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Posts posted by Ashwood1985

  1. Hi guys,

    My guitarist needs to do a couple trade etc and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of uk based forums for guitar for him that are as community based and reliable as BC! I suspect a lot of the guitar forums out there are strewn with many members who are not on a progressive vibe with regard to helping each other out.

    Cheers in advance :)

  2. Awesome pedal.

    I use mine in chorus mode loads: both with a very low depth and rate to just thicken up the sound nicely and at higher levels for the relevant parts/songs.

    Highly recommend this versatile and lush sounding pedal to anyone considering it. I paid £160/£170 for mine new and its worth every penny so I consider this a true bargain.

  3. Yeah thats right: funnily enough it's surprising how many officially endorsed review vids out there sound awful. I really don't get it. It reminds me of something I saw the other day when looking at comp pedal vids where a official video had a guy looking incredibly pleased with himself for a abusing a bass with a super low action by hammering it with some seriously hardcore fingering. I know its a kinda metal style to generate substantial buzz from a low action but this was a hi-fi sessiony lookin guy makin a sound that would make any animals near by run for the hills!

    What I don't get is how the manufacturer PR guys can review the rushes from that shoot and say 'yeah that'll sell some units alright!' Makes me feel that they're very out of touch with what players want from their gear.

    Slightly pointless rant over. Going to bed.

  4. [quote name='Mick Kahn't' timestamp='1348531989' post='1814989']
    [size=5][sup]If someone VAT registered sells something new then they charge VAT at 20% - and the customer pays it.

    If a shops buys something in, then sells it on (at a profit) there is a VAT element - but the VAT element they have to pay to HMRC is only the percentage (20%) on the profit they make - not the final selling price. Just as they only pay that on the mark up on the NEW item as well ...

    If some gear is s/hand, there is still an element of VTA in the sale - it is NOT a VAT-free sale (if the shop is registered). There would be little point a music shop with a fairly healthy turnover (under the threshold) not being registered for VAT as they would be unable to claim back the VAT they are charged whgen they buy the equipment in. [/sup][/size]


  5. What the hell man...?! :huh:


    Not that this really qualifies for a review. In fact I dont know what it is meant to be! any given meter will act in it's own way and we aint hearin much here either.

    Anyhoo made me laugh!

    Anyone got one to trump it??

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