a LOT cheaper than the PJ Briefcase, and the briefcase only does 1 hour on its battery, so I think I might go for the budget option.
    When you advise head-height, can it go on a mic stand?[/quote]

    As Mr. KiOgon says, it's a bit too heavy for safe use with a mic stand.
    But, it has got guitar-style strap pegs on the side. It comes with a rather pointless strap that's far too short but a normal guitar strap would do. That way you could play with it over your shoulder. Whenever I've played outside with it I used a handy bench or wall. You can't always be sure there will be one of those around though. You might find that for you having it at floor level is ok (perhaps with a bit of 'tilt' as well).

  16. [quote name='seashell' post='1362575' date='Sep 5 2011, 08:42 AM']Gig with my mate the ribald comedy singer (Dik) last night. My second gig ever. :)

    We were on last, after a succession of po face women and earnest young men singing songs about 'relationships'. Then Dik comes on with his unique brand of robust Brummie humour. Audience (small but perfectly formed!) loved it, and were all laughing and singing along.

    I was a bit rubbish though. Really hit by nerves again and bottled out of all the impressive bass lines I had been practising for weeks! Just stuck to the really simple stuff, and even messed that up a coule of times. The thing is no-one notices anyway as they are all listening to Dik's lyrics and having a lauch. I managed to relax when we did the very last song, cos that's when they all started singing along, so I was able to let it flow a bit more.

    Got a few compliments afterwards, which was really nice. (Including from the sound guy!) But I suspect that was because they know I'm really new to this, and also being female might have helped a bit.

    Anyway, hoping to get the chance to do it again. Dik said he though I did well, but it remains to be seen if he will invite me to gig with him a third time![/quote]

    Hey, well done for doing it again. I think it's almost certain you will have been better than last time. You know now that you can do it and will have higher expectations of yourself - not a bad thing at all.
    Accept the compliments at face-value. My experience is that soundmen in particular are almost totally B.S.-free when it comes to things like that.
    You've also found out the same thing as most of us. Unless you draw attention to it most mistakes are not spotted by the audience.
    Onwards and upwards!

  17. [quote name='malcolm.mcintyre' post='1359986' date='Sep 2 2011, 03:30 PM']One of my bands has got it into their heads that they want to go on a busking tour!! Alright for them with their bloody fiddles and guitars, but I'm going to need an amp. Is the "briefcase" the way to go, and does battery-power actually work?[/quote]

    I've got a Roland Micro Cube. Worth a look and cheaper than a Phil Jones. Acceptable sound for something of that size, plus a built in tuner, drum machine and various effect like wah, chorus and octaver. It does work on battery power, but 6 AA batteries does increase the weight noticably. I've found that when using it outdoors it does need to be as near to head height as possible to ensure you can hear it yourself.
    Worth a look, as I say, and if you're ever up near Derby come and try mine.

  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='1360378' date='Sep 2 2011, 08:40 PM']Having just bought my old and rare Ovation Bass back from the guy who Bob (Burpster) sold it to, I'd rather not consign it to Parcelforce or the like. If anyone could help, I'd be very grateful as I can't get up there for a while.



    What about a Basschater's relay?
    I'm prepared to pick it up from Nottingham and drive on for an hour or so.
    If there's anyone who could then take it all the way or the next leg we could get it to you that way.
    We could get a good thing started here boys (and girls).

    The real b***er is that I drove down to the Kent Weald a couple of weeks ago!

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