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Posts posted by BassMunkee

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='295631' date='Sep 30 2008, 05:01 PM']WILLY :)[/quote]
    Blimey I go away and have a life for a bit and then come back and now look, Aargh - (or whoever) - has chipped off and everyone's complaining...
    Seriously though, it seems there have been an awful toys thrown out of prams completely unnecessarily, some of you really need to chill out, it's just a thread on a forum for heaven's sake.
    I wrote a ranty thing, which wasn't entirely serious, and then a - I thought - rather eloquent defence, TBBC and Mr Dude have a chuckle about trainers and you all think we're 12!
    Good grief... :huh:

  2. [quote]Not meant to insult BM and definitely heavy handed. I should really have just not responded to the debate as I have heard so much on this issue before and just get tired of certain individuals inability to give credit where credit is due. I think there is a big difference between not liking something and undermining it's validity in the eyes of others
    I will desist in future.

    As for calling me a cockface, thats fine.[/quote]
    And you're not a cockface.

    Can we all just be friends now?

  3. [quote]It was out of context? Could have fooled me! The fact is these absurd hysterical rantings are just that.[/quote]
    Absolutely, in the sense that my original post was written in what should have been an obviously OTT manner. 53 string bass? 4 million year old swamp wood? the use of the word "egregious"...?
    I mean really, if I'd resorted to using the word f**k a lot and calling everyone dum shits [sic] and accusing them of being envious then I could understand it...

  4. I can't believe that this is getting out of hand the way it is.
    Look, I love all sorts of music - (and I can't believe, either, that I should feel the need to justify myself on teh inertnetz) - I don't like jazz but more specifically I'm not a fan of musical w*nkery that involves having to listen to someone wearing bad slacks knock one off over the thumb for his own onanistic self-edification.
    I'm not in the least bit jealous of him or anyone else and arguing that I am is specious on your part, to be honest.
    He, you, and anyone else are quite welcome to play and make whatever you feel will make your life worthwhile, just the same as I am perfectly entitled to make darkly ambient whifflings that do nothing for 6 minutes.
    As far as I was aware there was no law against expressing - however verbosely - an opinion.
    As it happens I actually appreciated a fair amount of what he had to say in the interview, BUT I don't like his music, I am not impressed by the talents of the section of the bass-playing fraternity that he represents and beyond anything more than at a purely humourous level I don't care what he wears or how he looks.
    It seems to me there is a degree of sacred-cowesque snobbery underlying the - and let's be honest here - rather puerile accusations of jealousy and technical ineptitude, albeit in the latter case by implication, and so forth. The fact that I don't like bass guitars with more than 5 strings is not because I lack the technical ability to play them, it's simply that I, BassMunkee, don't like them - I don't see the need for them. I understand them, but I still don't see the point. I think there is a lot you can do with 4 strings and some judicious firkling.
    Am I right or wrong? Does it really matter? It's an internet forum, get over it.
    The one thing we all are is interested in music, in whatever form that interest expresses itself.
    Some of us are more forthright about our opinions than others, JB likes to call people Dum Shits [sic], I like to use proper words - a lot, particularly if I think they sound amusing, and yes you are absolutely correct in what you think that says about me, and, yeah, I'm really insulted.
    So is that clear enough?

    Oh and Ped you quoted what I said out of context, it was written for effect hence the deliberate misspelling, but never mind.

    Oh and I called JB a c*ckface deliberately because he seemed to feel it was ok to resort to insults - (again for effect hence the smiley - see what I did there?), but it's interesting that what I said was picked up on...

  5. [quote]What I find unendingly amusing about this is that the people on either side of the debate seem to have never ending reserves for thinking that their view is the right one.
    You are all dum shits if you don't realise it's a variety of music that makes the whole picture, you are not required to like it all. I like lots of music but don't really dig opera, I don't however, go around calling in to question the integrity of the form and it's patrons based on what they wear, how they present themselves, or what they do in their pyjamas.
    Have a view fine but for f***s sake stop with the one sided hystrionics and let others get on with what they enjoy.
    I'm f***ing bored of this now.

    BBC, Bassmunkee, Budget Bassist. the tone of your rancour suggests nothing other than caveman like envy.[/quote]

    Reread your post and then consider your comment about histrionics - (that's HISTRIONICS, with an "I").
    [quote]I'm f***ing bored of this now.[/quote]
    I've never read a post of yours before now but I'm f*cking bored of you already, so I guess we're all square.
    C*ckface. :)

  6. [quote]Why do accomplished musicians always feel the need to play overly technical horse sh*t?

