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Posts posted by Mattbass97

  1. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1340885513' post='1710990']

    Well which frequency bands do you prefer? :)
    I use both on my board, in seperate channels. I have the GEB-7 in the sub channel for the 50hz boost, and the GE-7B in the 'noise' channel for the 1k band. Each of those frequencies is exclusive to each pedal.


    im not sure thats the problem haha

  2. Hello all! Im a little confused as to which one of these is better. Anybody have thoughts and opinions on which is better. I previously owned a geb-7 but sold now i want it back haha. I stumbled upon the older version which might be better? im not sure. So please gimme a hand here guys!

    Many thanks

  3. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1333787631' post='1606357']
    Has anyone tried one of these?

    Yes I owned one, it gets very bassy that's it, if you want plenty of bass get it! :D

  4. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1333483724' post='1602466']
    We have a very similar board (same wah pedal, Pitchblack, Bassballs and Small Stone... and I also have an OC-2, although mine is a more modern version).

    The Pitchblack does not require 600mA.
    The output of the Pitchblack is just a daisy-chain, so if you use a higher current power supply you can power more pedals from it. It is just handy when it comes to running cables, if you can daisy chain some pedals, to run cables from a pedal rather than the central power supply... makes cabling a bit simpler sometimes.

    My Pitchblack is chained to the Dunlop wah and an Ibanez overdrive, from one output of the T-Rex Fuel Tank junior. Each output can provide up to 120mA... which does not sound like much, but pedals like the Small Stone and many others draw very little current. The Ibanez overdrive specs state 17mA, and the Darkglass B3K I just sold was 15mA I seem to recall. So some pedals can be daisy chained no problem from those outputs. Some others needed its own. I used briefly a Line6 digital delay, and it needed its own output. Same with a Digitech SynthWah pedal.

    At the mement I have the Pitchblack, and two Boss LS-2, which have daisy-chain outputs, and I use them with various pedals such that I have a spare output in the end.

    What I'm saying is: your current requirements may be lower than you think.
    It's not always easy to find, but look up the specs of all your pedals and you might be surprised.

    Edit: and I am not saying you need a T-Rex Fuel Tank, that's just what i ended up with and like very much. But I also have a supply I got from "JohnnyShredFreak" for about £14 if I recall correctly, which has powered many pedals in a single daisy chain without a problem too. That one is my back up.

    Would this do the job for my pedals excluding the blogger? http://www.andertons.co.uk/power-supplies/pid9393/cid591/powerbank-dc9x-10-way-fx-pedal-power-supply.asp#page-1 its cheap I know but my money is focused on getting a new amp and this is just popped up as a problem because my bf-3 eats a battery in one practice it's insane so i want to power it but I'd rather be able to power a few more instead of just using one power supply for one pedal might aswell go a but further! So back to what i was saying would that supply do me for now?

  5. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1333454779' post='1601858']
    The Bass Blogger needs to have an isolated supply to work correctly.
    Everything else looks like it should work fine with a Diago Powerstation.

    If you can find one in England, a Diago Isolator Adaptor should work with the Blogger
    if you want to keep it all on one daisy chain.


  6. [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]What power supply will be able to power all these pedals? Bear in mind the pitchblack alone needs 600ma but it can then power another maximum of about 4 pedals. And the bass blogger is different because it isn't ground positive? I'm not sure on that one but recommend me a power supply that will handle all these and room for more! Thanks![/font][/color]

    [attachment=104041:Bass pedalboard.jpg]

  7. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1333235844' post='1599166']
    i imagine it follows along similar lines to the ehx chorus mod, where the original resistor and switch is removed and replaced with a potentiometer - you can then dial in the required depth. I will see if i can find any more info for you on the circuit and the pot value needed.
    edit: have a look here:

    That's the sort of thing im exactly looking for thanks!

  8. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1332678256' post='1591456']
    I am also considering this series.

    An MB head and MB 4x10 cab.

    Which gives me the option for a further MB 4x10 for extra "pose" and loudness.

    Now that the initial reliability issues have been resolved, I have read that the only thing that is sub par on the MB series is that the onboard compressor, which is supposed to be a tad pants.

    But nothing a pedal could not fix.

    From what I have read, that the 4210 combo is very loud on its own.

    All I need to do now is convince Mrs Dandelion that I deserve a new amp.

    Haha luckily for me I dont like using compression that much I never use it, I prefer using technique and EQ to get slap tones and finger style is never a problem. I can get Along fine without compression :)

  9. [quote name='leonshelley01' timestamp='1332669118' post='1591270']
    I've been using an MB4210 and MBC115 for a couple of years now and never had any problems with either of them. My understanding is the initial batch had some problems with overheating and blown crossovers, but they appear to have sorted it now.

    That's good your set up is what I'm initially aiming for but I'm starting with the 4210, is it good and loud by itself?

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