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Posts posted by stu_g

  1. yeah i had to find out for  myself as i have a bass centre stadium bass guitar with these strings on

    dunno if they have been on it from new, but i love the strings and havent changed them in all the years ive owned the bass.

  2. I have a four string pj active jaguar,is actually a really nice bass,the neck has some flame maple,i upgraded it with fender usa p pickup and a entwistle neodymium jazz pickup 

    A vintage fender bridge and wilkinson machineheads i really should use it more often 

    Might take it to practise next week.

  3. i have a few cheap basses and guitars and the quality seems really good

    my vintage V4 bass is a great bass good fit and finish and it has a lovely low action

    for what i paid for it i have to say it really suprised me ,ive owned alot of precision basses but i really like the V4

    alnico pickup good machineheads, solid neck no gaps round the neck pocket frets well finished  dont know if i got lucky or there all this good.

  4. electro acoustic basses i had two at one time thought they would be good for noodling at home but they just seemed to get in the way

    5 string basses have had a couple but nowadays i will just downtune a bass if i need it

    heavy cabs sound great but when i see an old trace cab on ebay i remember the weight of my old one and move along

    im with you on effects too i went through a time using them but i dont bother much nowadays

  5. i had a CV strat which was nice great feel and sound but i agree about the bodywood it felt a bit lightweight

    i also have a 1987 japanese squier strat which to me just feels a bit more solid for my liking so i sold the CV strat

    no complaints for what i paid for it was very good fit and finish

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