    That's why the only people who have heard if Jeff Berlin are other musos that sit around stroking their chin to his noise.[/quote]
    +1 to that.
    And - though ironically not in this case - why is it that the more accomplished you are the more you seem to feel the need to bang about on 53-stringed basses made entirely of 4 million-year-old swampwood, and spend your entire time in some hideously chin-stroking jazz/blues band, an appalling MOR/AOR/some kind of Hootie and The Blowfish style alt-rock conglomerate, or mashing out some egregiously OTT chopping, papping and slopping [sic] whilst looking either a) horribly smug or :) intolerably pious.
    You're not impressing anyone! (well, you're not impressing me, at any rate)...
    And, before anybody says it - I can play the bass guitar, and my opinion is not the result of any perceived jealousy or comparative p3n1s-envy on my part.
    Man I am feisty this morning. gerrrrr...

  7. [quote]Not sure i understand that any Bass player can not like Abe.[/quote]
    :) :huh:
    It's terrible, I shall have a stern word with myself when I get home, and spend the rest of the evening mastering some funky chops and jazz/blues motifs just to make up for my obvious shortcomings in the the "Not Liking All The Staple Bass Players And\Or Bass Standards." department.

  8. [quote]QUOTE (BassMunkee @ Sep 29 2008, 09:31 AM)
    I don't give a monkey's what band Macca was in to be honest, yeah "Strawberry Fields" was a good track and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is a cracker but that was then and everything he's done since then is gash IMHO.

    It's funny that you pick out tracks penned by Lennon and Harrison...[/quote]
    Exactly. :)

  9. I don't give a monkey's what band Macca was in to be honest, yeah "Strawberry Fields" was a good track and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is a cracker but that was then and everything he's done since then is gash IMHO. I wouldn't wanna drink with him because the thought of having to spend an evening staring at that saggy shopping bag of a face whilst he witters on about "The Frog Chorus" would result in my death from Alcohol poisoning in fairly short order.

    Jeff Berlin is a jazz player which quite frankly makes me want to wretch and at the very least hammer a nail into my sternum and then hang a sign from it saying "This is What I Have Done To Myself, Think What I will Do To You If You Hit Me With A Cheeky Little Run And Then Push The Drummer Down The Stairs." But that said I was interested in what he had to say, I thought his opinions were very agreeable and I enjoyed, enormously, the fact that he's quite prepared to speak his mind. I also very much liked his views on basses with > 4 strings. Still wouldn't want a pint with him though but there isn't a "neither" option and all things considered he is perhaps a little easier on the eye inasmuch as I wouldn't have to squint to bring him into focus, which is ironic because if he wasn't wearing glasses he would need to,to bring me into focus.

    Aaaanyhooo; I would have a pint with Jeff Caxide, Peter Hook, Lemmy, and Justin Broadrick.

  10. [quote]I had an e-mail from a dutch customer, and it said it came from "Fantasy Coons". Can someone translate it please because I feel really racist every time I laugh at them and probably wouldn't if I knew what it was.[/quote]
    Sounds like the name of a well dodgy website...

  11. [indent]So I made a video for the Dark Ambient track: Spirit Machine.
    Here: [url="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1247034462001517872"]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1247034462001517872[/url]
    It's 10 minutes and 40 seconds (ish) long.
    Feedback welcome.[/indent]

  12. Seems to me it's a bit like being a film director, Stephen Spielberg doesn't make his films, lots of other people make his films, he pulls it together and decides what goes where and so on and so forth - (VERY simply).
    I guess being a producer in music is like that...
    ...or something.

  13. [quote]RASTA:
    Gwan play dem reggae dub riddim wid tone....cha bumbaclot = No tone fe sure.. for me it's just phat belly gully slinking resonance through a giant sound system...there's a lot to be said for just a note thats very loud and very bassy indeed....apparently the earth resonates in Eb-thats just one note - Don't get me wrong i love 'Portrait of Tracy' (thats lots of notes) with tone, but there is a lot to be said for just the bass, big dub tents aka jah Shaka, a Jazz or precision with tone rolled off and a natural smoke machine and 1000's of festinutters-pure and obese bass tone...they're grrrrreeeattt! Irie

    What am i talking about-try a SUBDUB night (Iration Steppaz)-footlong with reggae reggae bass food Sauce in Leeds![/quote]
    I officially love this post. :)

  14. [quote]Budget Bassist
    HUGE pedal boards, all you'll really ever need is a tuner and compressor and occasionally a fuzz and wah unless you're im some crazy prog band (damn that actually sounds rather good!)[/quote]
    Nothing wrong with lots of pedals provided you use them properly, tbh saying "all you'll ever need is..." is a *little* old fashioned. You need whatever you need to play in the style that you play in.
    Anyway I like effects.

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