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Posts posted by bassbloke

  1. [quote name='Paul_C' post='744149' date='Feb 13 2010, 05:04 PM']that looks like left hand stuff to me :)[/quote]

    Not only is it left hand stuff, but i would add that it is bad advice. If your hands are large enough to facilitate 1 finger per fret, then great, but otherwise, you run the risk of causing yourself permanent injury for no good reason. Double bass players don't force themselves to play one finger per fret/note.

    Be careful with your fingernails. Keep them quite short, but not too short - they protect your fingers (so speaks someone currently unable to play because of a finger infection caused partly by having nails too short.

  2. I'm currently rendered pretty much unable to play due to a nasty infection in my right index finger that's needed two courses of antibiotics to deal with it. My fingertip is incredibly tender, so fingerstyle is out of the question.

    I've switched to using a pick, but even that's too painful when I grip and, especially, when the edge of my index finger inevitably hit against a string.

    Has this happened to any other members? I have a few big gigs in a few weeks so whilst i would probably be well advised to simply leave the instrument alone, I feel obliged to do some practicising. Can you get spray on replacement skin or similar to cover up affected area?

    EDIT: I'm now trying the Eddie Van Halen approach and gripping pick between thumb and middle finger. Feels very weird.

  3. Someone needs to exhume Gar Samuelson and drag Chris Poland back from jazz hell so Megadeth can play Peace Sells in entirety live too.

    Sorry if that seems in bad taste, but Peace sells is still the ultimate megadeth album for me. The Conjuring, Devil's Island, Bad Omen/Black Friday.. ..and how can the title track can not have gotten a mention yet - it has one of the most memorable bass lines in rock and metal.

    I am so chuffed Dave Ellefson is back. Megadeth were always my favourite of the big four, closely followed by Anthrax then slayer with metallica trailing somwhere behind.

  4. I've had a staphylococus infection in my right index finger for some weeks so, out of neccessity, had to start playing with a pick again (i did 2 gigs playing my usual fingerstyle with an infected finger and it was v unpleasant).

    I play guitar as well and have also settled on 1mm nylon picks. They're stiff enough to produce a decent attack. The nylon gives a cleaner less scrapy tone and they're a little bit of flex in there to enable faster picking without too much attack or a knackered wrist. They biggest problem with them is that they're quite slippery.

    My pet hate with pick style playing is striking the strings at an angle because it produces a nasty scraping sound. I also think it's important to keep muting with the right hand. So, I pick with the fleshy part of my wrist over the bridge, but with the pick over the rear pickup more a more defined attack. It takes some getting used to, but I can mute the string for fast triplets and 16th notes.

    The ability to play fingerstyle, thumb style, pick style, slap are all essential for the rounded bass player. The key is to develop an effective style for each.

    I'm tempted to try some dunlop tortex sharps again. Years ago I used the green (0.88) so I might try them again.

  5. This gig WILL be a disaster, but it could be a good learning experience for you in a 'let's see just how much of a mess this person can make of organising'. I quite enjoy really, really badly organised gigs. All the bands usually club together to salvage what they can from the event and you never know who might be in attendance and be impressed by your professional attitude.

    Refuse, politely, to provide a kit. What if the gig does go pear shaped and you can't get a lift back. Recommend she hires a basic kit (probably something around the £50 mark). Her friend can go and collect it. She can recoup it from the costs of putting on the gig.

  6. Does the cab sound any different? I don't know if the Neo cabs have a tweeter protection circuit but the burning sound you describe could be the tweeter diaphram. I owned a peavey 210 cab years ago and used to seriously overdo it on the top end and fried 2 or 3 diaphrams before I learned to rein in the top end.

    It's a simple enough fix, provided you can get your hands on the part.

    That's a cab with 600watts power handling. Unless there is some inherent fault with your amp or cab that caused the failure, you need to seriously think about turning down!!!

  7. They have a Peavey Tour 450 at our rehearsal place and it sounds surprisingly good. They're not expensive either. You might also have a bit of fun with the built in octaver. However, I read a lot of owner reviews complaining about the reliability. With that in mind, I'd probably consider the hartke.

  8. Any reason why you want to go the combo route? If you are getting bigger gigs, a head/cab set up would be far more flexible as you'll find yourself being encouraged to share backline on numerous occasions. Of the 6 or so gigs I've played over the last few months I've used my cab once and on the occasion I did use mine, it wasn't necessary as there was a pretty decent house rig.

    Others may disagree, but 2 x 10 combos aren't that common. A quick scout of this forum shows many complete rigs available well within your price bracket, but 2 x10 combos are a lot rarer, mainly because it's a speaker configuration that's not that popular in combo form.

