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Posts posted by KevB

  1. 6 hours ago, machinehead said:

    This is the most requested song ever.ย  God knows why?


    Maybe round your manor. I've not been playing as long as some here but I've been in several bands and done a stint in a house band at an open mic. I've attended many many open mic/jams and I can confidently say I've never heard a single person perform it while I was there. Never been in a set list of any band I've been in. But then I don't do country so its all about context I guess.

  2. 18 hours ago, Monkey Steve said:

    It had largely passed me by until I got the reissue but it is very good

    I've been touting it as an overlooked gem in their back catalog for years, good to see it get the full Steven Wilson reissue treatment. I already had copies of the 'On The Move' and 'Move On' bootleg CD's so was familiar with the live material from that tour even though I didn't see them live until 86.

  3. I used to play basic parts with PK5 pedals but switched to Mcmillen 12 step a couple of years ago. Your mate might be playing bigger venues if its a successful trib and might want the visual appearance of big organ pedals but for me doing my 'crammed in the corner' pub gigs the PK5's became a bit unwieldy. Once you get to figure out how to use the 12 step they offer features that the PK-5's couldnt do and with a bit of imagination they are a useful tool. Any of these triggers are ultimately only as good as the sound sources you will be playing through them. I'm still using them to trigger patches from a Roland JV unit I stick on top of my bass rig so I need the little blue box interface thingy which adds to the collection of cables I need to sort out at gigs, a small laptop or other device would be slicker but as long as the JV is working OK I'm sticking with it. Do a thread search, these things have come up for discussion a few times before on here.

  4. On 24/12/2019 at 21:10, taunton-hobbit said:

    I used to work for a shop that cut Hammonds in half, for the likes of Georgie Fame & others.


    To be fair most of the time it's not the Hammond that's the problem but the bleedin Leslie cabinets.ย 

  5. 2 hours ago, Raslee said:

    This one, twice in a month - 7 piece functions band, lots of gear/lights,ย 133 steps and no lift, in the hurricane wind and rain. Oh, and the occasional landslide.....I took a brief hiatus after that month.

    I give you - โ€˜Lusty Glazeโ€™ - Cornwall....looks can be deceiving ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


    Did a wedding gig here some years back. Those 133 steps are concrete and frequently quite a deep step down each one, guaranteed to catch flightcases on various body parts etc. Wouldnt do it again unless roadies were part of the deal.

  6. Slightly better than expected considering it was a fill in gig that we weren't originally planning to do. New drummer only got 2 rehearsals in with us prior to gig so one or two songs a bit rough round the edges. Not a big turnout which from experience as a punter at that pub on previous Fridays is completely normal, Saturday is their big night. Those that were there gave good feedback and the venue want us back in April so job done.

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  7. I remember a gig a few years back when the main guitarist had to take time off (incoming first child) so bandleader got a dep player in with no prior knowledge and he proceded to ride roughshod over every track whilst progressively turning his gear lower and lower in volume. Never had to work so hard in my life, along with the drummer, to fill out the sound. Bandleader then topped this at next gig by not getting anyone in (he played a bit of rudimentary gtr as well as singing) and we did it as a 3 piece. However at the end of the gig the BL paid me and the drummer the same as if we'd been a 4 piece and kept the remaining share himself. I handed in my notice soon after.

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  8. It will be a raucous Slade for us on Friday, we only have 1 gig close to xmas so no point learning loads. We did it last year and one of the guitards had barely bothered looking at it and ended up doing some bizarre jazz chord version. Hes the only guitard left now so he'd better get it sorted this time round. For a laugh Ive programmed the opening 5 notes into my macmillan 12 step as a tubular bells patch, might be interesting.

  9. Now you mention it I don't think it did have any ports which made it slightly more compact in size than later models, still weighed a ton though so it had to go. I'm sure it was rated 200w, 4 X 50w ten inchers in there. Probably celestion. Still using a 1x 15 combo of slightly more recent vintage and that still has original driver in it as well, things bloody bomb proof. Expected it to have died by now, think it's from 90s but back plate has no date filled in.

  10. I think for me its been about 50/50 ads (either oldschool poster on music shop wall or online in more recent years) vs personal recommendation/headhunted by people who knew me. I think the oddest one was a band who took me on with no personal interaction or audition and who had never seen me play or knew anyone else who had. First time I met them was the first gig (and even that had a dep guitarist in).

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