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Posts posted by ianrendall

  1. I’ve learnt a lot recently about EQ.

    You do not need to dime the bass control just because it’s a bass guitar.

    A great tone in isolation doesn’t neccesarily mean that tone will also sound good with a band. 

    Don’t be afraid of the mids. 

    It is perfectly acceptable to cut frequencies; don’t assume that boosting surrounding frequencies will have the same effect.

    The tone control on a passive bass does not need to remain fully open at all times. It can be very useful, so use it. 

  2. I’ve been at the wrong end of mild hostility before and it’s not pleasant. I do my utmost to try and diffuse the situation myself. More often than not, other BCers will also help to diffuse. Also more often than not, it’s a case of the wrong end of the stick or a simple misunderstanding. 😁

    • Like 2
  3. I actually made a short video for my uni course promoting National Guttering Day using production music. It was a music test piece for a larger 30 min project about a local body piercer and close friend. I won’t link to the main project as it’s NSFW - it is on my channel though if you want to see it - but here is the guttering video. Cringe. 


    • Haha 1
  4. I did used to love HMV. Our local one is a bit limited, especially in the jazz area where they have barely half a rack full of the usual suspects. Went to London HMV one day and they had a whole damn ROOM of jazz the size of my entire local store. I spend hundreds on CDs most of which I still haven’t listened to! 😂

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, spectoremg said:

    Slightly off topic but the government should really do something about the tax-dodging online brigade.

    And high street rental prices. Seems that landlords would rather have an empty space than reduce the rates. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 4 hours ago, GarethFlatlands said:

    Yes, I used it as a blended octave up effect with no exp pedal. Set the interval and you can turn it on/off as with any other patch on there. Maximum blend and you should be sorted. +12 is one octave up so I guess 1 = a semitone. It works in steps of 0.1 so if you've having trouble dialing in the exact interval, hold the tap switch while you turn the parameter and it should have less of a step allowing fine tuning.

    Excellent! Thank you! X

  7. Ok, so. The Line6 M5. Currently my number one choice. Just a few Q’s to anyone that has one. 

    Can it do a good ‘Birdland’ synth effect?

    I understand that the pitch shift works best with an expression pedal (which I will probably get just to use the wah). But can it also work as an ‘on/off’ effect, without expression pedal, allowing me to play a song in a different key but playing the written notes? I assume it can shift in degrees of semitones? This is an important function for me. I play in pantos a lot and a number of songs are for example ‘down 3 semitones’ or ‘up 4 semitones’ to cater to the amateur singers capabilities. I don’t need to use it as a whammy. 

  8. Just now, PJ-Bassist said:

    I got a neat little Fender Custom Shop tool kit, fits perfectly into the pocket my gig bag.

    Sadly I must have been on the naughty list as Santa didn't bring me the Hyper Luminal compressor I was hoping for 😭

    Naughty list here too. No Sadowsky in my stocking. 

  9. 17 hours ago, project_c said:

    I need that too, it’s perfect for my studio desk. Do you have a link for it? 

    (also if I buy this, will I break the rules in the ‘no bass GAS purchases in 2019’ thread?)

    I think this will keep the 2019 gas policy safe, as it could be seen as a preventative measure.

    • Like 1
  10. Ok, so. The Line6 M5. Currently my number one choice. Just a few Q’s to anyone that has one. 

    Can it do a good ‘Birdland’ synth effect?

    I understand that the pitch shift works best with an expression pedal (which I will probably get just to use the wah). But can it also work as an ‘on/off’ effect, without expression pedal, allowing me to play a song in a different key but playing the written notes? I assume it can shift in degrees of semitones? This is an important function for me. I play in pantos a lot and a number of songs are for example ‘down 3 semitones’ or ‘up 4 semitones’ to cater to the amateur singers capabilities. I don’t need to use it as a whammy. 

  11. 50 minutes ago, mingsta said:

    Go for it! Mine's a metro but the build quality is superb. I can only dream of an NYC, but as I'm not in to exotic woods and find the 9lb is fine for 2.5 hr gigs it's probably all the bass I'll ever need. 

    Likewise with the exotic woods. I am a big fan of understated excellence - I’d much rather have a Maserati than a Bugatti. I am dead set on an NYC though as it has been my dream for as long as I’ve been playing. I know the Metros are very highly regarded, but if I were to get one the GAS would still remain for an NYC. Irrational, sure, but I HAVE to do it no matter how long it takes to save up the pennies. It may be a Satin or a used NYC but I’ll get there. 

    • Like 1
  12. 23 hours ago, mingsta said:

    Excuse the crappy phone pic and the toy graveyard in the background. I have almost as many brats as I have bass guitars. 


    I bought this in 2012 off ProjectC from this good forum. Almost flipped it a few months later as I bought a Stingray 4HH around the same time and was only going to keep one. Glad I didn't, it took a while to grow on me, but is now my undisputed First Bass! 


    That is superb. Superb. Been Sadowsky gassing for 25 years, and now finally going over to NYC in 2020 to see Roger and his toys. Was always set on the J style, but my recent P bass acquisition has sent me into cahoots over a PJ Sadowsky. I much prefer the P body shape over the Verdine White satin though. 

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