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Posts posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Maxcat' post='329519' date='Nov 15 2008, 01:22 AM']Hi Linus . Long time no speak. I should get the band up on the gig thread if I ever get round to it. Next gig is the Prince of Wales Hammer Vale, Haslemere on the 29th Nov then Crown Inn Knaphill 19 Dec. You can My space "Six Miles Away" to see if our other bookings suit better. Would be great to meet up at one of them.



    Hiya Don,

    thanks for the info. Yes, would be great to meet up and say Hi. My wife is about to give birth anyday now so might not be until the new year but I will check out My Space.

    How you getting on wih the Stagg?

  2. [quote name='kevbass' post='327846' date='Nov 12 2008, 06:53 PM']Dont be too hastey in selling, I lost interest in bass playing for a while but it came back to me and I had to re buy a load of gear, perhaps just tuck it away in a corner for a while and see how you feel in a while?[/quote]

    I agree with this also. I had some amazing bass gear, all paid for by the record company. I just sold it and gave up for about 6 years and have now had to go out and buy everything again but stuff thats good but not worth as much as what I did have. If you can keep it and just tuck it away then I would highly recommend that. I promise, you will regret it, especially if you lose a bass as beautiful as this.

  3. [quote name='uptonmark' post='327871' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:21 PM']:huh: your tutor is a guitar player :huh:

    first things first, as guitarists use plectrums, i hope you or your tutor dont

    everybody knows real bassists dont use a pick :)[/quote]

    Bad monkey, some of the best players in the world use picks.

  4. [quote name='Doctor J' post='327443' date='Nov 12 2008, 11:37 AM']Mine is fairly traditionally sized, I've a Sadowsky which is a lot thinner but the ESP just feels like home. The rosewood is a thin laminate rather than a slab. Back in the day I used to continually swap out parts on instruments but the ESP was the only one I ever left completely stock. I love the sound out of it, the feel of it, everything about it. I've no idea what they're worth, I could never sell mine. I've never played another passive Jazz which even comes close. They're never valued to the actual quality of the bass, that's for sure.

    For example, there was also a 800 Series bass, there used to be one in one of the shops over here in the late 80's, it was ash bodied with a transparent purple finish with gold hardware. Beautiful, really amazing looking but fundamentally the same as the 400 underneath it all, it also had the Fender style headstock but it was the deluxe model really. Here's one for €500 which, unless it's broken, is just a crazy price given that €500 won't even get you a MIM standard over here.


    And the purple one, man I love this bass


    Wow, they look great and I never knew they did an 800 series. The first one looks stunning. Would like that myself. I would also never sell mine. I agree with you, never played a Jazz bass as nice as my ESP. I was told that they are worth around £600 now which seems a little crazy. I can't see people wanting to part with £600 for one unless they know how good they are. Thanks again for the info. Really appreciate it. Its pretty impossible to find any info about these basses. All I know is they are great :)

  5. [quote name='Doctor J' post='327373' date='Nov 12 2008, 10:19 AM']As Michael Jackson sang to Bubbles, you are not alone :)

    I asked ESP about it, they dated the Fender headstock ones between 86 and 88, a fire destroyed their records sometime in the 90s. Your one is very nice, very nice indeed. Are they Barts? It's not quite the same as a Fender headstock though, it's contoured slightly differently than every Fender I've checked it against and I'd say is a couple of mm thicker than a Fender headstock too.[/quote]

    Hiya, yes I changed the pups to Bartolini. It sounds superb and my neck is super thin. Is your neck super thin? I have not played any other bass with a neck as thin as this. Thanks also for the info. That was really useful. I think mine was made around 87 or 88 so this ties in with what you say. Compared to other Fender headstocks, I also noticed the ESP one is a lot thicker. Your's is only the second one I have seen with the same head as mine. My neck is a little warped and I might need to get a new one if it can't be repaired. However, I don't think I will ever find one. I am hoping someone can fix it though. Mine looks a little different now as i have put the white scratplate on and it looks great. Do you have any idea how much they are worth?

