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Posts posted by paul_c2

  1. 1 minute ago, Dad3353 said:

    It was a pretty daft idea in the first pace, keeping the 'C' scale as a reference, and ignoring the black notes. Once they became 'allowed' (by the church establishment, I believe..?), the notes should all have been given individual , non-ambiguous, names, so would span 11 notes (A-L...) instead of 7 (A-G...) presently. There are so many instruments that don't have a distinction (guitars, basses, slide trombones, chromatic accordions and harmonicas, plus all the violin family and more besides...). One would need to keep keys as such, for harmonic reasons, but not use sharps, flats or naturals any more, just the unambiguous note name. Too late now, I realise, but it was a daft idea, and a missed trick, I say.

    It actually makes complete sense - and your idea of a chromatic notation is pretty daft - for music which is based on some kind of diatonic scale or reasonably closely related to it.

  2. What would happen is it would confuse the musicians who are expecting each bar (of, for example, 4/4) to contain 4x crotchets, instead of 6. And also what would you put into the next bar? Just two crotchets? The way it would be done properly, so it could be understood, is to have one bar of 6/4 then one bar of 2/4. But its an inelegant way to do it, requires more thinking time, and looks messier.

    At the end of the day the standard notation is merely a tool for communicating the music to the people expected to play it. And if sight reading, or reading/playing it after not too much practice (which often happens in commercial and recording situations), you want the sheet music to be laid out according to the standardised rules, as easy to follow as possible, and not cause or introduce any issues of its own.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, DJpullchord said:

    I can never remember the bleedin’ key signatures.

    The circle of fifths is your friend. In addition to listing the key signatures in order of increasing sharps/flats depending on the direction, you'll notice that this is the same order (albeit displaced) the sharps/flats occur in. It has other uses too, and once some of the elements of music theory "click into place" it can be applied to many other areas.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

    How does that work with tied notes, then..? What happens to 'pulse' there..? OK, keep the bar lines (although, as a drummer, I've never 'pulsed' with 'em...), but leave the tied notes out. If a bar is 4 beats (for instance, and a note last 6 beats, use a dotted semibreve, instead of tying a semibreve with a minim over the bar line. Why not..?

    I agree (and wrote as much...) concerning referencing a place in the piece ('OK, from 152, fortissimo please...').

    That's syncopation, and is distinctive in that some/all notes deliberately don't fall on "the pulse" as defined by the time signature. But it still requires a time signature to communicate to the musician where the (silent, possibly, if nobody is playing on it) pulse is. In theory you could rewrite each time it occurs by eg 1 bar of 6/4 then 1 bar of 2/4 but in practice if you did that, it would end up a complete mess and be much harder to read/understand.

  5. 29 minutes ago, scalpy said:

    In my trumpet playing days we did the Mozart piano concerto. Slow movement has a 100 bar rest. One rehearsal I counted them all religiously, 95 2 3 4 etc, picked up my instrument to play and the conductor stopped us all, and said, right back to bar 23. Not a happy bunny.

    I hear you, brother:


    • Haha 3
  6. 6 minutes ago, Jezyorkshire said:

     Time would be better spent learning  by ear in my opinion, I can read but reading doesn’t give you the emotional content and subtleties 

    It would depend how good your "ear" is already - the OP has been playing for a few years and has played guitar for longer. I'd not disagree that playing by ear is important but if it were already quite well developed, then time would be better spent learning to read music, than a marginal improvement in playing by ear. Its all relative; what's more, its difficult to know yourself where your own weaknesses are (so its kinda a hint at formal lessons too, or discipline if self taught).

  7. Interesting developments on this thread. I don't necessarily keep up-to-date with all the developments in the industry so, while I appreciate any company no matter its size could end up vulnerable, I didn't know Fender was particularly in trouble. It seems, instrument sales have gone up and up to the point of oversupply (when I was a kid, most people had 1 (bass) guitar, nowadays it seems most people have >1 guitar); and that Fender's breadth of range and prices thus far, have kept them reasonably competitive. I guess we in the UK are something of an anomoly partly due to the £ vs Euro/dollar rate influencing prices.

    Also I'd disassociate myself with any pro-Fender vs anti-Fender sentiments - I fully understand that different things appeal to different people. And I sense I'm not a typical buyer, having only really bought one bass in the past 30 years! My instinct is that there's a place for an original (and an original but updated) bass guitar line (and electric guitars too) because unlike "high tech" stuff (for example, cars, operating systems, etc) there is nothing massively wrong with the design, they "got it right".

    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, discreet said:

    This evening I tapped out Beethoven's 'Fur Elise' on my scrotum with a teaspoon.

    By sheer chance, I recently bought a teaspoon for £1800. I was assured, it was a vintage-replica teaspoon with the '54 correct curvature of the handle. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    For balance, I played mustang sally at a club in Yeovil on Saturday. We played Mustang Sally, but I was playing an Ibanez.

    For balance, last Saturday I played the theme tune from "Tom and Jerry" on a Fender Jazz.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Adrenochrome said:

    Am I missing something with the prices, they seem to be many times more than similar basses from other manufacturers?

    Define "similar" - is it just based on specification, or are you considering other factors too?

  11. I am probably the worst person to answer your questions, but I bought my first bass about 30 years ago and only recently bought another one. I loathe going to music shops and trying out instruments. Oh, and I also bought another amp recently, purely as a spare. But now I'm thinking of selling it again simply because it doesn't get used and is too heavy. When I bought the 2nd bass I did a fairly extensive search for one, with no success - they were either not in stock, or (secondhand) overinflated prices. In the end I took a chance and bought one online....from Japan (I am in the UK), obviously I didn't have a chance to try it out. I am completely uninterested in equipment and just like playing it, any bass really. And I have no illusion that a bass that "plays like butter" will inspire me to play better. Focused practicing will make me play better.

