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Posts posted by Zenitram

  1. Out of curiosity, what else would a luthier do for intonation other than what you have described above? Or do you mean they'd do it in a more expert way, taking saddle height and the truss rod and all the rest into account at the same time?

  2. I find Reaper hard to get my head round, it seems rather counter-intuitive to me. With a poor help section (that others say is great, so it must just be me).

    I'm used to Logic Audio (a very old PC version), so that might be it. Or not. I had trouble with Cubase back in the day as well.

    However, Reaper is free, and for free it is absolutely amazing.

  3. I was about to say, and this is coming from someone with no knowledge of anything at all and very much a beginner on bass, wouldn't it be easier to learn what notes are in the chords you want to play (or what chords are formed by the notes you want to play), and then just putting your fingers on those notes? Is that not how one usually learns with bass?

  4. My cat runs away if I so much as look at my normal bass, but tolerates me playing my fretted electric upright. He also enjoys walking up and down my synth keyboard, and particularly likes sitting and falling asleep on a fairly large mixer with loads of really uncomfortable knobs.

  5. I wouldn't want a curry; a convivial drink is much more sociable. If the weather's nice, outside the Royal Festival Hall can be a nice place to sit and sip and chat. I can think of central pubs with outsidey bits, but they tend to be standy uppy outsidey bits.

    Edit: a picnic is actually a really good idea -- it would certainly be a lot cheaper if we're doing some solid drinking. It would make the sex a lot easier as well.

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