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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. The long reach barrel jack will only work for you if 1) it fits in the hole (I'm guessing that the current one is threaded in there somehow given that it's got a notch which looks like it's intended for a screwdriver) and 2) reaches far enough through for you to use the nut/washer to secure it inside the cavity. So you might need to ream the hole out a little, maybe not.

    Then again, it's only £2.29 from Maplin, that's less than a pint down the pub. Buy it, see if it fits in there, report back if it doesn't and we'll see what we can do.

  2. Don't be surprised by the tax bill. Don't be surprised by the courier charging you to present the goods to HMRC, paying the duty/VAT on your behalf then collecting the money from you. Don't think for one minute you'll be able to sneak a bass under the noses of HMRC, little bits and bobs sure, but not a whole bass.

    Do ask for all tracking info/reference numbers etc. so you know what's happening instead of waiting for a letter to appear.

  3. Well, today I've just gone and contradicted myself. Hartke strings aren't long enough to do through body stringing on my RD Artist, so I've had to get some super long scale D'Addarios. I don't mind, I quite like XLs - I've had them before, but now I can't say that I don't use any strings other than Hartke :)

    It's that extra inch or so that the strings travel to get through the back of the bridge to the through body ferrules when they would normally go straight down through the bridge plate that does the damage!

  4. I'll wade in with my observation that in damn near every 2 pickup bass I've played, both pickups on tends to yield the most "polite" sound, rounded, smooth, not much of the "grit" needed to cut through a mix. It's like the two individual characters of the pickups cancel each other out rather than being summed or complementing each other. No, the pickups are not out of phase, there's plenty volume, it's just too smooth.

    [quote name='krazy_olie' timestamp='1322563049' post='1452553']
    The tone controls do different thigns whether in active/passive. I think in passive you usually want to have them on full, in active they become boosts so for a "flat sound" they need to be somewhere in the middle, but full on sounds pretty damned good!
    rolling them off can give some interesting distinctive tones.

    Your ears may be telling you that but may I be pedantic and correct you here - the tone controls do the same regardless of whether or not the preamp is switched on, they are passive, cut only controls in the circuit before the output from the pickups hits the preamp. This signal then either goes straight to the jack or through the preamp depending on the position of the passive/active/active w/treble boost switch. The preamp is simply a line boost, with an optional (and rather horrible sounding to my ears) treble boost facility, all of which happens after the tone controls.

  5. Is size really the problem or is it mostly weight? I recently changed cabs. I was going to go all modular, but in the end I managed to source a 4 ohm 4x10 which had no problem handling the output from a 3500 but is only 60% of the weight of my previous cab and now I'm happy. Ask me again in another 10 years, see how my back/knees vote then :)

  6. The freedom of the market is sacrosanct. Profiteering? Who are you to determine what is excessive? Comrade, this isn't some socialist enclave immune from the ebb and flow of the free market. I don't sell much stuff, but if I think I can turn a profit then I will. It's no-one's business but mine. Let's say I pick up something locally for silly money and sell it on here for a reasonable price. Am I wrong? No! I am enterprising. The item was sold for a fair market price, and the price I obtained it for is none of your business. I have no obligation to share my good fortune, I don't owe any of you a damn thing. This overinflated sense of entitlement really sticks in my craw. Goodwill? This is the same place which is the number one (in my experience) source of lowball offers whenever I sell things, so it cuts both ways.

    I am a capitalist pigdog, and I'm happy to be one. Not happy with a price? Negotiate in private or walk away. Don't stand on a soapbox with a megaphone outside someone's shop complaining about the prices.

  7. Difficult to say with the poor photography, but the pickup is in the right place for a post 1972 EB-0 (they moved it down a bit from the end of the neck to brighten the sound a bit), they used a black mounting ring around the pickup after they moved it down, it has the correct number of frets for the time (21), there's no dot marker for the 21st fret (correct) and the three point bridge was used from 1973 onwards. With some better pics then the bevelling in the cutaways could be checked. The headstock is odd, the logos were silkscreened on in this era rather than being inlays, but the edges do look odd.

    Basically, without better photos that's the best I can do.

  8. [quote name='q_of_doom' timestamp='1322228699' post='1448260']
    Whoops. I've just pressed the down button to see what it'll do only to realise that I've given neepheid the thumbs down. Sorry mate! Good thing we're not using live ammo or something. How do you undo this?

