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Posts posted by dougal

  1. My ex was a Carvin XB75: 35.25" scale length.

    No 'standard' strings were long enough as she was strung through her body and the B string used to cross the nut after it'd started to taper back to the core.

    I used to string her with the extra long elixirs: not to everyone's taste, and quite expensive, but if you want 'bright' they've got it...

  2. Yes. This is the made in Korea model.

    One of these:

    In Active, with: Volume (passive pull), Balance, Bass, Treble (Stacked) control knobs

    I have the s/n which you can plug in at the Warwick site to get exact details on the model: I'll amend this post this evening with the details.

  3. Quick question: one of my basses needs a new nut. I haven't done much luthier-ish work since I left the states, where I would always order from [url="http://www.stewmac.com/"]Stew Mac[/url].

    What's the UK equivalent?

    I need nut blanks and files.

  4. [quote name='thumbo' post='1245427' date='May 26 2011, 11:58 AM']My girlfriend takes the piss out of me for only reading biographies about musicians with drug problems, but on that note, Motley Crue - The Dirt, The Nikki Sixx Heroin Diaries and Slash autobiographies make for great reading.[/quote]

    How [b]could [/b]you leave out:


    Also excellent read.

    I've got Keith's autobiography on my bedside table that I keep meaning to start too.

  5. I received this in a trade a couple of months back.

    There's nothing wrong with it apart form the lack of frets: I thought I could get on with it, but it would appear I'm not a fretless player!

    It comes with the original strap locks, bag, manual etcetera.

    It has a lovely warwick growl, which works well with the fretless mwah.

    Asking for £475 + shipping. I'd really prefer local pickup as it's only in a padded case, but I will pack it carefully if required.

    I'm open to trades; something similar with frets would do nicely. I can add or receive cash for the right deal.

  6. *** SOLD ***

    I think we all know what these are & what they do. They go for £200 on Thomann.

    Fully functional. It's been housed in a pedalboard all of it's life, which means the rubber feet were sacrificed for velcro. The velcro is off it, but it doesn't have it's feet.

    Not boxed & no manual: I'll have a hunt for it.

    £SOLD - Collection available from Egham, Surrey, or I'll post @ buyer's expense (probably only a couple of quid).

  7. I'm surprised no-one's mentioned "[url="http://renegademinds.com/Products/GuitarDrumTrainer/tabid/65/Default.aspx"]Guitar Drum Trainer[/url]":

    Since I migrated to OSX I've stopped using it, but it was always my favourite looper / slower downer / EQ for learning songs. (I'm now using "amazing slow downer" which isn't nearly as good)

    +1 for Guitar Pro. I think TuxGuitar does the same thing for free, but being able to isolate difficult bass lines, loop them at 50% speed & then make them gradually get faster is a godsend. (Requires accurate gpx files which aren't always easy to find) I've also used it to program in the piano parts for my grade pieces on double bass.

    I'm glad there are Reaper fans out there: I could never get it working properly on my PC, all sorts of latency issues & it would lock inexplicably. I'm sure it was particular to my hardware / software combination, as I'm the only one I know who had problems.

    I'm using Logic now, which I'm now used to. This is my third DAW (used guitar trax 2 & sonar previously) and I'm not sure I'm enough of a a power user to actually be able to differentiate between them. Not being able to use standard VST plug-ins is a pain, but I can't being myself to shell out the money or time to learn yet another interface!

    Oh, and metronomeonline.com gets an honourable mention. I've used that a lot too.

  8. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1238985' date='May 21 2011, 09:02 AM']Sometimes a high end bass arrives eventually (they usually take ages to build) but it doesn't quite hit the spot... you need to understand very clearly what you like in a bass before you order. A highly personalized bass might not resell for as much as you paid if you decide you really don't like it.

    But if you get it right it might be the only bass you ever play.

    Buying a few cheaper basses and tinkering might be more fun in the long run, plus I've never found just one bass that covers everything I want to play.[/quote]


    Was bitten by that one. I'm only going off the shelf from now on. Plus they retain their value better.

  9. +1 for the "can sight read well on upright, playing classical / show tunes and did grade 5 theory but doesn't read nearly so well on electric."

    +1 for theory & reading are important but so is groove: I memorise everything for the functions band (most pop / rock songs are repetitive enough, and my interpritation lax enough, to be memorised).

    Interestingly I think there are further sub-divisions of "theory", with different empasies (?sp?) on what's important: modes & scales that to a jazz cat are indispensible, are unlikely to turn up in a classical theory exam, whilst writing a Eb melodic minor scale in alto clef using accidentals only is of no practicable use, but you are trained do it for the classical exams.

  10. "[20 minutes of high speed bass talk in public]"

    ...and this is why basschat sales are so much more enjoyable than e-bay.

    Three or four times I've had 'chatter 'round my place, picking up the item of equipment in question, but then playing every one of my basses, shooting the breeze, having a cup of tea.

  11. [quote name='Graham56' post='1214792' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:41 PM']My custom-fitted earplugs. They work brilliantly and make the gigs much more enjoyable. I don't go home with ringing ears any more - and it means I'll be able to carry on doing this for years to come.[/quote]


    [quote name='chris_b' post='1214815' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:00 PM']My moulded ER15 ear plugs. Without them I'd have had to quit 5 years ago.[/quote]


    [quote name='martindupras' post='1215465' date='Apr 30 2011, 02:00 AM']For me, it has to be my Etymotic ER9 ear plugs. (I saw that two others also put that as their choice.)

    I would like to put a honorable mention for my Sonic Research ST-200 pedal tuner.[/quote]


    Be a tough call, but I'd always choose to play in tune & not damage my ears.

    So custom fitter ER15s + honourable mention to the trusty BOSS TU-2.

  12. I've thought about either a YOB from 1974 or a custom job for my 40th birthday: gives me some time to save up.

    I don't think '74 was a stunning year for basses, so I'd probably aim for a Precision or Ricky if I went that route. I'm leaning towards a USA Sadowsky custom build though: I don't have enough room to have another bass I don't feel I can sell for sentimental reasons.

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