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Posts posted by Kelso

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1319280354' post='1412150']
    So if another band on the bill came up to you and asked if they could move some of your gear that was on stage either off stage or to another part of the stage because in it's current location it was a risk, would you?

    I think that's fair and in the past (when I was part of a 4 piece energetic rock outfit) I have asked bands to move gear (usually keyboards) off stage or to the back of the stage if I felt it would hinder our performance or it was at risk. However, even in the band refused to do so I still wouldn't disrespect their gear - I'd just think they were pricks and would tell them so. . .

  2. I agree with BottomE - you should always respect your fellow musicians gear and there are no excuses for the way these baw bags acted. Furthermore, Dubs is a gentleman for not breaking the singers nose (unfortunately that's what I would have done as I am Scottish and therefore thuggish in my approach to these things). Luckily the amp survived but regardless of this the baw heed should never have got on top of it in the first place! Especially considering the fact he has wonky legs and a fringe that obstructs his vision - what did he think would happen!?

    Hopefully I'll never rub shoulders with them but if I do I'll make sure to do a handstand on the guitarists vox (kidding! :) ) . . .

  3. There is a really nice Squire P-Bass (1983 MIJ) in the basses for sale section for £400. Can't really go wrong with a P-Bass coupled with Japanese build quality.

    I agree with previous posts though - it's all down to personal preference and what bass you like the 'feel' of best. The best bass I have ever played is my Sandberg. Played one in Guitar Guitar and it felt completely right for me (a little bit out of your price range at the moment though). I suggest you lurk around music stores and play as many basses as you can until you decide what works for you and then pop back on here to find one second hand.

    All the best mate and good luck finding your new bass!

  4. I would be very happy with my rig if it wasn't for this website!

    Keep telling myself to stay away from the for sale section as there are too many lovely looking things to buy!

    At the moment I use a Fender Bassman TV 15 combo. I truly love it and I am truly happy with it. I bought it over gumtree from fellow BChatter gjones who, incidentally, recommended this site to me (cheers Gareth!). It suits me perfectly in regards to the sound I need and portability so yes, I am truly happy. I agree with Truckstop though, folks circumstances can change; a new band, a new sound, back troubles!

    So I guess you can be truly happy but only on a temporary basis!

  5. Cheers guys. Yeah, on night shift at the moment - what better way to pass my time eh? . . .

    I actually have a Sandberg Jazz copy and a 72' tele that I bought in the basses for sale section.

    I use the tele for the country band as it gives me loads of bottom end.

    Currently in the process of buying a 75' P-Bass for the motown band.

    The Sandberg was a blind buy - I knew nothing about the company but the 'feel' of the bass was awesome so I bought it and it's been my main bass ever since (4 years or so now).

  6. Hey folks.

    I joined a couple months back and have already been posting, buying and selling! Just a wee post to say a quick hello.

    I live and work in edinburgh. My full time job is as a general nurse but bass is my passion and I currently play in a motown outfit calling ourselves 'The Soul Foundation' and do a spot of session for a country band called 'The Gillyflowers' . . .

    That's about it really. So happy that this site was recommended to me. Loves it!


  7. Loves it! Especially that fat pick up at the bridge. Mines just has two jazz style pick ups )-:

    Sandbergs are so lovely and so playable. I don't think I could ever part with mine. Her new owner will not be disappointed.

    Good luck with the sale! Someone should snap her up and at a decent price too!

  8. Hey man, welcome to basschat!

    In regards to tightening up your bass lines all I can say is less is more. You need to get out of the guitarist mentality and concentrate on rhythm and spacing. No noodling, just solid grooves. The times when you don't play are equally as important as when you do play. Getting tight with the drummer is essential so even having some practice time with the two of you could be a good idea. Your role as a bassist is varied and involves interacting with everyone in the band. You need to work out where you can fill in the spaces in a piece of music while complementing the rhythm and holding down a groove. Bass players have to be very analytical and look at the piece of music as a whole to see how they can best enhance it.

    Playing at volume is just a matter of trial and error. Play around with your settings until you get a sound you are happy with. I like a bottom heavy sound - lots of bass and mids with only a touch of treble - depends on the style of music you are playing. I think you probably got freaked out because you aren't mega confident in your new role as bassist yet. Just keep at it mate and when the penny drops you'll find it very rewarding.

    Stay low


  9. Bit late for commenting on this but I totally agree with kets.

    Sandbergs are awesome basses and the one I have (California Jazz copy) is not only the best looking bas I have played but also has the loveliest neck I have ever played.

    Only downside (kets mentioned this) is the battery compartment. It is cheap and flimsy (I broke the lid to the compartment on the first battery change!)

    Lovely basses and would highly recommend them to anyone. I think 'guitar guitar' stock them so if you have one of those nearby you head down and you might be able to try one out. I don't think you'll be dissapointed.


  10. Good drummers are the key for me.

    If I'm playing with an average or below par drummer i just cant get into a groove and get very frustrated! Drummer has to be solid or it's just not fun!

    I also love being in total sync with a drummer where you read each other almost subconsciously - creating stops, pushes etc without even realising! . . . Feels mint . . .

  11. Trumpets do indeed rock! I've recently started trying to learn. Just random noises at the moment (and angry neighbours!)

    In regards to shops, the only edinburgh one I can think of is varsity music but they are a total rip off so avoid like the plague.

    Maybe try online? Is there a 'Trumpetchat'? lol

    Good luck with the band! Trumpet players in edinburgh are hard to come by (so wish I could find a reliable one for my motown band) so keep a hold of him!

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