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Posts posted by Doddy

  1. [quote name='iamapirate' post='596859' date='Sep 12 2009, 09:51 PM']Whenever I have to learn something i either get given a) a chord chart or :) a CD a few days before the gig. But i don't play with orchestras or anything like that and if I ever do functions and get given a list of songs to learn, I spotify them and learn from that (and usually make a chord chart). it just seems more natural to work out what they're playing, and then to go ahead and just plain copy it :rolleyes:

    But obviously, there sometimes scenarios where you're given sheet music the evening before a matinee performance :lol:[/quote]

    There are also times where I have been given the music minutes before a performance.

    It's not always an option to listen to the songs ahead of times and learn them-of course if you do that there are other variables
    such as did everyone learn the same version?,In the same key? How are we ending? etc. If you have the dots,you know exactly
    how everything goes,because it tells you. That's why a player who can read and groove will always get work.

    As far as learning to read,whilst going it alone with a book is great for learning the basics,as with everything else it is better
    to get some instruction from someone who will be able to tell you if you are correct-especially when things become trickier.

  2. I think it's about time I posted a pic of my pedal board
    The pedals are.....
    Aphex Punch Factory compressor , Aphex Bass Exciter
    Guyatone PS3 Phase shifter , DOD Ice Box Chorus
    Boss Flanger , Boss Line Selector
    Dunlop Cry Baby Bass , EBS Octabass
    EHX Bass Big Muff , EHX Micro Q Tron
    Emma DiscumBOBulator , Emma ReezaFRATzitz
    Boss RC20-XL , Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
    Korg DT-10 Tuner

  3. I love my Genz Benz Neo-Pak head (predecessor to the shuttle). I found it to be more hi-fi sounding
    than the Mark Bass LMII.
    It's worth checking out the Genz Benz,it may be just what you are after

  4. [quote name='iamapirate' post='595956' date='Sep 11 2009, 07:03 PM']hah, well he is. He's playing at grade 8 level, practical and at least grade 5 theory, not sure. he just doesn't have perfect pitch.[/quote]

    To be honest if he's got grade 5 theory and grade 8 practical he should be able to hear roughly
    what key he's in.
    I haven't got any grades or perfect pitch but can hear the key quickly without searching for notes.

  5. I'd seriously get a few lessons. Most guitar players who switch to bass
    play bass like a guitar player,with incorrect technique and most of all,with
    the wrong mind-set.They tend to not think as a support/groove instrument and
    more as a root/riff chugger. Don't look at it as a simpler version of the guitar,
    treat it as a unique instrument with it's own idiosyncracies. You will get more out of it that way.
    I know it's a generalisation,but I've seen it many times.

  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='595867' date='Sep 11 2009, 05:27 PM']Well, I'm a proper Rush anorak, but since he got lessons from Freddie Gruber, he's completely lost the ability to groove. IMO.


    Peart's technique got slightly better after lessons with Gruber,but he was always a very stiff player anyway.
    For me, he was always much to analytical-every note perfect with nothing ever left to chance.

  7. You won't get the tone or volume from an acoustic bass guitar that you will
    from an upright. You need a large body to project the low frequencies,hence the
    size of an upright. An acoustic bass guitar will struggle to be heard over an acoustic
    The only Acoustic Bass guitar I've heard that had any decent volume was the Taylor,and
    even then it was struggling against an acoustic guitar.

  8. [quote name='3V17C' post='595734' date='Sep 11 2009, 02:59 PM']I also think that in certain professional situations you'll not be taken as seriously if you turn up with cheap and cheerful gear, regardless of what you can do with it.[/quote]

    Maybe in a snobby band situation,but I did a show fairly recently where I split the Bass chair with Paul Westwood,who is arguably one of the
    UK's most successful session players,and he was using a 5 string Hohner Steinberger copy-and played and sounded great.

  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='595657' date='Sep 11 2009, 01:31 PM']I suppose I like my expensive gear because it's what helps me earn my living & there's a certain sound and feel I'm looking for. Which usually only comes at a price, unfortunately.

    There's nothing wrong with cheaper gear, but I need to rely on something that is guaranteed to be of top quality and operate as it should every single time I pick it up to play it.

    ... And I have impeccable taste, LOL :)[/quote]

    I earn my living from playing too,and love expensive gear,but let's be honest,you could do the job perfectly well on a simple
    Like I say,I love boutique Basses but they are not essential for a professional career.

  10. It all depends what you want from an instrument.
    I've got some lovely expensive instrument( Roscoe LG3500,'91 Tobias 6,Shuker Singlecut 5),
    but my Fender Jazz is my workhorse. The build quality and tonal range is greater on the more expensive
    Basses,but the Fender is familiar.
    Many people seem to have an added 'confidence' when playing a more expensive bass-the
    Bass gives them the inspiration to play.

  11. [quote name='iamapirate' post='595313' date='Sep 11 2009, 01:32 AM']No joke, an amazing keyboard player that I usually play with, to find keys, just starts chromatically up until he finds the key that rings int his ear! and I didn't realise this until he said it! I just thought it was jazz... :)[/quote]

    He doesn't sound that amazing to be honest.

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