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Posts posted by debwilliams

  1. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1338675168' post='1678039']
    I don't think BCC have any touring plans this year,

    Sad face from me then :( .

    I didn't really fancy going to any of his recent UK dates with Fish but I will definitely go and see BCC next time they come to the UK. In fact they might be the perfect crowd to sing me a lullaby before I retire for the evening :D. Something from the first album I think.

  2. Saw this pic via FB the other day, will look forward to reading the interview.

    Anyone heard if BCC are touring this year? Joe Bonamassa has just finished a run of 54 dates so he's now (possibly) free although GH has mentioned BCC recording their third album so that's sounding more likely.

  3. [quote name='mrdirtyrob' timestamp='1338556445' post='1676312']
    I think you'll find this is the greatest cover of all time. [media]http://youtu.be/-w-58hQ9dLk[/media]

    I am, once again in tears. Imagine a battle between this hero and the guy who plays the cover of The Final Countdown in an earlier post thrashing it out whilst killing another hideous tune?

  4. Love it - saw him in Cheltenham Jazz Festival for the first time where he played tracks from Renaissance and finished the show with Blast and since tracks from this new album have up been uploaded to YT I listen often.

    I really cannot critique the work but can absolutely say that it sounds incredible, flawless and will I go and buy it? For sure.

    I'm also eyeing up [url="http://www.thesmoothjazzcruise.com/2013/Lineup/Artists/itemid/464/amid/5693/marcus-miller"]http://www.thesmoothjazzcruise.com/2013/Lineup/Artists/itemid/464/amid/5693/marcus-miller[/url] .... I'm sure it would be plenty of fun .

  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1338112778' post='1669668']

    Anyway the greatest cover is here


    I had tears running down my cheeks when I watched this ... the intro gave no clue to the fury that was about to unfold :lol:

  6. Some really good suggestions here for me as beginner. I'm playing along with tracks that I like & are manageable for me. What I try to do is add stuff I wouldn't normally listen to so I'm less familiar with the song so I have to listen a lot more.
    I use Scott's lessons as well but at the moment I'm doing more of the playing along. Listening to a band last night has also given me new ideas for songs to practice so that was a useful, unexpected visit to the pub!
    I do think the 15 minute scheduled practice would work well for me, big thanks for that.

  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1337856072' post='1666361']
    Haha, yeah, i do my bit to help.

    Still loving it or have you brought another 3 since then :lol:

    Yes, I am still very happy with my bass of stealth :wub: . I was very tempted by the black Aerodyne on here the other week BUT I remained strong and did not visit the forum of temptation until it was sold. I took your advice and started practising a few new songs when I felt my resolve weakening. Seemed to work ... this time!

    [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1337857659' post='1666401']
    [sub]It was my local shop Deb, they were really helpful. I could have bought the amp for a tenner cheaper online, but it fairness I think its important to support your local businesses, and the fact that I could try it out first I thought was really handy :)[/sub]

    [sub]I'm working in Cardiff today, and one of the guitar shops have some Yamaha basses..... i am fighting with myself to not wander over! LOL![/sub]

    Glad your locals could help you, they were great when I went in for a gig bag and strap. Nice to go to a shop sometimes instead of doing everything online and as you say, it's good to support local businesses.

    Hope you can keep temptation at bay until hometime. If you've made your choice not to change, there's little point tormenting yourself. Enjoy Cardiff in the sunshine.

  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1337851887' post='1666280']
    I am absolutely loving it and wishing I'd done it years ago! There's something quite primal about a good bassline!

    I had the music shop in stitches yesterday though, as they assumed I was buying the amp for someone else!! I suppose I don't look like a typical bass player!! (Well make your own minds up from my avatar! LOL!)

    Which shop did you go to Debs? If it was your local, I found them so helpful, nice bunch in there.

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