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Posts posted by paddy109

  1. Thanks for all your thoughts.

    I had band practice last night and started with the Terror eq and then onto effects whilst fiddling as much as I could. The effects are def cutting through more and I will get used to a new clean sound. Only one of the two guitarist made last night so next week will be the real test.


  2. I bought this Ray24CA a couple of weeks ago on EBay and instantly loved it. It plays and sounds so good. It was a hit with band mates last week at practice. It came set up lovely and complete with new flatwounds and a great hard foam case.

    Anyway this is my way of saying go for it.


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  3. Chris - go for it and like you said you have the time to practice. Don’t forget most of us probably found holding a new instrument slightly alien to start with. I would imagine you have had to learn to adapt anyway since your teens.

    I am a lefty but play right handed by some strange quirk as it feels more comfortable.

    Best of luck and get the basics right when you start.


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