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Posts posted by BassMunkee

  1. Fortunately my band is composed entirely of machines - (except me, probably) - however what may help technique-wise is this:
    Stand your bass guitar on end with the neck pointing [b]up[/b].
    Hold the neck in both hands, bracing one hand [b]slightly lower down[/b] the neck than the other.
    Swing the bass up and round your head, [b]into the back of the guitarist's[/b], ensuring that you follow through.
    Power down your swing and rest your bass [b]firmly and squarely[/b] in the small of your guitarist's back, shouting:
    [i]"How do you like them onions you poncey little oik!"[/i]
    A swift kick in the [b]happy sack[/b] is optional, but satisfying at this juncture.

  2. 3 options present themselves:
    1. cover Joey whatsisname from ManOWar and do Sting of The Bumblebee or whatever it was, if you wear the leather codpiece as well I can guarantee no one will notice any fluffing (snigger).
    2. Stick as many effects on as possible (or just fuzz the ar5e off it) that way no one will here any notes anyway.
    3. Get a hyper-long-uber-delay and by the time anyone hears any notes the gig will be over and the place will be empty and you'll be at home tucked up in bed with a Shandy and a copy of Woody Guthrie's autobiography.

    Job done.

  3. [quote]QUOTE (bottomfeed @ Aug 21 2008, 05:20 PM)
    .... Ommmmmm ... ah...wait a minute..... it's coming through now..... by the mystic power of profile viewing ... 14!?
    a mere bass playing foetus!... consider me shamed![/quote]
    [quote]Aha, cheat lol, but yh, i am currently the youngest, as far as i can tell lol
    i could also be the least experienced, gi wise, with a grand total of... 4, i believe lol
    FAIL - I have a grand total of 0 (zero) gigs under my belt...

  4. [quote name='The Funk' post='266551' date='Aug 20 2008, 07:24 PM']Prince Charles' birthday. Do you think HRH Queen Elizabeth II wangled it so that noone within the realm could take delivery of their Epiphone Thunderbird IV Gothics before her firstborn and heir (who's getting one for his birthday)?

    I smell royal conspiracy...[/quote]
    Ooh do you know, I hadn't thought of that.

    It's terrible what the royals will do, you know...poop.

  5. So I get my new Rotosound 40/100 with the nice red cottony bits on and I take my old strings off and put my new strings on...
    G: check
    D: check
    A: oops - doesn't fit in my nut, the old strings were the same gauge, so anyway I try some brute force. That's better.
    E: check
    Tuning up: check
    Bit of a play: oo-er that's a bit funky, and not in a James-Brown-Sexy-Crotch way

    So me nut's come off, pulled off by the A string d'oh.
    So anyway a bit of filing later and some super glue and we're good to go, strange though coz when I changed the strings 3 years ago or so, they fitted fine, still there we go.
    Thought I would share that.

  6. Plus:
    JFGI - Just F*****g Google It
    Owned, which is like Pwned and also ownage/pwnage
    LEET - Elite - (you may also see L33T or 1337)
    WOOT or W00T or W007 - literally: "Wow Loot" but in most forums used either sincerely or sarcastically in a similar fashion to "hooray".
    So for example:
    "W007 I just totally pwned his ar5e, I am teh 1337."

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