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Jono Bolton

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About Jono Bolton

  • Birthday 28/01/1987

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  1. FAO: Fender flatwound users - does the 'fat' part of the E string still wrap around the tuner post? I had some on my P Bass before and remember that the taper started after the string had already met the tuner. Is this still an issue? I was thinking of buying some.

    1. yorks5stringer


      Was going to reply and say it depends how short you cut your strings, but actually as you can see the taper starts just after green windings. Hope this helps? If you go ahead there's a set for £20 in the ads


    2. Jono Bolton

      Jono Bolton

      Any idea how old these are? On the ones I had previously, the taper started after the string had met the tuner post, but that was a while ago. Hopefully you can see from the attached picture. Nothing to do with how short the strings are cut, as the distance from the bridge to the post was shorter than the thick part of the string.


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