    It's no biggie, honestly. I don't care because hopefully sense will prevail and the reputation system will be removed. The very fact that you clicked on the button "to see what it'll do" shows how frivolous and pointless it is!

  9. The active circuit ought to say in its specifications if there are any restrictions. Like EMG-BT/BQ systems vs. controls - the systems are designed for active EMG pickups only because they include a volume and blend control which only works properly with active pickups (wrong pot values for passive pickups), the controls on their own (you sort out pickup switching/blending/volume and present the resultant signal to the EQ circuit) are fine.

  10. I thought The Big Beef Chief was a disruptive knob for the most part if truth be told, I didn't find him amusing, more controversial for the attention seeking hell of it and I didn't care much for his presence at all. But that's just the colour and thread material of my stitch in the rich tapestry of life, isn't it? It happened to clash with his.

    I am usually pretty disappointed with the people I find on the top of pedestals.

  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1322136603' post='1446931']
    There's a 'full site' button at the bottom. That seems to drop a cookie which keeps it in full site mode.

    As it 'appens, I really rate the mobile site anyway. I can't see me shifting to full site too often.

    That's double annoying, I'd like a button in full site mode which does the opposite - sets a cookie which keeps it in mobile mode overriding the flag in my phone's browser settings.

  12. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1322134942' post='1446892']
    It seems that the site auto detects your browser and gives you a skin based on what it sees. On my Android the URL is the same as my PC and they get different skins.

    Damn, that's annoying. I only like mobile view if it gives an advantage (which in many cases it doesn't). I guess I'll just have to either use another browser just for basschat or go into the settings every time I visit.

  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1322135238' post='1446898']
    I think this is true..which is one reason what I wouldn't want it. but..how do you know there are two users doing that..???

    At the time I wrote that there was a nasty red "-2" below the post. As I said before It's a "net" 2, there could have been 5 positives and 7 negatives at that time for all I know.

    Now it's sitting at +4 and I'm of the opinion that people are just clicking the positive arrow in sympathy or trying to show that they disagree with the negatives. Is that post really worth a net +4? Sorry to the OP but it's the sort of doom prophecy thread that's been said countless times before which I would not normally have participated in, but I felt that the -2 when I saw it was deeply unwarranted and felt compelled to speak out against this nonsense. And yes, speak out instead of meaningless clicking of arrows.

  14. Is there a URL I can go to explicitly to see the mobile site? I normally have my phone set to display pages as they would appear normally, it would be handy not to have to go into the options to turn on mobile view just to go look at basschat (which is one of the few sites which does work better in mobile view than regular on a phone.

  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1322129554' post='1446765']
    Set up is an incredibly personal thing, so why should you expect a bass to be set up to your tastes?

    Man, I almost clicked on the up arrow.

    Instead I will say that I agree with this - it's never going to be right for everyone. I never expect a bass to be set up for me when I first get a hold of it, be it new or used. If it is then it is a happy accident.

    Having said that, I usually buy raggedy old basses with even raggedy-er strings, so it's on with a new set of strings and that mandates a new setup anyway. I think it's super important that bass players learn to do their own setups - it's easy once you know how and then you can get it exactly how you want it instead of trying to describe to a third party, a middleman between you and the bass how you want your setup done.

  16. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1322082296' post='1446405']

    It may be just me, but I don't think so. I used to always go to this forum to find some interesting stuff and good debate, albeit sometimes controversial. That's what attracts people, in my opinion. Just lately, I don't see the usual suspects (you know who you are) very often. I recently started a thread that was mildly controversial and was pulled up almost immediately on it.

    Is it just me? Fair enough if it is, but it mainly seems like stuff for sale and little else.

    Well, at time of writing there's a net two users who would rather click on a down arrow than have a conversation with you.

    Negative rep for expressing an opinion which is neither objectionable or anti-social. Way to go, whoever you are.

  17. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1321973878' post='1444980']
    What does he say into the microphone before smashing up the guitar? I can't quite work it out.

    There's definitely a "screw this band, I'm going solo" in there. I dunno if its staged or not, but being interrupted by someone while you're talking is pretty annoying. Dunno if I'd smash an instrument over the heads of it though.

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