  6. [quote name='Doctor J' post='327279' date='Nov 12 2008, 08:35 AM']Haven't tried the Vintage series but I have owned an old ESP 400 Series since the early 90's and it's still the best Jazz bass I've ever played. I wouldn't have any concerns about the tone, playability or build quality or anything like that. Real ESP's, as opposed to LTD, are consistently excellent in my experience.

    A lot of the Japanese builders are doing the relic thing and most of them do give the relic'd instrument a fresh coat of laquer when they're through. It's more of a designer relic than a proper battering, if you know what I mean, like ripped knees in a new pair of jeans... and we all wore them at some point :)[/quote]

    I have an ESP 400 Jazz bass that is superb. The best neck ever. I bought it new in 1989 and its as rare as rockin horse poop :huh: My neck though is a little screwed and maybe beyond repair. The odd thing with mine is the head on it is nothing like any other ESP head I have seen, apart from 1 picture. Its exactly the same as a Fender head. I Know ESP used to make parts for Fender so I am wondering if my ESP is actually parts that were made for Fender but just have ESP stickers on them.

    Doctor J, can you post a picture of your ESP 400. I would love to see what head you have on yours. Here is a picture of my black ESP 400 Series.

  7. I do beleive that with most things in life, you really need to want it to achieve it. Motivation is a wonderful thing. The way I taught myself was I locked myself away in my room when I was 17 and learnt to play every single record I owned. Plus, I watched every bass player I saw on TV. Read every thing I could find on bass guitar. Other bass players stories, other techniques and styles. Then I started to learn other styles of songs to keep learning. What I am trying to say (probably very badly) is you need to absorb as much info as you can. Live and breath it. Don't just rely on someone to teach you, you need to find things out for yourself. A teacher is great but don't expect them to hold the key to all your questions. You need to find your own style and technique. Plus its fun finding things out for yourself. Put a couple of CD's together of your favourite songs and just sit down over amonth or two and try and learn how to play them.

  8. For me, normally, make sure I am not hungry so have some food before the gig, but not to close to the gig. Make sure I am tuned up which I do after soundcheck and then again just before we go on. Have about 100 wee's. Make sure hands are washed so they are not sticky. Grab a pint of Guinness and then all set to go.

  9. I have one and its a superb bass. I have had many a good bass, including Musicman, 77 Precision, 73 Telecaster and the VMJ Fretless is one of my favourites. The neck is equal to a Musicman and to me feels very similar in being very flat. I know this is true as I was playing both basses at the weekend.

    For the money, you really will not find a better fretless. The only thing people have done is upgraded the pickups. However, as standard, it comes with Seymour Design ones and they sound amazing so its not a must do upgrade.

    Do a search for other threads as you will find tons of good feedback on this bass.

  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='325743' date='Nov 10 2008, 10:18 AM']If you are still talking about the MIM then, as per my reply in your other thread, I didnt get on with the neck.
    They look lovely though and IMHO well worth the money. I never got to gig mine though.

    If you have a look over on the Fender forum, go back to late last year and there were quite a few threads and a few good pics from owners.[/quote]

    Thanks Dave, thats a great help. Heading over to Fender forum now.

  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='325317' date='Nov 9 2008, 03:19 PM']Nice one and i agree, its the feel and tone for me over looks (although that is also important).
    Although im not in to vitage instruments all the 70's style basses ive played have been great and i do seem to prefer them over the 50's styles ones.[/quote]

    I really wanted to try one of the 50's re-issue precisions but not found one in a shop yet. No idea if they are any good though. Maybe I should start a new thread asking about them :)

  12. [quote name='The Burpster' post='325240' date='Nov 9 2008, 12:46 PM']Nice MIMs are out there... well done sounds a good 'un.....[/quote]

    Yes I think I was lucky. The cut out for the bridge pickup is a little bit bigger than it should be so there is an even gap on one side but to me this was less important to how it felt and played. The neck is superb so I thought its better to get a good neck that get one that had perfect pickups cutouts.

