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Posts posted by lxxwj

  1. Well, I've been asked to play bass for a band.

    They sound kinda indie/alt-rock-y, if you know what I mean..
    nothing incredibly innovative here is what I'm saying.

    Now, if you hang out in Effects you'll know that I'm a huge fan
    of bass effects and more interesting bass playing.. any ideas
    on how to get them to let me have more freedom? Hopefully they'll
    be open-minded about such things..
    I fully intend to blow their minds with some pedalwork! :P

  2. Well I was thinking.. if the amplifier just makes the signal
    stronger, then couldn't you plug through say a boost or something and go
    directly into the speaker cab without an amp? Just a thought.

  3. I recommend the Markbass Super Synth as well the the EHX Bass Micro Synth. Both are quite
    For more synthy/weird fuzzes I recommend the Subdecay Noisebox as well as the Copilot FX Orbit.
    Not sure about the differences between the OC-2 and OC-3, but apparently the OC-3 is less synth-sounding,
    but you'd have to compare.

  4. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1328969957' post='1535431']
    I've got to say, the Zoom B3 is sounding more and more tempting by the day...
    Yeah, at this point I'm trying to find reasons NOT to buy it..

  5. Thing with the B3K that I've noticed in demos though is it seems like just the bass
    with an extra "layer" of distortion.. maybe if I put the blend all the way up it would sound more integrated.

    Remi got back to me: he recommended the Sansamp RBI and BDDI. I think I'll
    order a BDDI when I have the money, see how it works out etc.

  6. Let's just say I have a thing with Boss. :blink:
    Every effect I've heard by them is just bad in some way.. especially
    The analogman one is pretty cool, bit flanger-like in a way.
    But if you guys approve of the Boss chorus, then why not?!
    It IS cheap, so I won't regret buying it *much* if I really do hate

  7. Since my fuzz thread was so popular..
    What do you guys use for chorus? I've always wanted to find
    the perfect chorus: analog and very versatile/controllable. The EHX
    Small Clone just doesn't cut it, it's too subtle and simple for me. So
    do you have any good analog & moderately controllable chorus pedals?

    I think I might have to resort to... *shudder* a Boss pedal! Anything but that! :unsure:

  8. Go with the 3Leaf. Sounds awesome.
    ^This might help. I really hate the MXR one, that kinda buzzy thing if you sustain a note
    too long annoys me.

  9. According to one article that I've read, he has the Turbo Rat and A GEB-7 midrange EQ boost on at all times,
    and adds other things as needed.

    However, he does have seperate clean(er) and dirty channels that run parallel at all times.

  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1328646080' post='1530684']
    Well I'm using a PSK SDS-2 that I got back in the 80's for nowt.
    Mate of mine took up guitar & bought an acoustic (non electro) & wanted to know how to use this pedal on it! :facepalm:
    Well he is a drummer.
    Silly drummers. :facepalm:

  11. No Hohner lefties that I can find. If they don't have any readily available, I'm not
    putting any time into searching for 'em. Serves 'em right for not making lefty models!

    On the strings: I've heard from a few sources that double ball (guitar) strings
    are terrible... might work better on a bass, who knows?

    Edit: And I'm pretty sure Hohner's and Steinberger's are pretty much the same anyway,
    they use the same hardware according to the Hohner site..

    Edit 2: Ah, found a 'lefty' 5-string on Amazon. Picture's a righty though. Doesn't
    make me feel very secure about it.. o_O
    It's quite more expensive (250$ish) more than the XT-25L, so if you're
    going by price alone it's higher quality..

    Edit 3: Also has an active preamp. Hmm.. but also says it has humbuckers. Which
    it obviously doesn't. Yeah, I don't trust this thing at all.

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