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Posts posted by DaveFry

  1. Just wanted to add that on re-reading my first post in this thread I became concerned that the sense of humour part may have sounded patronising .
    What i meant was more like this ;

    practice is serious , play is PLAY . :lol:

  2. I think of the sharp 11 here as a flattened 5th blue note .

    In the F minor vamp he plays a B natural grace note sometimes , so I think he just follows the same idea with the Db 7 which also reminds the listener of the Fminor tonality .( Gnat as opposed to Gflat )

    I think of the tune as basically a 12-bar blues with an extra 4 bars of the tonic added onto the end . The Db feels more like a Bb minor in 1st inversion ( clever ) , and when you'd expect the V chord at bar 9 he goes one step further than the standard ii V substitution and gives us the vi of F major ( genius ) and holds that for the 4 bars when you'd expect a vi ii V maybe .
    So , to me , the sharp 11 over the Db ( where you'd expect the iv chord in a minor blues ) implies a staying with the sound of the implied Bb minor .( iv chord , bars 5 to 8 in a blues ).

    -Just an Autistic opinion , in no way claimed as fact ....

  3. The Sunn Mustang plays very nicely . It handles the lowest action of all my basses ,so that ,together with the lightness and simplicity of controls makes it the first one I offer to beginners to try .
    I guess if you started a new thread about them on here you might get more info . :)

  4. [quote name='Grreth' timestamp='1388342073' post='2321012']
    Dave, Is it ok if I join in and ask about your Sunn Mustang? I've got one but mine has a different logo on and looks more like a traditional Fender Precision. How old is yours? Do you have any info on it? I'm trying to piece the history of these together but information is scarce.

    Much obliged!

    Sure, but I don't know much about them . Mine says " Made in India " , I guess from late 80's/ early 90's and it is very light in weight .
    I picked it up locally a couple of years ago for £50 .

  5. Favourite songs with nice use of keyboards ?

    Here's a couple of old Standards performed by the Spencer Davis Group with a young Steve Winwood on keys/vox .

    " Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out " was written in 1923 by Jimmy Cox .
    This is from a 60's film starring the band....

    " Georgia On My Mind " was written in 1930 by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell .
    2:05 thumb pick bass !

  6. My recommendation would be to maybe consider Mindfulness Meditation .
    It naturally quietens the self-critical part of the brain and encourages the creative part to flow unhindered.

    This study refers to it as " turning off the Monitor " ( ie the feeling that you are being criticised ) ;

    Jeff Berlin says this ;

    The Kenny Werner book " Effortless Mastery " is required reading for any instrumental course at Berklee.

    Good luck tomorrow , and remember a sense of humour is always welcome in jazz . :D

  7. Hi Robot Pelican Chin ( and :crigon_04: )

    How to confidently perform a good improvised bassline without it getting too dull, boring or repetitive?
    Well we all would like to know that ! :lol:

    ( My ) Short answer ; Don't worry about it . Just relax , as Myke says , and just listen to what is going on .

    Long answer ; When we hit a block we tend to make it worse with our own self-criticism .
    The trick is to discourage the self-criticising , analytical internal dialogue part of oneself , whilst encouraging the spontaneous , creative part .
    The best way to discourage is to stop feeding , and ignore .
    The best way to encourage is to feed , or provide an inviting space for inspiration to visit, and trust your subconscious .
    This feels like a waste of time to the conscious mind , which makes it harder .
    It looks impossible at first , but the more you do it the easier it gets . ( Everyone says that , I bet :rolleyes: :D )

    These guys can explain better than I can , I'm just an autistic pianist :

    This is called the Effortless Mastery approach . I hope it helps .

  8. The " 25 Bass Guitars under £500 " review states that the Fender Modern Player Jaguar bass has a scale of 24" ! ( should be 34" ) . Probably a typo .

    On the same page it gives the scale length of the Freshman FA1BN as 32" . I doubted this and tried to find out online . Even the manufacturer's site doesn't give the scale length ( [url="http://www.freshmanguitars.net/product/fa1bn/"]http://www.freshmang.../product/fa1bn/[/url] ) , so as a last resort I dug mine out and applied the old fashioned tape measure technique ,and..... sure enough it is 32" . I didn't know I had a 32" scale bass :blush: :lol: , so I learned something thanks to BGM :)

    I find the David Etheridge articles to be very helpful .

  9. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1380096502' post='2220622']
    'after a certain point' i'd say :)

    the roots album when i twas released mid 90s was a departure from their commercial flamenco-pop songs back to their errr roots :D


    check the bass ... any clues??


  10. .... the only day of the year when I can play outdoors and not get arrested for not paying the £30 fee for a buskers' licence . Hooray ! :party:

    - See ; Jersey is on the map : [url="http://www.musicday.org.uk/"]http://www.musicday.org.uk/[/url]


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