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Everything posted by owen_87

  1. Close one for me, I think I had my bass for a month when I joined my first band
  2. Yeah meant to say with a pick. I've never really thought about it until he brought it up but it makes sense to me to play the low note up and the high note down because your hand is in the middle, if that makes sense. That said, the low note is normally on the beat so it would probably be better to play down on the beat. Or maybe I am over complicating a simple issue
  3. Whilst playing some octaves the other day a friend pointed out that I do it the wrong way round. I use an upstroke on the low note and a downstroke on the high note. He reckoned it should be the other way round. Is there a "correct" way or is it a case of whatever is comfortable?
  4. I've booked to take my Grade 6 exam with RGT in the Spring and want to have a couple of lessons to make sure I am on the right track with it all. Kris
  5. Hi my names Kris, I used to be on bassworld way back when. I'm 20 and I'm from Rhyl in north Wales but I'm studying an HND in Popular Music in Neath at the moment. Yes, it is as fun as it sounds. I've been playing bass about 3 and a half years now I think. Currently playing a Tanglewood warrior (much prefer it to my epiphone eb-3) and am looking to buy a precision soon Anyways apologies for the cheesy pun in the title cheers Kris
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