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Posts posted by rushbo

  1. Lovely pics Bluejay....

    I was there too - rude not to as I live about 4 miles from the venue. Great to hear the man behind so many incredible Basslines play them live. 'L.A. Woman' was ace. He seems to be a genuinely nice guy too.

    Right then, let's see if we can coax Lee Sklar and Carol Kaye to Stourbridge.....

  2. [quote name='Rowley Birkin QC' timestamp='1357333405' post='1921367']
    Oxford dictionary quotes,

    "[color=#333333][font=Georgia, Palatino,]Definition of [/font][/color][b]musician[/b]
    [b] noun[/b]
    a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or is musically talented."

    [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]so, in that context, you are a musician :)[/font][/size]


  3. I've recently changed from cable ties to heavy duty velcro.

    Cable ties are great, but it it can be a pain if you fiddle with your pedal board layout a lot (and I do...) You have to drill holes etc etc. On the plus side, they are dirt cheap, especially if you've got a budget hardware shop on a high street near you. And the pedals never move once they're lashed down.

    Like most of the pedal-totin' Bassies out there, i've gone for heavy duty velcro. I used the normal stuff once - turned my pedal board on it's side for storage, went to use it at a gig and hey presto...untidy mess of cables, pedals and semi-sticky goo. The heavy duty is a bit more expensive, but nothing's shifted as yet.

    Rushbo top tip...to make sure your FX dont move in storage or transit, put some foam or similar in the top of the case so it just rests on the pedals when closed. It helps to keep everything in place. I've found that the stuff you use as 'underlay' for laminate flooring works great, as you can add extra layers if you need to. And everyone's got a bit of spare laminate flooring underlay in the loft, right?

  4. Hi BC,

    It's with a heavy heart, I say farewell to my lovely B2. This is a great little multi FX unit which has been really useful for the last year. They're easy to use with loads of really useful sounds.

    Why am I flogging it then?

    Two reasons. Downsizing my FX board, but more importantly it's developed an annoying little fault. The left side button now only works twice out of every three presses. As I use the pedal exclusively for live work, that really rules it out.

    This might be a neat little project for someone who's handy with a soldering iron (or whatever it takes to fix this kind of fault) or a studio where you don't have to make split second adjustments. You can scroll through the FX using the right button, it's just a bit long winded.

    It comes with loads of great sounds (and a couple of frankly bizarre ones...) I've also programmed a load of my own patches too. It's also got a drumbox, a tuner, some amp simulators and more cool stuff.

    Cosmetically, it's not bad - I cable tie my FX to the board, so you can see friction marks on the rubbery sides

    Here's the spec:

    Manual is here:

    Here's a terrible picture

    So ...it'll cost you the pocket money price of £15 posted. Even if you use it for just one sound, it's gotta be worth it.

    No manual (see above) or PSU (it takes a standard stomp box input). I'll pack it lovingly.

    Someone must be able to make use of this...



    Funk yourself into a frenzy with this legendary FX pedal. It's in great condition and comes with it's own PSU. Make 2013 the year of Da Fonk.

    Here's what it looks like:


    It's got a bit of velcro on the bottom, but haven't we all? No box, but it will be beautifully packaged for posting.

    Cheaper if you pick it up in person in the wilds of The Black Country.


    Here's a useful little doohicky that'll make your cheapo webbing strap nice and comfy. It's a Planet Waves padded shoulder pad that fits 2" straps. Padded on one side with a neat Planet Waves logo on the other. Very tasteful.

    Here's some info


    This is as new - I tried it on my strap and decided it 'didn't go'. What a big tart I am.

    £7 and it's in the post to you. Your shoulder will love you forever, in a platonic, non-sexual way. Cheaper if you pick it up in person from the Wild West Midlands.


    Here's another useful gadget that I thought I couldn't live without....

    It's a pristine condition multitrack recorder with a very useful built in mic. And it's tiny. Loads of useful functions and bells and whistles. It comes with all the gubbins (manual, PSU, case) and in it's original box.

    Info? Here:

    Pictures? Here:

    £60 (which includes PandP) and you can live out all your Mike Oldfield fantasies. Or record your band. Or something.

    I'm in Halesowen, West Mids if you're passing. Come and have a tweak.


    This is a dinky little recording device that fits nicely into a soft Bass case pocket.

    I purchased it a few months ago from this very forum and have used it about twice before I realised I didn't really need to make 'field recordings'. I just love gadgets....

    Here's some info:

    And some pictures:

    Cosmetically, it's in decent nick, but it does have a couple of weird 'birthmarks' on the front as if something mildly corrosive dripped on to it. That's how it came to me.

    It comes with the PSU and the manual - no box I'm afraid, but it will be beautifully packed.

    £45 and I'll post it to you. I'm in Halesowen, West Mids if you want to pop over and play with the sliders.

  9. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1356167095' post='1907505']
    I used to have a pair of Lumley Reference 120W valve monoblocks. Sounded excellent!
    But you had to wait 20 minutes before use for them to warm up, and 20 minutes after use to warm down before switching off. And I'd have to send them to Tunbridge Wells once a year for servicing...
    My Bryston has a 20 year guarantee.
    I still use a valve phono stage though - much more reliable due to less stress on the valves.
    However, many strange and bloody-minded audiophiles swear by flea-powered 5W single ended triode amps; weirdos, only sounds any good with twee, breathy girly singer-songwriter nonsense played quietly
    I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, but it sounds weirdly thrilling. I'm imagining a kind of 'Dr Phibes' style lab with an ancient, steampunk turntable in the middle, connected to a massive generator. And on the turntable is a Japanese, audiophile copy of 'Deep Purple In Rock'...

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