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Posts posted by Ashwood1985

  1. Bought a SR1000 fretless from David and he was great,

    Easy to communicate with, swift dispatch, extreme care taken in packing the bass up safely and was also helpful with an after sale query I had regarding the bass.

    Would not hesitate to recommend dealings with the gentleman.

  2. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1343741198' post='1754429']
    When you listen to some isolated bass tracks from records you love the bass sounds are often a lot noisier than you'd heard with the other instruments on top.

    4 sure!

  3. I had Martin at the Gallery set my wick up pretty low:

    B > 2mm
    E 2mm
    G < 1.5mm

    Plays beautifully and does buzz when I choose to dig in but you know what?... Isn't that part of the instrument? to be used? I love digging into the G string to get a nice aggressive, poppy Staccato note. I should note that I'm by no means a 'thashy' player in which case it would probably need to come up quite a bit. But it gets me thinking: Do sax players try to avoid reed buzz wherever possible when the rest of us thinks it sounds great? I've recently started to re-evaluate the way I think about buzz and fret noise and have come to the current understanding that the right set up is the one that gives you control to manipulate the instrument to get the nuances you want out of it: from crystal clear, clean chords droning away in the higher registers to a thunderously buzzing finger of doom sending an open B to the depts of oblivion (as long as you are choosing to make these sounds somewhere in you) of course, when buzz and fret noise are happening with a mind of their own and wont go away, or when you feel like your hand's walking on telephone wires however, then your axe definitely needs some tlc.

    Apologise if I got carried away. :rolleyes: I probably meant to stop about 10 words after the measurements.

  4. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1341172136' post='1714730']

    What do you reckon the action is like on that bad boy?

    That. Is. Abuse. (Poor Thing) :unsure:

  5. Man I dream of the day I have a large shed or garage with a big chunky padlock that only has one key where I can for once in my life buy a tool, put it somewhere, come back two weeks later and just frikkin find it there!!!!!!! :angry:

    (I loved that screwdriver!) *sigh*

  6. Hmmm sometimes I think I really must set a rule that I have a clear and defined reason to jump onto BC!

    Got a couple of jazzes (MIM and silver series squire), my trusty streamer and my fretless SR which between them, being perfectly honest with myself, pretty much cover my bases, but you guys with your loved up tones for the Ps are making me feel a build up of gaSSS. (please not again!) there must be some special magic bassworld remmies for this! would suggest watching YouTube vide of James J to remind oneself of the magic that can happen when devoted to one bass. But I think in this particular scenario that would be a VERY bad idea for me considering his bass of choice :-/

  7. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1343235336' post='1747559']
    I think its a pretty good price. The latest German made Warwicks are SILLY money.

    I agree: I've pinned after a top spec Warwick since my teens and this axe has delivered on my long held expectations. Thanks again for your views guys.

    Btw: if anyone is considering replacing their MEC pre with an Aguilar I highly recommend if your finding the treble and bass freq points a bit high. Ive found the op3 has a killer bass end and a very usable and not too harsh top. Overall a more solid sound, and with the switchable mid freq you got tone options galor.

  8. Aright Geezers,

    Thanks a bunch for the thoughts and opinions. I know that it is a common feeling that people have and if I'm honest; would I still buy the bass? damn straight! What attracted me to the $$ is the genuine variety of PUP tones you can dial in as well as the smooth playability on this particular one.

    Thanks for taking the time to bolster the positive feelings I hold about it and somewhat dispel the doubt. Will continue to enjoy with a clear conscience (I just wont let the wife see this thread! - they never understand do they!?)

    [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1343200589' post='1746773']
    Did you get that from the Bass Merchant?

    No. I wasn't going to mention the store in risk of my post being received by anyone as a complaint about a store that I rate and respect very highly but I will for the following reasons: Unlike a fella sitting at home posting his own property for sale on the forums, the store does of course have central london rent and rates, not to mention staffing costs and they provide a service that is a complete one off for central london: a huge collection of absolutely storming basses to get your mits on and try, not to mention a top luthier to work on your purchase if necessary in store, differences that more than justify a mark up on resales! For those who haven't already guessed it, I am of course talking of the bass gallery in camden. I can't recommend the store enough for anyone who is looking for top quality gear and service! When I bought the bass martin threw in a complimentary set up for me which was sweet - It hasn't seen an allen key or a phillips since! :)

  9. Howdy Cetus!

    I've only been on the forum a few months but have found it a valuable resource and community in that time. Gained one bass and many gems of knowledge so am glad to see another enthusiastic BC 'newbee' :)

    Welcome! and enjoy your first gig mate! I remember mine and the singer thought it might be a good idea to point the audience towards me for a solo in the second song!!! :blink: No comment on the result lol - good memories. Have a blast my friend.

  10. Hey guys,

    Late last year I purchased a mint condition 2008 Warwick Streamer $$ 5. It was pre-owned but, as mentioned, in perfect condition. I did purchase the bass through a store so obviously there would be a slight mark up expected as they were selling on behalf of the owner. But here's the question.....

    I shelled £1250 for it after researching online and only finding them new on a couple of UK supplying sites and the minimum new price was £1500. I LOVED the playability and sound of it the few times I tied it out in store so managed to get the cash together and took is off the shelf.

