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Dread Bass

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Posts posted by Dread Bass

  1. stewblack

    Having looked through a few musicman ads on ebay alot of them say musicman/olp as a brand, i guess it must be a standard thing.

    Also what i think he means is he dosnt want people with no feedback or low feedback to bid so he is saying thay cant try to bid in the last few seconds so he has to sell it to them. Thats how i read it anyway

    its a weird one but i would want to no whats under the leather.

  2. I started on a bass with an agathis body and it served me well. The tone was alright as a beginner but as i got better i wanted a more defined tone.

    I think your sound is only as good as your weakest link wether that is you or equipment.

  3. jus got myself a mac and am upgrading.

    Ita a g4 it was advertised as having 128 mb of ram but arrived with 640mb or something.

    i got it for £21 of ebay with no software but my friend had osx with five licences so i got that. I ordered reason to do some midi and i am just waiting for my dvd drive to arrive so i can install garage band to start.

    thumbo i was thinking about getting one of these they are good huh? is it the one you can get from thomann for like twenty quid now?

  4. me and my g/f have a very good way of dealing with this every time i want to buy some more gear she can buy a new corset or dress or somehing. I dont have to ask her permission but i do ask her what she thinks. She can decide without having to deal with gas I trust her opinion 100% i dont always follow it but i will hear her out.

  5. im off to uni to do my masters in sept. Im moving in to a house so its different but i will be taking my markbass head and my swr 2x10. This way i can use it for room practice and its easily loud enough to gig with. Bass wise im not sure i think i will take my six string and my f/l musicman oh and maybe my jazz.

  6. that might work yeah.

    Plus on the dvd there is itunes, iphoto, imovie, idvd and garageband so it wont be that big but your probably right it will still be too big but hooking them up that could work.

  7. yeah thats what i was thinking but i have spent a small fortune already on this project and i am trying to keep costs low.

    I have the dvd for ilife 4 do you think there is any way to copy it from a dvd to a cd on my friends mac?

  8. ok i just got my self a used mac and upgraded it to osx and got myself a m audio oxygen8 v2 keyboard.

    I want to get garageband but my mac only has a cd drive so i vant just buy ilife as it comes on a dvd.

    Any ideas?


  9. my sa450 sounds great with my swr 2x10 nd my sr5 fl. swr cabs are known for having a real cutting through sound Stan uses em for this reason i think and to warm up is alembic. Maybe worth trying a different cab?

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