    That still wouldn't put me off the SWR Super Redhead as it's a cracking piece of kit. I used to own a Bass 350 head and they sound wonderful. There's no way you could be disappointed with the sound - but you'd probably want to try first.

  9. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SWR-Super-Redhead-Bass-Amp_W0QQitemZ330400288150QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item4ced644d96#ht_1501wt_1165"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SWR-Super-Redhead-Ba...#ht_1501wt_1165[/url]

    Possibly the rolls royce of 2x10 combos

    It's a classic. The parametric EQ is very powerful. It's doesn;t have a tiltback, but cones wiuth a handy front cover that can be used to tilt the ampo back. HAndy 1U rack psace for tuner, compressor.

  10. I'm assuming you're in a rock/metal band. Focus on the drummer and less on the riffs. Whilst you have to complement the guitars, your job is to provide the foundation. You may end up with less interesting parts, but that's the sacrifice of being a bass player.

    You'll also help your drummer develop.

  11. Hello and welcome to the forum. Excellent choice of bass. I absolutely love my us deluxe jazz Vs - best playing and sounding basses I have ever owned.

    I recently got mine resprayed so needed new plates to suit the finish. I got a couple of b/w/b plates throug aurora project and I have to say I was distinctly unimpressed with the quality. The two plates were different sizes, were badly cut - in one case so badly that there's a gaping hole visible between the plate and chrome control cover. I even sent them the original tortoisehsell plate from my bass as a guide. I should have contacted them to voice my displeasure.

    I have a proposal for you though. I still have the tort plate sitting here unused - tortoisehell and purple and royal blue just don't mix! I would be willing to sell it for £20 inc shipping or swap it for a set of Fender Superbass strings. How does that sound? It's a genuine fender plate in pretty good condition - a few surface scratches, but nothing noticeable.


  12. What makes him 'band leader'? I encounter this phrase all the time but struggle to see how it fits into the grand scheme of things in many bands.

    Does he own the rights to the band name, logo, etc...
    Does he own publishing rights for all material, etc...
    Does he pay the band members a standard salary?

    If NOTA appliy and he's not some musical genius, then he's not a 'band leader' per se, just someone with more dominating personality than the rest of the band. If it were me, I'd start standing up to him and if he has a problem with it, he can eject you from the band. Chances are, the other bandmates all feel the same way and none of them has the strength of conviction to stand up to him.

  13. [quote name='steve' post='728037' date='Jan 28 2010, 08:04 PM']Hmm, interesting - I'm not sure if the power ratings are particularly compatable with my cabs tho'.

    I couldn't find much info about these on the web, d'yu know of any links to reviews etc I could take a look at?[/quote]

    Tech Soundsystems homepage

    reviews are particularly hard to find. It's a great head. It's backup for my main head, the more powerful version, and so never gets used. It has a huge sound. Loads of bottom end and loads of character. I took it in for a major overhaul and the guy repairing it couldn't believe it was completely solid state.

  14. There's a lesson here. Always read the T&Cs. Ebay are quite open about their new policy, so the seller should have factored the need into set enough money aside to post.

    This is further proof that eBay is courting businesses rather than individuals - everything indicates that they're trying to attract the higher volume, lower margin sellers and withholding funds until feedback is received/21 days is really no difference to payment on invoice. In this case, Ebay win twice though - they pocket the interest on the funds they've held and charge higher final value fees. IIRC, they've removed some of the penalties on buy it now.

  15. I think the machine costs 6 figures and needs someone suitably trained to operate it. It can't handle scalloped fingerboards or fanned frets and needs to be constantly calibrated.

    I own two very similar basses. I had one plekked because I couldn't sort out the action at Charlie Chandlers said it needed a major fret dress. £145 and 2 weeks later I had a bass with lovely shiny frets but still had a problem with the action. I took my other bass into my local music shop where the guitar tech gave it a fret dress by hand. £50 and he filled and sanded all of the dings along the neck and headstock and it played perfectly first time.

    You have nothing to worry about.

  16. My 2U Tech head is mounted in a 2U gig skinz rack bag and I have a gig skinz gig bag that I picked up on t'internet for a good price. They've done umpteen rehearsals and a reasonable number of gigs and are still in good nick. The only criticism I have is that the gig skinz tags on the zip have a tendency to break off, leaving a very short zip, which is fiddly to zip/unzip. I've tried superglueing the tags back on, but it's aactually the metal that has broken, so the repair is short lived.

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