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Posts posted by 99ster

  1. [quote name='grahamd' post='888072' date='Jul 7 2010, 08:16 AM']Thanks for that, really enjoyed it. Nice to see Raven getting some props too[/quote]

    +1 very cool that he mentions Paul Raven.
    Good interview - he comes across as a sound geezer for sure. And he is a great bass player as well!

  2. [quote name='merello' post='878129' date='Jun 26 2010, 01:35 PM']Finally - was Simenon playing his legendary P-bass?[/quote]

    Yes - he certainly was. The one with the RW neck & black hand-painted headstock that he was playing in the last days of The Clash.

    Jackson Browne's bass player had a very nice old PBass - early 60's I think.

  3. [quote name='tombboy' post='864201' date='Jun 11 2010, 11:57 AM']I think I did! LOL!!
    My Glyph drive is in a seperate room to where we record, so it's never been an issue. Saying that.... it is quite noisy. Mind you, it's an old model (only 4gb) and obviously the technology as moved on since then. Have you posted the query on SOS or Gearslutz forums?[/quote]

    That would be my ideal - to have all my audio drives/computers in another room! But it's not practical & I quite often do remote recording using a MacBook pro, so a good (& quiet) external drive is essential.

    Yes - I've got some good replies from Gearslutz & lots off the DUC (or Avid forum I think it's called now?) as I'll be using it with ProTools.
    General consensus seems to be that, despite their very high price, they are quite noisy - & that there are maybe better options for much less money...

    I hadn't thought of SOS forum - good idea. Thanks.

  4. [quote name='tombboy' post='863826' date='Jun 10 2010, 11:02 PM']TBH, the cooling fan should have no bearing at the mixing or mastering stage. I use my Glyph drive purely for storing and retrieving audio files (mainly because it promotes zero latency over an internal hard drive) and it offers no audible influence over the recorded outcome.[/quote]

    Errrrr....I think you've totally missed the point of my post!
    I'm talking about audible cooling fan noise in the room - not interference in the audio chain!

  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='863739' date='Jun 10 2010, 09:32 PM']No pics forthcoming and "this is a 63 L type so it doesn't have an aluminium shielding plate. That was on the earlier slab neck ones. I have two of those and thy have plates .."[/quote]

    Oh dear, oh dear...he's not doing himself any favours by BS'ing like that.

  6. Thinking of dropping the wedge on one them [url="http://www.glyphtech.com/products/gt050q/"]fancy nice Glyph external hard drives[/url]...
    Can anyone share their experiences please? Especially cooling fan noise...
    I've been using a G-Tech drive (very popular for video editing) - but the fan is just too noisy for pro-audio. So hoping that a Glyph will have a very quiet cooling fan...!
    Thanks for your help.

  7. I actually think it would be well worth checking out...

    Though the neck plate is most definitely wrong for a '63. There actually was a '-' prefix that appeared on some neck plates in '57-58 and that number (14996) could well be in the '57 date range (& it was sometimes found on very rare double stamped plates with a 0 prefixed different number on the other side)...but the numerals look a bit odd to me (too close together). Adding a '57 neck plate to a '63 P Bass doesn't make sense unless it's a fake (which I feel this is), or the bass is made up of bits from different basses.

    But the neck, tuners, pickguard, bridge & controls look original. Would need a MUCH better look at the body to be sure it's original though - though it's a re-fin it also doesn't 'feel' quite right.

  8. [url="http://www.studiospares.com/New-Products/Primacoustic-Telepad-Smartphone-Attachment/invt/464370"]iPod mic stand mount[/url]
    Expensive! :)
    But useful considering how many interesting audio apps are starting to appear on the iPhone/iPod Touch...

  9. [quote name='Stewart' post='842800' date='May 20 2010, 08:36 AM']Is this some kind of viral fan club?

    Not impressed...[/quote]

    This is what's commonly known as a 'web forum'. What happens is someone starts a topic & if people have a sensible response to do with the opening post then they might choose to post a reply about their knowledge/experience of Pete Cornish cables. They might like them, they might not. The OP thinks they're really good - so I would presume he thought others might want to check them out.
    As to whether you're 'impressed' or not? Thanks for your valuable input. It's been really helpful.

  10. [quote name='tauzero' post='842591' date='May 19 2010, 10:09 PM']It's been "messed about with" (or "enhanced") to improve it as a working instrument. That's the sad dichotomy between instruments as investments and instruments for musical use.[/quote]

    If it sells it'll more & likely end up hanging on a wall in bar in LA...so never get played again anyway. A sad end for a great bass that's been played on some great records.

  11. Yep. This is genuine.
    But it's a shame it's been so messed about with...has been used on some great records though.
    Back in the day I owned a G&L for a short while that used to belong to Dave Pegg - was given to him personally by Leo Fender as a gift...

    [quote name='tazza1' post='842073' date='May 19 2010, 02:07 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1962-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-signed-Leo-Fender-/300429183131?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item45f2f9889b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1962-FENDER-PRECISIO...=item45f2f9889b[/url]

    If this is genuine (& on the face of it there's no reason to doubt it is) it looks to be a good buy for the future. Nice authenticated history to it, although I would have thought for that amount of money you would want to try to put some clearer pics up because the main pic makes the finish look a bit too shiney shiney for such a used instrument.[/quote]

  12. Yes - I'm pretty sure that's the winning price. So the buyer did very well - that's a good price for a '60 Jazz.

    [quote name='Sibob' post='841979' date='May 19 2010, 01:03 PM']Did it actually go for that??
    Does a reserve still show up as 'not reached' even when the auction has ended?


  13. [quote name='HMX' post='840703' date='May 18 2010, 11:59 AM']Pure jazz growl - particularly noticeable on the low E sections around 0:36.


    Yep - spot-on. That's nailed it for me.
    Though I think he uses a [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8YLDb2hiLU"]pair of Dark Stars in his Jazz here[/url]?

  14. Looks genuine to me - with an honest description. Though, would always want to see it all in the flesh before parting with the cash. An ideal candidate for a nice restoration & body re-fin. Is probably a really great player's bass - from an outstanding year for Fender basses. Yes £3K would be a fair price IMHO.

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