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Posts posted by Dubs

  1. [quote name='Beedster' post='189879' date='May 1 2008, 06:11 PM']Anyway, with apologies to the few people who've PM'd me today with various "I can get the cash to you by carrier pigeon a pound at a time over the next 14 years" type offers, I'm now fed up good and proper so I'm going to ebay any bass items I have for sale now, purely because I've never been messed around by an ebay buyer but I'm getting messed around all the time here.[/quote]

    I've only been a member for about 5 weeks but I can definitely relate to this. It is a massive hassle and like bassmankev I've been on both sides of it and it's a massive pain in the arse. It's an issue with buying and selling through a forum, I doubt there's a way to regulate it. I guess it's a hassle that you have to put up with when selling stuff fee free.

  2. Yeah it probably better than my first impressions, even though my first impressions were pretty good. I did go with the black one and there's white lines on the edges that match my SVT-CL rig :)

    Warwick do a good aluminium flight case, I wouldn't go near that Stagg case to be honest because I've heard some very bad things about Stagg cases.

    You cannot go wrong with the Warwick case mate, trust me.

  3. [quote name='BassManKev' post='188304' date='Apr 29 2008, 06:49 PM']pickle pie n woolly mammoth are very, very different, what sound do you want?

    i dont rate the woolly mammoth, i had one, and bought another really cheap fuzz, and they sounded almost alike, VERY basic circuit

    i wholly recommend the pickle pie,. tis and imense pedal[/quote]

    yeah i know man, im not some rich kid with too much money on his hands :). ive used both (but they werent mine) a number of times and both offer different things to me. never had the time with them to properly experiment though but i enjoyed both and both do sound great.

  4. [quote name='budget bassist' post='188222' date='Apr 29 2008, 05:33 PM']Yeah i know but EBMM OHSCs retail at about £120 :) they may be good cases but i doubt they're £120 good.[/quote]

    Possibly, but for £120 you could get a solid fitted flightcase if you go looking. I wouldn't have paid that much for it if it didnt come with the bass but it is by far the best moulded plastic hard case that I've come across.

    Get yourself one of the Warwick cases :huh: @ £40 new it's a drop in the ocean when looking at the bigger picture

  5. [quote name='Galilee' post='187845' date='Apr 29 2008, 10:09 AM']Is this still for sale? Can you please let me know a ball-park price (by PM if you prefer)?



    me too please :huh:

  6. at the risk of repeating myself...

    get the SVT410-HLF and go to the gym more :) it's not like you've got to carry it that far cos it's got good casters on the back, just have to carry it over things, or up a dreaded 5 flights of stairs to play a really obscure gig where the audience is only made up of the other bloody bands...you know the ones.


    sexy 'little' rig :huh:

  7. These were taken about 6 months ago. That band is over now and no one has offered to take pics of the new one yet, but that said we're not gigging too regularly at the moment...


  8. [quote name='budget bassist' post='187730' date='Apr 29 2008, 12:51 AM']My sub didn't come with a case (bought used with a pretty hefty gig bag), hence having to buy a gator and maybe a warwick case.

    And would a 5 string toby probably not fit then? neckwise that is[/quote]

    ah, well I'd deffo recommend the fitted musicman case. The one that came with my stingray is really solid - the most solid non-flight case that I've ever owned.

    As for 5 strings; i can see it being a very tight fit. On my Warwicks it's a snug fit and those basses aren't exactly known for their wide necks.

  9. [quote name='budget bassist' post='187533' date='Apr 28 2008, 08:08 PM']Does it fit most standard sized basses like the gator case? say... a musicman... or a tobias? :)[/quote]

    Yeah it should do, can't see any reason why it wouldn't, but why would you want to put your musicman in a warwick case when it comes with its own fantastic purpose built case? It seems to be pretty versatile, it fits all my basses anyway although one thing I would say is that the neck support near the headstock is quite tight so it's a bit of a squeeze for those wider neck basses (Stingray, P-Bass etc...)

    It's a good case for the money anyway and i seriously doubt that there's anything better for £40.

    Actually - I've just realised it's the same as buzz's case...check it out ^^

    The white stripes match my Ampeg SVT rig :brow: = +6% cool factor

  10. my first pedal was a totally mental ibanez bass fuzz (PD7) and i would still be using it if it wasnt so temprimental, i think it sounds amazing

    thinking about it, i might post a thread in the repairs section to see if anyone would know how to make it more reliable

  11. The Warwick Tolex case just arrived and I've got to say that I am very impressed by it for the money it cost (approx £45 inc delivery). However, on first impressions it does seem a little cheaply made but it does fit my Warwick Thumb very nicely - much better than the Gator that I was using for it.
    I'll review it in the Reviews thread in a couple of weeks once uni is over and I've had a chance to gig it a bit and see how it stands up to a bit of abuse.

  12. [attachment=8213:DougPinn...mpeg_rig.JPG]

    ok, ok...I have to admit this isn't mine but I thought it was an impressive fix for those Ampeg junkies.

    I'm using a SVT-CL with the SVT410-HLF cab and loving it - Made in the USA that is, none of that crap from Asia

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