    I actually became savvy with Bass chat about a month or so after and have since seen a couple of examples of $$ 4's up for sale or trade and there value has been somewhat lower. OK the condition standards have not been great and they have no doubt been older but still... :-S

    [b]To Clarify: I am [u]NOT[/u] feeling out value towards a Sale in an attempt to bypass any forum sale rules! I love my wick and it is very much my main axe, especially since I installed an OP-3 pre-amp :-D[/b]

    But I have a nagging feeling that I paid considerably above the odds for the bass. Plus, any information would of course be useful for any other peaps who are looking to grab an almost new one in good nick.

    Any opinions from fellow BCers that have more insight into resale values that could help enlighten me to the wisdom of my choice would be more than welcome!

    [attachment=113993:photo 2.JPG]
    [attachment=113994:photo 1.JPG]
    [attachment=113995:photo 2-1.JPG]

    Cheers fellas and fellettes


  11. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1337943251' post='1667705']

    It's a lovely looking bass. Looks like a fretless version of mine & was tempted myself by it (good job I'm skint).

    Lol not gonna lie I was pretty much skint when I saw it. But I managed to rustle some cash flow temporarily before I get paid in a week or so. I've been mulling over 'cheap' fretless options that won't turn out to be dogs for a few months so when this came up I some what jumped! Never owned a fretless before so I'm excited to grab it and geek off to the very few licks of jacos I've been practising lol

  12. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1337927727' post='1667438']
    Welcome Ash

    "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][i] I feel the gap where I never got myself a decent teacher and trained in theory much more deeply[/i]" I know exactly where your coming from there, you're still young enough to correct that, don't leave it too late![/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Have fun [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] :D

    Cheers tony :)

  13. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1337908724' post='1667408']
    Wecome. Those Silver series Squiers Jazzes were nice basses. I have one still.

    Indeed!!! Mine is still sitting in my rack and doubled with the fact I was my first I don't think I'll ever let it go. (unless somehow it becomes worth c'razzyy monay! Even then: maybe!)

  14. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1317229959' post='1388453']
    When I got mine, there was the SR-800FL. I think the only thing they do now is the 2 GWBs.

    Hi guys,

    I've just picked up a factory made fretless SR1000CT from eubassix on here. On its way to me: will post regarding it once I receive :)

  15. Greeting fellow basseys!

    The name is ash (and yes, I was made in 1985: I have a terrible time coming up with a quirky username lol so I gave up and went for the more obvious!)

    Started playing bass at 13 on a '92 silver series MIJ Jazz Squire, writing some tunes/playing along with some of the more basic chillies tunes, etc. with a couple of pals from my youth. Saved up from my paper round and bought a Roland multi track recorder and started recording and mixing our compositions.

    Fell in love with the engineering/production so went on to do degree studies in Music Tech. while playing bass, teaching myself as I went along. Bought a 5 string Bass collection, then stretched to a Euro5 Spector, before hooking up with a great band with three fellas who, frankly, were above me head and shoulders musically. I heard there stuff online and for two days and nights sat and drilled their tunes out before going along for an audition/rehearsal. Had to really improve my game between each and every rehearsal in order to keep in the line up which is a testimony to the idea that there is no substitute to playing with people who are ahead of you musically to improve.

    The band played some pretty 'Prince'y '80s inspired own-material we deemed best describes as 'Stadium Funk Rock (withReggaeSauce!)' and I suppose my contributing flavour was probably somewhere between bootsey and sting! Played with the fellas while I finished my degree and started a commercial studio on a shoe string. In the studio my general composition skills up'd somewhat due to the amount of production and writing I was doing for unsigned clients who would just turn up with lyrics. This helped me think of my playing from the song's side (or producer's side for that matter) when playing a lot, tone and playing wise.

    That band came to a close and these days I am in a cross culture folk/rock/soulish outfit with an Indian Tabla, two steel string acoustics and me on bass (sometimes with a kick drum and elec guitar thrown in). Currently working on the album so will post a link when it's done! The vibe of the band's material resonates with who I am now as a person as well being more mature musically, progressing from the wilder years in the former outfit! In the project I jump between a Jazz with flats and a '08 Warwick Streamer 5 $$ (which I find has great playability for me: not an easy thing to find in my limited experience) fitted with a 3band Aguilar to give me my switchable mid boost. Despite the quite rootsey set up of the band, I mainly play the wick with them as I like the extra 'cut' through all that acoustic resonance of the ensemble can energise and drive the acoustic sound of the band while still having enough organic 'wood' in the tone (with p'ups always on single coil to keep the mud at bay)

    After 14 years of self teaching, I feel the gap where I never got myself a decent teacher and trained in theory much more deeply, as well as got my head more into influential bass players. In fact I am still very ignorant to a LOT of player out there who I know will be considered big names by many throughout these forums. So I am now very keen to build up knowledge of applied theory, approaching musical styles and becoming more intimate with other bass player's contributions' to this wonderfully expressive artform. And it is for these reasons (as well as drooling over the gear/market place ;) ) that I have signed up to the forum. Plus I can only hope to be of some benefit to others in kind by way of any contributions.

    My involvement in this form has had an early pay out in that I have just snatched up an wonderfully restored Ibanez SR1000CT1 Factory Fretless ('87-'91) from eubassix after being on the look out for a reasonably priced fretless (my 1st), plus I've always loved the super-slim necks on SRs so two birds with one stone and I hope to cook up some tasty 'mwah'ing bird pie once it's in my palms!

    Sorry for the essay,


    P.S. Beep if you dig Pino on Soul records! (Anthony Hamilton/D'angalo/etc.) My current main influence: he's a Super Squelchin' Groove Machine!!!!!!

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