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Posts posted by Leen2112

  1. [quote name='he man812' timestamp='1351981264' post='1857623']

    I enjoy rock and metal particularly enjoy playing to black sabbath

    Welcome Man,

    Rock and metal all the way dude, Not sure how Sabbath would sound with some slap bass.......you should give it a go.

    Cheers Leen

  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351946451' post='1857141']
    Which interview did you read?

    Think it was in Bass player mag or similar, within the last 2 years i think, he was talking about gigging with ZPZ, He just shouted off about how he didnt take no crap off Frank and how he's the best thing since sliced sh*t, but he doesnt need to show it.......Actually I'm not too sure what he was on about but still thought.....hmmmmm he's a bit of a cock!

  3. Welcome sirenboy,

    I find myself trawling through the for sale section before i check ebay these days, good stuff here. I see you have the line 6 pod. Is it the XT Live? I've been using one for years and it's great.

    Cheers Leen.

  4. Welcome Zog,

    There are thousands of basses so it can look quite daunting but by filtering out what you don't need it'll come much clearer. My first bass was whatever i could afford and it wasnt much. But i would say, look at the style of music you want to do and how much of a budget. 4, 5 or 6 or more strings? easy! The for sale section always has good stuff.

    Cheers Leen.

  5. Hi Steve, and welcome to BC!

    We are all listening......look out for Bass tractor Bert, he'll be round to offer some nuggets of info. I use a SR1205...well I would but it was faulty so It got sent back to Ibanez, I'll stick to my trusty old Warwick for the time being.
    Good that your busy being in bands and you help save the environment....awesome job dude!!

    Cheers Leen.

  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1350936191' post='1845359']
    Hi Jair-Rohm,

    Welcome to BC.
    I too look forward to you becoming a valued member. For that to happen, you take part in the banter, share som wisdom, give us something to laugh about, send me your basses and give us all of your bank account info as well as its login codes. Simples! ;)

    Ha ha ....good one bert!

  7. Orite Jay,

    Welcome to BC. I've never tried a jazz so no idea what there like, but if you like it then its got to be good for you. If you want a laugh then look for my thread for posting your band videos....some of them are hilarious!!

    Cheers Leen.

  8. I'm really not a tech sort of guy but I do love effects. I have a line 6 live board which covers more than i could use, i also have an old....and i mean old boss board which i really use just when i change basses live. It also has a patch i created which the line 6 doesnt do. Also i use sparingly a custom taurus style bass pedal. But for all of that I stick to pretty much the same sounds, I like a bit of chorus on one and a smidge of distort on another patch and some kind of flange too. I might somertimes go for a digital delay for some nice harmonic chords....its not that much.

  9. [quote name='Gorbyrev' timestamp='1351503762' post='1851751']
    Greetings everyone! I am here to learn, but thought I would start my basschat career with a link to a thread about a bass made by the amazing Paul @ 13 Guitar Co, the extraordinary custom St Paul #4. The story goes in a familiar vein. Regularly frequenting the pages of Bass Direct I noticed a very unusual bass in the second hand section which I could not get out my head. I had to take a punt. It was my great good fortune that a guy on the Continent had bought it, loved it, but for a couple of small reasons moved it on. Have a feeling this guy has a bit more disposable than me.

    Anyway there is a community of independent British luthiers that are turning out amazing instruments for the sort of prices that medium range cookie cutter basses are being sold for. Has there been a better time to invest in a handcrafted instrument than now? I took the plunge and was delighted and if that gives any of you courage to do the same, mission accomplished. Here is the thread from Bass2bass:


    Hi there Gorbyrev, I looked and first off I must say......holy crap, what an ugly looking bass! Sorry thats maybe a bit harsh. Its almost like someone looked at a sei bass and thought......hmmmmmm. The nordstrands are excellent, i have similar in my Ibanez. Everything else looks pretty good. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it will be great for recording......not so sure about gigging with it. Anyway welcome to BC take it all with a pinch.

    Cheers Leen.

  10. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1351279190' post='1849732']
    Had a bit of a thread going about how these guys managed to do a video and make it so unspectacular in what was a pretty amazing setting. The final cut is saved by the fact that a woman with big bazookas starts shaking them about on the dance floor. She winked at me too :gas:

    And the guitarist EQ'd the sound hence the loud guitar. Apart from that... :angry:

    Note: features slapping in parts (only cos it was in the original)


    Tight as a gnats chuff!!!! Very Very decent......and what a singer, and a pair of bazookas!

  11. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351279388' post='1849737']
    That is very good indeed! I am partial to a slice of prog metal. The mix is not deep enough for me to get the full rush, I think the high pass filter may have been a little Ann Widdicombe. BUT, otherwise, it's wicked! I love the parts with the clean guitar arpeggios, LUSH. You get a very nice tone from that German Warwick Rock Bass.

    Excellent mate!

    Cheers for your comments, I'm going to have to borrow the Ann Widdicombe comment.... The Bass is a Warwick streamer standard.

  12. As the header says, show us your band video's. From dodgy phone footage to slick pro jobs, anything goes.
    I'll show you mine if you show me yours..........Ah bugger it I'll show you mine first! A bit between dodgy phone footage and slick editing here's Abandoned Stars - Beyond Reason.


  13. Hey dude, I'll be there in Glasgow. Its going to be awesome with the string section......was hoping them to play losing it (with Violin solo) but i've seen the set list and no surprise its not there. Its an excellent set all the same, even better than R30....in my opinion.

  14. [quote name='Allen Bell' timestamp='1350224019' post='1835937']
    Cheers Gary! Aye, I really should've done it properly long ago, mate!

    Orite Allen, Nice collection you have there. Where about do you use the SR506 in Maiden Scotland?

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