  12. 3 minutes ago, jrixn1 said:

    Afraid I can't help with the specific request - but on the subject of big band charts, I never (or very rarely) saw one which had good written walking lines.  So perhaps it's best to make up your own anyway.

    So as an example: I went to the above site and chose any old song - it happened to be Tangerine.  So, given this chart, I would play the first two bars as written.  Then for section A, ignore the written part and instead play my own walking line over the usual changes to Tangerine - apart from the last bar, where I play the G and C as written, as I'd guess that is syncopated with the rest of the band.  Then from section B, go back to my own line.  Etc.


    My experience is different. I'd say about 60-70% of the stuff is well thought out, the remaining has a range of quirks from few to 'loads'. I've only ever been tempted to play something other than the given bassline when its quite a boring one which could obviously benefit from some variation or ornamentation; and only then, once I've played through the song at least once, to understand where the others might have a solo or distinctive line.

  13. 100% agree. I see Fender - not in a bad way - as the "Vauxhall Astra" of guitar manufacturers. They are high-volume, middle of the road, dependable. Yes there's more interesting/exotic stuff out there, but its irrelevant for much of the time. 

    I can't really specifically comment on their most recent financial status or the new prices, because I've always been the kind of person to buy used. Guitars don't really "wear out", or go out of date, well not in the same way as eg cars or operating systems, and s/h prices are better than new, so it just makes sense.

    Yes, I have a Fender too (of course!). And yes, I did try a number of other basses, before choosing Fender.

  14. Someone remind me, what was the series of fairly standard, US-made guitars called which was dropped just prior to the "American Professional" being launched? I have a sneaky suspicion the "Brand New American Original Series!" isn't actually a completely brand new idea (although of course the guitars themselves will be new, not secondhand etc).

  15. 52 minutes ago, stingrayPete1977 said:

    It is indeed



    You can see how a single chord even with three notes doesn't define the chord as clearly as some people here would have you believe, just that one example of eadg throws up multiple possibilities, of course if it was written down then you'd have the key signature and also no need to define anything because the notation would tell you the key and which notes to play, even a two note chord. 

    That utility is great but incomplete because it doesn't seem to recognise quartal harmony. It assumes, along with 99.9% of musicians, that chords are based on stacked thirds (which is a reasonable assumption to make 99.9% of the time - but not 100% of the time!)

  16. On 9/25/2017 at 19:01, knoxy26 said:

    Was the bass cheaper than what you would get in the uk?

    Yes, given the lack of availability of basses at the time, and (what I consider) some people's overinflated opinion of what their bass is worth.

    PS sorry for the late reply.

  17. I can't claim to have an encyclaepedic knowledge of big bands, but from what I've heard so far Buddy Rich and his band are, IMHO, the pinnacle of high achievement and something to aspire to. I know his character was, errrr, "interesting" but so what? I am intelligent enough to take inspiration from the subset of his activities which I admire (ie the music) and not copy his band management style and expect equal success there.

  18. On 10/29/2017 at 08:08, PaulWarning said:

    can't read and have no motivation to learn but I've asked this question before and nobody answered, how accurate is sheet music? Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember a quote from John Lennon on the subject of Beatles sheet music, his reply was "That's not what I play" and I've got a Never Mind the Bollocks sheet music book I bought years ago when I first started on guitar, it's got minor chords in it and stuff, that's not right either

    That's kinda a tricky question to answer, unless you can give a specific example (ie, supply the sheet music you have and a recording of the music). So the other answer - it varies - holds true. I'd say in general though, standard notation sheet music is miles ahead of tab and a massive time-saver compared to trying to transcribe something or play by ear.

    Of course, there's a debate to be had (and has been had, many times) on reading vs not reading, but let me give an example. I depped for a band for a christmas gig; their bass player had previously tried to find a replacement once he knew a gig clashed with work and he was unable to go, however he was unsuccessful. So, I was asked at short notice, but still enough time to do 1 rehearsal on Wednesday then the gig on Saturday. We didn't quite have enough time to go through the whole set on the Wednesday, so for a few of the numbers I was sight reading, in the live performance. I don't think that would have been possible if I were not competent at reading; and the charts were fairly accurate/correct.

  19. Don't forget, the thumb is a finger. Sometime I do it for ease (just on the E string) because if I were to try it with (other) fingers, I'd need to shift up and rest my thumb on the pickup; and if its horizontally not there, I'd need to either find the pickup (to rest on) or float my right hand around in mid-air, guessing. 

    I suppose the correct solution is to buy a 5-string, since they have a 34" long thumb rest built in.

    • Like 2
  20. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1507044426' post='3382990']
    Whenever I get like this I like to pick up a 5 string guitar and muck about with jazz chords/standards. It allows me to take a break from the bass, but still be actively musical.

    5 string guitar??? You know you can buy new strings on eBay and from music shops, so if you've snapped a string on a 6-string its not a big problem to buy a replacement and fit it....or is a 5 string guitar something unusual that's passed me by for the majority of my life so far...

    (Or is it a typo and you meant 6 string?)

  21. Has it seized up? If not, then make sure it doesn't - do you have a pad-saver or just left as is in the case? If its in the case, its probably better left out if ever its played, so it doesn't accumulate water in it. And the linkages would need occasional oiling etc. I am going to guess its lacquered, which is easier to maintain but more difficult to repair if ever it needed it.

    If its a beginner's model, which it sounds like it is, then its £150-200.

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