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Posts posted by Musky

  1. What you're measuring there is the coils' DC resistance. The speakers will most likely have a nominal impedance of 16 and 8 ohms respectively, giving the cab a 5.33 ohm impedance. It also means the 16 ohm speaker will be getting [s]twice[/s] half as much power as the 8 ohm, which isn't really ideal.

    Personally I'm beginning to think this cab isn't worth dropping much more cash on if you're planning on using it in a band situation.

    [Edited to get things the right way round!]

  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1395417742' post='2402254']
    maybe try listening to the tune and sing along what you would play as a bass line and then develope your root notes into that line
    [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1395418341' post='2402263']
    I find that my best lines come from the head rather than the hands. What I mean is I sing a bass line first and then duplicate it on the bass. That way I'm not limited by my technique and sometimes have to work at playing what I can create in my head - so it pushes me to improve technique.
    This would be my approach in your situation. Step away from the bass and use your imagination - you may be surprised at the patterns you're playing when you've got the bass in your hands.

  3. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1395095966' post='2398765']
    That would be me! Closed cell foam for a fiver from ebay, cut with a stanley knife and holes made by hand using a large drillbit.
    That's the ticket.

    I'm ripping off your idea should I ever need something 'twixt amp and cab. :)

  4. I take it you probably don't want me to do that layout diagram then? I did actually get halfway through it, thought I'd finish it off the next day but in the intervening period managed to sever a nerve in my right index finger. Which kind of put a damper on anything that involved using a pen. :rolleyes:

  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1394687710' post='2394022']
    I don't recognise this model at all. What is it?


    Edit: It's an ET280, from 1970-75. [url="http://epiphonewiki.com/index.php/ET-Series_Basses"]http://epiphonewiki....T-Series_Basses[/url]

    Said to be made in the Matsumoku plant in Japan.

    Is this some kind of collector's item?

    Edit2: "Bottom of the line bass" "Crap - the bass that ruined Epiphone for many years". [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/epiphone-et-280-any-good-597573/"]http://www.talkbass....ny-good-597573/[/url]

    Old and funky though.

    Looking at the pictures, the ET280 looks like 60s rubbish. But by the time of the ET288 it looks as if Matsumoku was finding its mojo.
    On the other hand the next post down is a bit more positive - http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/epiphone-et-280-any-good-597573/#post8214624 :)

    And it's still strung with nylon tapewounds. ;)

  6. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1394575639' post='2393008']
    Not sure about this bit. I paired by MiBass up to a single Mi12 8 Ohm cab the other day, to see if I could get away with using just one instead of two. I tweaked my bass and the amp gain and volume knob to give me as much volume as I could possibly get out of it. I thought wasn't quite loud enough. Then, I stick a Line 6 X3 in front of it - and I get more volume. It sounded noticeably louder with the X3 ..... or let's call that a preamp .... in front of it.

    This does not tally with some of the OP's comments.

    PS: Turns out, when I got to the gig, the guitarist and drummer told me to turn waaaay down. It's amazing how carried away you get at home.
    Ashdown's previous class D range, the Little Giants, were reputed to have quite a low output from the preamp, which could be raised by adding in a booster in the effects loop. So if the Mi's power amp isn't receiving a high enough input to make maximum power...

    Just a thought. :)

  7. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1394365434' post='2390638']
    You don't see many of these about, even though they've been available for a while - one of the Czech made 4004 copies. Personally I think it would look nicer without the fancy facing.

    Wow, that ended up selling with just a single bid - £160!

  8. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1394438987' post='2391223']
    Simple explanation - a one-off custom for an ambidextrous guitar player. Play bass right handed, flip it over (presumably a la ZZ Top) and play geetar left-handed. Can't imagine why no-one has thought of it before...

    Just given me an idea - have a 3 necked guitar, bass, fret-less bass, 6 string, radiating out like an aircraft propeller. Spin it round to the one you want to use next.


  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1394372439' post='2390743']
    The red Grolsch ones are excellent but I don't use them because (yes this is very sad) they're a bit too.... well... red! I use one of the Dunlop ones on one of my basses which took FOREVER to put on, and the rest are all 'naked'. I'd love to find out where to get some black ones without paying far too much for some that say 'Fender' on them :lol:

  10. There was the SWR amplite, but that never seemed to take off. Demeter do the Minnie as well. It seems a little odd there aren't more of these things about, but then dedicated bass power amps in general are a little thin on the ground. There's obviously more choice for pro sound stuff but they're usually looking for 19" rack mounted equipment.

    I'd just stick with what you have. :)

  11. You don't see many of these about, even though they've been available for a while - one of the Czech made 4004 copies. Personally I think it would look nicer without the fancy facing.

  12. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1394265038' post='2389621']
    If your using the head correctly it shouldnt fail, yes sometimes s@&t happens but just saying plugging into a 4 ohm will shorten the life of the amp ( this is what he was saying) is a point that doesnt need to be made
    Heat will shorten the life of an amplifier - this isn't scaremongering or something that isn't of any concern to the users of electrical equipment. It's often quoted in electrical engineering circles that a 10C increase in operating temperature will result in a doubling of the failure rate.

    However a few things need to be borne in mind. Simply running an amp at 4 ohms will not necessarily result in an increase in operating temperature - it will depend on how the amp is used. And of course amps have cooling features built in, some better than others that might go some way to overcoming heat build up. The failure rate of an amp may double with increased temperature, but if you have a failure rate of 0.1% to start with a 0.2% rate may be something you could live with. On the other hand any owner of an Ashdown Superfly will be able to describe how heat build up in an amp affects reliability.

    So it's just not true that this is something that affects nobody and is of no concern to a gigging player: it's more a case that there are a lot of variables going on, including expectations of a 'reasonable lifetime'.

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