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Mr Fretbuzz

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Posts posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. I've kept that link thanks but all I've bought are shop cables so far... The last was a retro looking Fender Custom Shop cable in the smallest length I could find as I'm told that the smaller cable you can get away with the better the signal. One thing that I've been thinking about though is that i used to get gold plated connections for my tv surround/ play station etc.... Not seen any gold plated bass ones in the shops... How come as I thought you'd get a better signal etc with them ?..

  2. I visited Denmark Street a few months back and I was disappointed with the shops I went into but it was late and some had shut already. I was looking to try a hagstrom Viking but couldn't find one anywhere :-( I did get chance to hear a guy on an ashdown 300 combo but he was paying a fake rockmeister or something very dissimilar to a Rickie and it sounded pants :-(

  3. As a newbie I use tab combined with the notation above to see what kind of note it is but as I haven't learned every note on the fretboard as yet I'd be fairly lost. I could work out the name of the note eg all cows eat grass.. But if I did that and worked out what string to use, the song would have finished before I pressed the first fret :-(.

    Trying to hit every note on time in a song is taking me weeks and weeks of practice... In fact I've only been able to nail one song of five in Rockschool Grade 3 so far in about 2 months:-( ..it's on utube...... Without TAB it would take even longer

    I've always wanted to play an instrument and TAB is giving me that chance........ I spend more hours reading music, books, listening to book CDs , and looking at utube than I do holding my Bass :-(. Stuff like the circle of fifths, inner circle, inverted arpeggios, complex weird chords is really complex to grasp and I've got a first class honours degree but at least with TAB, after beating myself up with the inability to understand all that stuff... I can play a few notes and make something very loosely described as music :-)

  4. Funny enough I can see the frets he is playing better with the glove .... Got to admire Scott for playing through the problem ...... I get Marlow as well but as his hands hardly move, I can never figure out the frets he is playing :-(. Scott helps by naming the notes, frets so I'll take a look at all his vids.... Didn't know that you could do dead notes on three strings and the notes would sound different until yesterday..... Lots of stuff in Scott's vids that I've not come across in numerous books :-)

  5. [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1342626354' post='1738175']

    Scott is a great guy and educator. Helped me with scale substitutions...

    Ace, thanks for that ..lbeen watching some of Scott's vids on ibiza hotel free Internet and just registered too.... Learned loads in the last few hours :-)

  6. I guess he couldn't tell you because they send the result out 2 weeks after the exam but sounds like he was giving you the heads up :-)

    My 10 year old didn't have a clue with his Drums Grade 2 until the certificate came through with 81% on the marking paper.

    I agree they ought to tell you there and then..... Everyone knows what the pass rates are and he knows what he's given you WTF

  7. [quote name='BassMan94' timestamp='1342071155' post='1728979']
    Love to hear how it goes , I'll be taking a jump to grade 8 in the coming months. It's just the ear test and improvisation bits that baffle me :blink:

    Yep that's the same for me as I'm doing grade 3 without any help .... just from the book and cd :-(. I guess concentrate on the pieces to get most of the marks and the other stuff is gravy :-)

  8. I've got lots of books in most styles and techniques but the best for e has been Bass Guitar for Dummies, ..but yesterday I got stuff good bass players should know by Glenn Letsch..aloof it is complex stuff but there is a lot of stuff in there of use I'd never heard of or read about before :-)

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