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Posts posted by Zenitram

  1. What type of music do you intend to play with it? As in, rock, metal, plinky plonky jazz, Motown, etc.

    Will you be playing on your own or forming a band? Will you be moving the amp around from your bedroom to the rehearsal place, then back home, then back out to the car again, etc.?

    Where in the world are you?

    I'm very much still a beginner, but I would suggest four rather than five strings, and buying second hand from here. There are some absolutely crazy good bargains. And you get gear with a bit of soul.

  2. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1355475746' post='1898754']
    £600 and I got it......... not sure how that was confiusing.[/quote]

    It was because you didn't mention what bass it was, and a random leap from 150 to 600 quid seemed odd.

    Oh no hang on, I wasn't paying attention, as you did mention the bass, but not the make.

    Or is a "68 jazz bass" very clearly going to be a fabulously expensive Fender. I'm not very up on bass heritage.

    Sorry. I'm an idiot, either way.

    And I don't know what V and R is.

  3. From a drummer's point of view, they have (the good ones, anyway) round-robin sample playback, so each snare hit is actually a different recording of a stick hitting the batter. This prevents the effect known as machine gunning, of exactly the same sound being spat out each time, rat-a-tat. Beats sound more natural as a result. Given that there can be, oh I don't know, maybe ten different velocity level recordings, and maybe six round-robin samples for each, that's.... er... 60 samples being available and used for one snare drum.

    The rest is user interface, ease of use, etc.

    I have made those figures up but I don't think I'm very far off.

  4. This makes me think about offering a service to people here to provide some live drumming to their tracks... a sort of long-distance collaboration. Or something. No doubt it's been done before.

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