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Posts posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. I use BestPractice. You can change pitch and tempo, and best of all, it's freebies.


  2. Recession's pretty much murdered us this year. We do mainly weddings/corporate gigs, and it's been drastically reduced compared to last year. Last year, we were having to turn down work due to already having confirmed gigs. This year, the number of enquiries alone has dropped drastically.

  3. [quote name='risingson' post='1023576' date='Nov 14 2010, 04:36 PM']What was this guys name out of interest?[/quote]
    Haven't got a clue I'm afraid. Probably rude of me not to ask. It was also a few years ago, and I have a bad enough memory for names of people I've only met 5 minutes ago!! :)

  4. I did a dep gig at Jak's in Liverpool a few years back, and a guy came over at the end of the night and complimented me. I took it very humbly, as I've never been one to blow my own trumpet, and I'm a jack of all trades & a master at none. Anyway, turns out this guy was the bass tutor at the university. I then took it a lot more seriously and it really did make me proud.

  5. Over the past few months, I've found that I've got less and less time to spend on Basschat, so I've sadly only just read the extremely sad news about Si.

    I never met Si but my first dealings with him (when he gave me website advice) left a lasting impression on me.

    He was always willing to put himself out to others. in fact, he was helping me for free at the same time that he should've been helping out a paying customer instead. He was honest and forthright, but what an incredibly witty guy. No matter what he said, and no matter how harsh (but invariably true), it was impossible to be offended.

    i still look back at the advice Si gave me now and again when I need to refresh my memory. What a shame that he's no longer with us to offer that advice to many others in a style only Si could.

    I'll raise my glass to a sad, sad loss.

    RIP Oldgit

  6. [quote name='daz' post='986288' date='Oct 12 2010, 09:45 PM']Hmm? no idea who this Bernie bloke is but he sounds like a decent chap, does he do finance? :)[/quote]
    Bernie Goodfellow, he of [url="http://www.gbguitars.co.uk"]GB Guitars[/url].

    Very decent chap. No idea about the finance, but no harm giving him a call.

  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='986220' date='Oct 12 2010, 08:48 PM']One thing I would add and keep forgetting to before we go back to the whinging :) is that I have been 3 years in a row and no one has mentioned Stevie Williams himself? He has consistently played a great opening set of different genres each and every year so I take my hat off to him and feel he is a little over shadowed by the big names.For me he has done a great job every year from a musical point of view,Mad clothes though! :lol:[/quote]
    Yeah, I really enjoyed his set this year. Set the day off very nicely.

    That was a little bit of a "got to pick a pocket or two" type outfit :)

  8. [quote name='goblin' post='986210' date='Oct 12 2010, 08:41 PM']Pretty much, although it's not possible to take every amp there, plus students were still using a lot of the building, but it could definitely work! I've had several recommendations of EBS and I've seen a cab I quite fancy, but before I commit, I'd really have liked to have a go in a nice environment![/quote]
    Should've come with me a couple of years ago. Drove down to Brighton and back in a day to Bernie's shop. He arranged for a whole raft of amps and cabs for me to try. I was in there 4 hours. Top bloke, makes a mean brew, and gave my bass a free setup too.

    I came away a very happy man with two Neo cabs, and also now own [b]the[/b] GB Spitfire he played through the rig I bought.

    Well worth the long trip.

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