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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='32417' date='Jul 16 2007, 10:59 AM']i saw these on ebay a while ago and quite liked the look of them - there was some speculation as to whether they were worth the claimed 700-800 quid retail price and in fact if they were actually made in the US as stated. there were a couple of chinese examples that were identical but i can't remember who made them.[/quote]

    Well, for comparison, here is one on evilBay. I am suspicious - see the different screws in the scratchplate, the different knob positions and the different fingerboard inlays? The first pic is direct from the manufacturer's website.

  2. Saw this poor EB-1 on the evilBay


    What have they done? Extra pickup, changed tuners, missing floor peg, refinished, battered to hell.

    Bought as a collector's item, eh? So it's been collecting dust then, and I reckon will continue to do so at that price.

  3. Came across this during a random trek across the internerd, and I can't make up my mind if I like it or not:

    It's strangely compelling, even though it looks like a blob, or maybe a splat.

    What do you think?


  4. I recently picked up an inexpensive acoustic bass for an experiment and discovered that I quite liked the sound and the convenience of being able to pick up and play without the need for amps, cables or power.

    So I'm looking to get a half decent one. The one I picked up is fine as a proof of concept, but it's 30" scale, and the pickup isn't that great (one of the strings seems quieter than the others, maybe some TLC required?)

    Anyway, to business! I quite like the look of the Ibanez EWB20WNE. Here's the official info: [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/ac_page.php?AREA_ID=3&PAGE_ID=115&COLOR=CL01"]http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/ac_page.p...&COLOR=CL01[/url]

    Has anyone had a go of one of these? Anyone got any other suggestions in the >£400 region?

  5. From the guidelines at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=36"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=36[/url]

    [i]The idea is that you can post ANYTHING that you want to get rid of here on the condition that its GIVEN AWAY[/i]

    I'll take it off your hands for nothing :)

  6. [quote name='16Again' post='29781' date='Jul 10 2007, 02:46 PM']Thats alot of rubbing down, You should go for nitromorse, great stuff just watch yee dinna burn yer skin! :)[/quote]

    I might give that a go in future, there's been a few nods in that direction.

    [quote name='16Again' post='29781' date='Jul 10 2007, 02:46 PM']i've got a ricky style body you couldve bought for your project but i might do something with it myself, if i can be bothered. How much would your sister charge for a paint job? oo eer! :huh: Or is she just dong it cause it's you?[/quote]

    Well, we'll see how this one goes before seeing if we want to do any more :huh:

  7. [quote name='mybass' post='27900' date='Jul 6 2007, 01:36 PM']Maybe a light wood veneer on the front might finish it off nicely.[/quote]

    I may play with that in the future, but for now this ugly duckling is being primed white and my sis is being let loose on it. Showing her the "canvas" tonight, and hopefully we'll get some ideas bouncing.

  8. [quote name='16Again' post='29447' date='Jul 9 2007, 11:27 PM']oops, never noticed that! :huh:
    i've read it but it dont tell me one thing!
    Is the difference a Badass bridge makes worth the extra money? :)[/quote]

    16 Again, as in the band? If so, I saw you guys down at The Moorings a while back, it was a great gig.

    The name "Badass" stamped on the bridge is worth the money alone :huh:

    Seriously though, I would say that the sturdier the bridge, the happier I am. I used a Hipshot bridge for my last project, and I'm going to use a Badass for my next one for sure.

    Besides, you can pick 'em up on evilBay for 50 quid, which isn't much in the grand scheme of things. If you don't like it, you can always re-sell it.

  9. [quote name='paul, the' post='28492' date='Jul 8 2007, 03:36 AM']Oh right...wow.... that's impressive, I assumed they skimped and varnished. Well done Epiphone.
    and I meant the EB-3, never used to get those mixed up.
    So why do some not like it, I bet with a few upgrades it would sound a stunner.
    Matt, just to clarify: Do you have a long scale EB-3 style bass with a Mahogany body?

    If you do, I'm feeling jealous.

    Neck dive is a big issue for some, and there's not much in the way of tonal flexibility.

    Yes, I do own a long scale EB-3 style bass with a mahogany body. Set neck too.

    I'm off work on Monday, I might do a photoshoot. I think it's about time I made a porn post.

  10. [quote name='paul, the' post='28181' date='Jul 7 2007, 05:48 AM']What wood is the body made of?

    I'm still looking for a half-decent, long-scale, mahogany made EB-0 copy. Although I've been deterred by the modern Epi basses, bar the Jack Cassidy.[/quote]

    An Epi EB-3 is made of mahogany

  11. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='28016' date='Jul 6 2007, 05:42 PM']it was nearly my first bass actually but i thought to myself "well do i really want to blow all my money on a short scale bass with 1 pickup?" I wasn't saying it's a bad bass it's just you hear people say "i've heard nothing but good things about this bass" well it's pretty much the opposite with the SG bass :)[/quote]

    An Epi EB-3 is 34" scale and has 2 pickups - 1 large humbucker (neck) and 1 mini humbucker (bridge). 3 way selector and vol/tone for each pup.

  12. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='26908' date='Jul 4 2007, 11:58 AM']^ :huh: someone actually LIKES an epi EB0/3 bass!!!???[/quote]

    It was my first bass and I do indeed like my cherry red mud generator :)

  13. This is looking the business. Love EB-0/3/4 style basses. You said somewhere else that you had perfect balance, could you put up a photo of where you placed the strap button, the neck dive is the only thing I'd change about my Epi EB-3.

  14. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=004&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=140134407429&rd=1&rd=1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1[/url]

    "This is a very rare semi acoustic/electric bass guitar". No it isn't.

    "I had this made in the usa custom (possible one of a kind in the UK) to [i]what I wanted[/i]" and yet "[i]Not to sure on the details as of what its made of and the pic up details[/i] I just know it set me back alot of money."

    "you dont usually get this bass in ebony you can only buy it in gold". O RLY? I could order an ebony one from several web vendors this minute if I wanted.

    They've already removed the porkie pie that it cost them £800 new. They're about £500-600 new, depending on who you ask.

    £750 and reserve higher than that? Don't make me laugh!

  15. [quote name='binky_bass' post='26301' date='Jul 2 2007, 11:52 PM']you ever thought about using nitromorse? its a paint stripper that 100% harmless to woods. i used it a couple of times to get thick layers of lacker and paint off bodies. makes sanding sooo much easier![/quote]

    Thought about it, but until recently I didn't have anywhere safe to use such foul chemicals. Besides, there are conflicting opinions about it's harmlessness to wood, and leathering the hell out of paint/lacquer is rather theraputic :)

    If I do another one then I might experiment with the stuff and see how it performs.

  16. [quote name='stewblack' post='25162' date='Jun 29 2007, 10:30 PM']I didn't know about it either - thanks for the link, really fascinating. I'm just not sure I could 'distress' such a beautiful instrument - what a shame it looked great before![/quote]

    Fascinating, right up to the point where he bollixed it up. I can't stand this "relic-ed" look. Would one buy a "relic-ed" car?

    To me it's like joining the army as a private then sticking a colonel insignia on your uniform. You're jumping the gun. If you want your bass to look like that - go use it for 20 years.

    Maybe I just like shiny things better :)

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