  13. Yesterday I finally went out and ended up buying a MIM 70's Re-issue Jazz. It's a superb bass that sounds and play amazing. I went to try it out but could not see it in the shop so I tried a few others on my list. First I had a go on a standard MIM jazz. It was ok but nothing brilliant and I did not feel I wanted to waste £350 on it. The neck just felt a bit chunky and the whole bass felt un-inspiring. I then tried the MIM Precision and this actually felt much nicer. The neck felt thiner but still I felt I did not want to waste £350 on this bass. Next I tried the Squire Vintage Modified Jazz which certainly looked the best but I was not happy with it. The neck was again, very chunky which I kind of expected. OK, I would had bought it as for the money, you can't expect a top line bass but I still wanted to look around. I then asked the assistant if he had a the MIM 70's re-issue jazz. He said he would have to get a new one from upstairs. So out it came, brand new still boxed and wrapped up. As it was un-packed and handed to me, I immediatly felt the neck was far thinner and more of a jazz feel and profile. I got to play it through an Ashdown which is what I own and it sounded superb. Punchy, clear, powerful. The feel was great. Very retro and very vintage. The fret lines are pretty fat and high but I guess this is authentic to the 70's feel. I immediatly felt at home with it. However, I wanted to compare a Musicman as this was on my list. Again, the Musicman felt great but equally as great as the Fender 70's re-issue jazz. The Musicman had a more distinct sound and was a bit more punchy but also a thinner sound. The neck profile was also a lot flater which was ok. In fact, the neck felt exactly the same as my Squire Vintage fretless jazz. In the end I chose the MIM 70's Re-issue Jazz because it seemed to suit me better and was more of a versatile everyday work horse type of bass.

    When I got home yesterday, I compared it to my ESP which is a superb sounding Jazz and I would say its on par with it sound wise. Maybe a bit brighter and punchier. The neck is not as thin but I am happy about that as its nice to have some variety. Playing wise it is simply superb. I can recommend this bass to anyone who is after a decent jazz bass. Plus it looks super cool. Here is a picture of it lined up next to my Black ESP 400 Jazz, Squire Vintage Fretless and Stagg EUB.


  14. Well, I took the plunge and bought myself the MIM 75 Jazz Re-issue in Sunburst. Beautiful bass that sounds and plays beautiful. The neck is stunning. Not super thin but pretty then and has a great shape and feel to it. The Fender website says it comes with 045, 065, 080, 100 gauge strings but to be honest, I am not convinced. It feels like the strings are more 45, 65, 85 105. They just feel so much heavier. Also the fret lines are pretty fat and high which I guess adds to the 70's feel. Sound wise its just incredible. My ESP jazz is a top sounding bass and comparing the two, its pretty much on par, maybe a a little better. Anyway, here is a photo.


  15. I am trying to find a Musicman between £500 and £600. I have been told that a few have been grabbed for these prices, even one for £499. Still, I am struggling to find one at this price and they all seem to be selling at around £680 to £800. So not sure if prices are dropping that much just yet, I think you just need to be lucky at the moment.

  16. [quote name='Huggy and the Bears' post='324040' date='Nov 7 2008, 10:24 AM']I'm in love with the 75RI also. I've messed about quite a bit with different jazzers in shops and actually really fancy a Marcus Miller version. They are MIJ, but each one I have played is faultless. I've had a Jap jazz (62RI) which I bought from Japan which was my first intro to Jap Fenders and in my opinion they are great.[/quote]

    Do you mean the American 75RI or do you mean the same bass that joegarcia is talking about which he says is a MIM 75 RI??????? If you mean the MIM version then which bass is this? The same as i posted in my link or different?

  17. [quote name='joegarcia' post='323889' date='Nov 7 2008, 01:08 AM']Yea I played a MIM 75 RI the other day and it was lush. Much better than the US one they had in IMO. never bought a new bass before as I always prefer the feel of vintage instruments but this one felt great. Might go and have another play on it tomorrow, it's only 2 mins down the road. Very dangerous it being so close.[/quote]

    Do you mean the one in this link?


    This one is called a 70's re-issue but you refer to a 75 re-issue and I can't find any 75 re-issue.

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