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Posts posted by blablas

  1. The process is dirt simple and does not take a lot of time to do, that's why like it so much. :)

    In principle all the sanding must be done before oiling, most of the time I go up to grain 600 and sometimes when I want just I bit more shininess, like on a fingerboard for instance, I go up to grain 1000.

    When everything is oiled and the oil has had proper time to dry l will also apply a hard wax, just for extra protection and that bit of extra zing to the shininess.

  2. Rustins Danish oil ,no oil sanding, I don't want to fill the wood and still like to feel the wood grain after oiling.
    I just wipe it on with a paper towel, wait five(ish) minutes and rub it out again with a paper towel (I use several before I'm satisfied with this rubbing), wait four hours and repeat this process until I'm happy with the result, most of the time five or six coats will give the above result.

  3. And finished the (hopefully) final 'nit pick' session yesterday evening.
    Straightened the alignment of the bridge.
    At first I didn't really notice it was mounted crooked but with the placement of the bridge pickup I immediately saw something was out of line, either the pickup or the bridge (of course it was the bridge :biggrin: , not my pickup placement),
    The more I looked at it the more crooked it seemed! Decided to fill the existing screw holes and after that mounted the bridge on straight.

    • Thanks 1
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