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Posts posted by rushbo

  1. It's a Christmas(ish) miracle|!

    Cuban music ain't my thing, but what a great story...and it's a testament to you that you had the chops to do it. Most mere mortals would have had to roll out 'Johnny B Goode' in A for an hour and a half.

    ...now I can't wait for the movie...

  2. Bought a superduper Shine 8 String off the lovely Len. What an effortless transaction that was. Great comms and easy to deal with. Bass came superbly packed and was in better nick than he described.

    Bostin' stuff

    Buy and sell with confidence.

  3. I really think that there's no such thing as a 'little' concert....

    It sounds like a great experience - I'm a Music teacher myself and my school is just about to finish it's pretty intensive round of Christmas gigs. We do one for the local residents of nursing homes, one at Birmingham Cathedral (ooh posh!) and one at school. That's in addition to a few low key/impromptu performances to amuse various other classes. What I love is seeing students really blossom and grow in confidence, especially if they are fairly new to an instrument. It's also great to see big, hairy Megadeth fans playing 'I wish it could be Christmas everyday' and loving it!

    I hope this is the first of many gigs and you can maintain that fantastic level of drive and enthuisiasm. More power to yer elbow!

  4. Firstly, thanks to Ped and Kiwi for all they do. Thanks to all the tasty treats in the 'For sale' sections, my kids are now constantly barefoot.

    Anyhoo...this is me:
    £20 (or therabouts) buys you all the ads you can eat for a year and a few other titbits ('Members only' section of the site, discount merch blahblahblah)

    £2 per ad for items over £50

    Free ads for items £1-£50

    I can't say the bumping issue is a big deal for me, but the 'bump button' is a great idea and sounds like a lot of fun.

    I'm not a fan of the new stylee classifieds thing, but it is nice to see all the freshly posted ads (from all sections) in one place.

    I love it here.

  5. It kind of depends what you buy a Bass to do. I've got a lovely Jazz which has had a Badass and Bartolinis installed and a lovely new set of Hipshot tuners to go on at the weekend. These mods may reduce the re-sale value, but they suit the way I play and to my ears, make the Bass sound better. Its a working tool and if I need to tweak it, then I will, regardless of what it does to the re-sale price. I know people do buy instruments as 'investments' or get all purist when it comes to mods (especially Rick owners...) but it's mine gosh darn it, so I'll fiddle with it until the cops come!

  6. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1354152628' post='1882922']
    No, it's the site, not you. There are a couple (maybe more) of threads on the topic e.g. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193021-no-lo-fi-version/"]this one[/url].
    Cheers BigBeatNut...I've got myself up to speed now. I hate to be a naysayer when such a lot of work has gone into the new style format, but I'm not sure it's as accessible or user friendly as previous. There must be another way to generate some revenue via the ads tho....?

  7. Like a lot of the commenters on here, I miss the back and forth one could have with the old style forum - I've learned a lot just from trawling old 'For sale' threads. It's a lot a less 'mobile phone friendly' than before too (at the moment at least) which is a bit of a pain....in fact, on my android phone, I've no longer got the mobile version of the site. I can click away on the 'use mobile version' button forever and I still get the mini version of the computer based site. Gosh darn it! Is it just me...?

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