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Posts posted by Leen2112

  1. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1356621106' post='1911707']

    Anyone got any recommendations for people they've used?

    We've used these [url="http://www.discwizards.com/"]http://www.discwizards.com/[/url] pretty good they were too. We did a digi pack, but get good artwork as theres no point in printing cd's if they look like they were created by playschool.

  2. I had the biggest bedroom made into my music room and It was great!! The wife getting pregnant put paid to that so now I have the 2nd biggest.......I have a feeling though that when when my daughter grows up some more I'll get relegated to the small room which is so small you couldnt swing a cat, let alone a bass! However, I have my bass rack in easy reach from my stool at the pc and thats really all I need.

  3. Hey Kris,

    Welcome to Basschat dude! The way you've gone is the same way I went but a long time ago. I used to play guitar in a band but helped out a mate in his band on bass. Also I play an Ibanez with a trace!!! we must be brothers or twins or something.

    Cheers Leen.

  4. I have bi-annual hearing tests at my work and last year my hearing was down in my left ear, it wasn’t bad but enough to show up, I don't rehearse near our drummer but my trace is on a chair. That’s it the doc says, but 6 months on and my next test was done by another doc and both ears were the same. After thinking about it, it turns out that I had gone to see Tesseract in a small Glasgow club the day before that test. I do remember thinking it was probably the loudest gig ever and it had sort of temporarily dulled my hearing.

  5. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1355839966' post='1903430']

    you just had to ruin it with that last sentence, didn't you? ;)


    What are you getting at Bert!

    Anyway Mr least, welcome from one Scot to another.

  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1355839311' post='1903411']

    was thinking of pulling out the Cort Gene Simmons Axe - my preferred weapon of choice for depping in my buddy's church band.

    Think my destroyer came from my buddys satanic death metal band, not sure if they could tell by listening though!

  7. Welcome David,

    I cant tell you much about Church except I once played a destroyer guitar with the kid's choir when I was 12.........I've not been welcomed back since :lol:
    What Ibanez is it, I have the SR1205 and it's excellent.

    Cheers Leen.

  8. How about Elixir strings, there coated and claim to last 3-5 times longer........I got them with my new Ibanez and its a reg size and its not bad, more expensive though. Mainly I use rotosounds Hybrid 40-125, cheap and bright. Its all down to personal taste.


  9. Ooooofft........I could imagine what a whole room full of beginers bassists would sound like...........in fact, I don't think I could stand a room full of pro bassists jamming........Is there something as too much bass?

    Anyway, Welcome to Basschat Mr Hat!

  10. I ordered an Ibanez 1205 VNF from GuitarGuitar in Edinburgh, and when I got it home I couldnt sort the intonation. Turns out the bridge was wrongly placed! But a quick call and they took it back and ordered a new one, pretty fast turnaround. I can't help but think they should have had it set up for me picking it up in the first place though....given the price.

  11. Thanks guys, that RC looks cool as, but maybe a touch too much for what I need, I'm hauling a pile of effects anyway so another board I can do without. Thanks for the link, I'll see what I can get in the sales.


  12. Ok so,

    I've seen a few bassists and guitarists who can play something then hit a pedal and it plays back while you can play over it. I saw a guy who could layer about 5 tracks. What is this? or do I need a pile of samplers or what?

    Cheers Leen.

  13. Welcome Toby, I see you are rocking a fair few Ibanez, nice choice! As you might have seen there are threads for builds here and you could advertise in the bass players wanted thread. Whatever you do tell us about it, we're here to chat bass stuff.

    Cheers Leen.,

  14. Welcome to Basschat Jon,

    This is the place for you, noobs or not (don't listen to Bert, I heard he invented the bass guitar!)

    Its all banter or bollox,

    Cheers Leen.

  15. Welcome Mr Simple,

    Better late then never eh, I've got 2 guitars here I can almost still see poking out of that pile of dust, unlike my bass rack sporting a glistening Ibanez SR1205. Metal is where its at my friend. Get out and join/form a band It's a world of difference to recording at home.
    Enjoy the site.

    Cheers Leen.

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