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Posts posted by dc2009

  1. [quote name='gjones' post='1240578' date='May 22 2011, 05:48 PM']Might be a good idea to shop around. I'm no expert but have read a few reviews and on some basses the B string can lack tension and flap around so you don't get a very tight sound when you play lower down (something to do with tension). Fenders seem to be one of the culprits.......apparently.[/quote]

    Warwicks do not suffer from this. My old band played a tone down for our first ep, then an extra semitone down for the second, my warwick handled A and Ab just fine! However, it is german made, i can't vouch for the cheap asian stuff.

    5 strings seem to be standard for basses these days tbh, well worth it too imo! A great deal more versatility in just 5 extra notes!

  2. [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='1240204' date='May 22 2011, 12:11 PM']If you're referring to Hysteria, that line is played by Wolstenholme on his Bass through a plethora of Fuzz, Synth, Octave etc.

    And you're right about Hoppus. But I've never really regarded him as a particularly amazing player so it doesn't suprise me in the least. But I guess their music was never really about perfection so perhaps it doesn't matter that much.[/quote]

    I thought Wolstenholme said in his BGM interview that the into was bellamy playing it?

  3. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1240042' date='May 22 2011, 09:45 AM']Might be up for one of these on the right night. The Hoxton one is the closest. WHere do you park in Kensington ?[/quote]

    The short answer is you don't without a permit. There's a P&D between queen's gate and SK station, but it's invariably closed.

  4. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1240099' date='May 22 2011, 10:39 AM']I'll take a guess that the TBP is a precision pickup in a Thunderbird shaped housing, the TBJ will be similar but a jazz inside, the TBDC will be similar to the 35DC, ditto for the TBCS = 35CS. The TBTW allows you to switch between a CS humbucker and a Jazz.[/quote]

    Tyvm - so if I got say, the TBDC at the bridge, and the TBTW at the neck, I could mix between hb/hb (where each humbucker is a different type) and hb/j, using the blend control?

    That sounds like a pretty versatile setup!

  5. I'm not currently using mine, though am planning to in future. If you want I could photograph/measure them - or even do you a technical drawing, for you to fashion your own? They're very simplistic so wouldn't be difficult. I personally think these were fashioned out of oversized door hinges.

  6. What's your main bass? I have a Marshall VBC 412, bought off a guy on here, and I love it. I am playing an old trace elliot through it though, with 12 band eq, so i have the ultimate of tonal control - for me I need this. I would recommend the 412 cab to anyone, the sound is unrivalled in any other half stack set up, though I would say, if you plan on carrying it around a lot, don't get it, mine is 49kg!

  7. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='1239673' date='May 21 2011, 08:28 PM']It's a bit of work, but strip the active set-up out of it, and throw it away. I found the active configuration on these Basses a bit TOO active and sensitive, if you know what I mean? I shoved 'real' passive Precision and Jazz pickups in mine, and it's a hell of a lot closer to the real thing.[/quote]

    I find on just about any bass I leave the active controls flat (wonder why I keep buying active basses really), though find you can tweak it a tiny bit for various parts of songs, or switching between fingers/pick/slap, so if you're only using them for that it wouldn't matter so much?

    I quite like the look of the lytes.

  8. Got a 'hot pink' set on my warwick at the moment, and am fairly impressed with them. Can't say they're significantly better than my favoured rotosound rounds, but they do feel nice and look great! I know yours is a 4er, but if any 5er players are reading this, if you can, check in a shop if the low B will fit in your bridge, my DR low B didn't fit a Warwick bridge, because the windings near the ball end were nothing like uniform enough to fit through the gap - didn't get a refund/or replacement string either, was not impressed with stringsdirect!

  9. [quote name='Machines' post='1239387' date='May 21 2011, 03:21 PM']The standard Epi T-Bird (non-pro) pickups are quite high output IMO, I don't think changing them would be of huge benefit - especially considering the cost of the pickups compared to the cost of the bass.[/quote]

    The pro ones are meant to be different, though not sure of the differences. I had considered cost of pups vs. that of the bass, but given I'm not going to be affording a gibson any time soon, I would like to improve the TB pro as she will be my main gigging bass for a long time to come. Shame Warwick can't make me a TB copy in warwick's tonewoods, that would be yummy.

  10. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1239367' date='May 21 2011, 02:57 PM']If you're talking about the different Thunderbird models then the standard Thunderbird as far as I know has AlNiCo pickups, the Goth has ceramic, The NIkki Sixx ones are probably laced with cocaine and the Pro has the T-Pro™ bass humbuckers, whatever that involves.

    if you're talking about something else then I'm lost :)[/quote]

    Was talking about EMGs different models, as listed in the link in my original post

  11. [quote name='Lorne' post='1238900' date='May 21 2011, 01:39 AM']Yeah, I seem to get two of everything

    2 Yamaha 6JM's
    2 BCR Widows
    2 BCR Bich 8's
    2 BCR Mockingbirds
    2 daughters
    2 sons
    2 cats


    Now emigrate to Dubai and get yourself a second wife! ;-)

    Those JMs are lovely, that inlay is so very nice, and I'm always frustrated when I come to play DT stuff and all I have is a 5 string :)
    What do you think of this: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140548637791&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_502wt_1139"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...T#ht_502wt_1139[/url] being on the theme of BCR's

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