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Posts posted by Grangur

  1. You have to admire his guts to take a perfectly good bass, wreck it and really believe some [s]mug[/s] customer will pay over the odds for the damage.
    Only the other day i read on BC someone admiring their Fender or having a thin finish that damages easy for a "roadworn" look..

    I know, it's me getting old, but I'd call that a cheap, poor quality finish. I'd take it back and say I expect better for that money. "It take all sorts to make a world"

  2. Don't forget that with distance selling regulations/laws, if you don't like it you can return it within a few days and get your money back. Bass Direct also get good fb from those on here who've used them. (Never done so myself though)

    WRT MIM I've tried one of 2 and they've been good. But some Americans don't rate anything that's not USA made. But a MIM is USA made parts assembled in Mexico... so I've read

  3. +1 Schnozzalee

    I like the style of the MTD, whereas IMHO the Fender to me just looks like another generic bass; nothing new or exciting.

    If you watch Ed Freidland's review of this bass he speaks well of it.

    I'd think seriously about this one. Nice growl and punchy.

  4. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1367350987' post='2064621']
    Good work!
    Why is your youtube video recommending i "MEET CHINESE LADY" ?
    Sorry, Dan, but that's just you I get something about "Audible Books"

    Back to James' playing. Yes, you're doing well. You seem to be keeping the groove which is a lot of what it's about.

    Well done Milty for finding this and bringing it to the top. I hope we've not lost James. He's not been online since 14th April :(

  5. Please tell me if you recon I'm wrong, but Brown Eyed Girl is a bit of a challenge to play as a first piece.
    Apart from the intro, which is playing notes, the rest of the notes playing would be lost without strumming the chords. The chords would lose structure without the notes and the vocal is a functional part of it all too. She's said nothing about him singing and I doubt she'd miss a chance to stick the knife in about his vocal skills.

    So it all seems odd to me, or he's onto a looser with the song as well as the missus


  6. As Milty says it could be the battery if it's got active electrics. This can be flat on a new bass too.

    Was this bass bought as new?
    If so, I'd call the seller and ask them to deal with it before you get too deep into checking the wiring.

    Try connecting it all and turn the gain/volume up and touch a metal object to the pup. Do you get a "click" noise as it touches?

  7. [quote name='SteveO' timestamp='1367244882' post='2063058']
    Don't people use sibelius/ finale etc to prepare scores these days? Shifting the part up an octave is all of 30 seconds work. Mention it to the md, it's in his interest to give you something you can read easily.
    [/quote] Another option is Musescore ([url="http://www.musescore.org"]www.musescore.org[/url]) this is similar and is free

    But re-typing the whole of the score for a show could be one hell of a task if you're working on a 5 night run of a show.

  8. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1367236558' post='2062891']
    You just wait for that JLS reunion in 2063, I'm booking my tickets now....
    Yeah... just like the Beach Boys 50th Anniversary. So they re-unite to do this? Isn't this like me and the Ex-Mrs G getting back together in another 26 years to celebrate our 50th of being not-together?

  9. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1367219212' post='2062568']
    Morning all - no problems musically, personally, etc. other than it seems to me that Auntie, yet again, selects and reports to its target audience a tale with limited information and not the full story.
    That's all........
    I think you'll find the answer to this will all come clear to you if you imagine for 5 mins that you're a BBC journalist in the Newsbeat dept and you're watching Ms Sande's sats.
    You see here numbers are going down this week, next week it could be too late. Sande will be out of the top 30 and it's old hat. (Assumed, I can't be arsed to look)
    You're thinking "there HAS to be a stroy here somewhere? Then I can get my name on the website."
    So you look at it all in anyway you can to find how she's broken some record or other so you can get your name on the Web. I think you'll find this is what Adina Campbell has done and this is what we pay her to do... Money wasted? Quite possibly.

  10. Hey Mike! That looks a really beautiful piece of work. You look very justifiably proud.

    On the matter of the finish, if its had nitro on it, you can sand it and nitro it some more, but don't oil it. Oil needs to soak into the wood. It won't penetrate nitro, so it'll only sit on the surface as an oil-slick. If you sand and oil it now, the bear wood will soak up the oil and it'll look patchy and weird with the oil/nitro patches... so PLEASE don't put any oil on it.

    Once it's got a good coat of nitro you can bees-wax it.

    On a side note: DON'T EVER use Pledge, Mr Sheen or any other spray polish.

    I hope this is helpful.


  11. This one's not portable in the sense that you can use it on the bus, or in Tesco. But I don't supose you do that with your bass much either.
    If, however, you need a metronome anywhere you have access to a PC then here's one:


    On the other hand, I use a Korg TM-40 tuner and metronome:

    (Other retailers are also available)

  12. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1367073730' post='2060980']
    Details??? How much did it cost?? website?? sounds better that 2 weeks on some crappy Spanish beach - though probably not if you have a Ptr and kids..
    +1 And pics of the new bass would be good too Please?

  13. Zenitram, you can sand through the paint, but as John says, you'd need a primer to be sure it's going to give a good flat finish.

    John's also probably right about the choice of supplier. I've see appliances go an interesting patchy yellow after a time. So why not avoid the risk and go for a cool metallic purple/blue/whatever from day 1?

    Another thought... if you make a cheap dummy neck and screw this into the pocket, you can clamp this into the jaws of a "covered" workmate/clamp and spray both sides without having to turn it. so you'd reduce the time of the process.

  14. Zenitram, you asked:
    [i]...I was wondering if it might work on these bodies[/i].
    No reason why not. Take your time rubbing down before hand. Use medium grain sandpaper to start and then finish with some really fine grain paper. 320 grain will be ok to finsh. Don't even think of spraying until the body is seriouly clean and smooth. Dust off the body with a CLEAN cloth (no grease). DON'T rub down in the same place as you're going to spray. Rubbing down makes dust. You don't want dust in your spraying area.

    Spraying: Find a nice clean space to work in. While i think of it.... while spraying VENTILLATE the room! Don't die in the fumes and don't smoke!!

    Take your time in the spraying, don't rush. Spray in a light-even mist with the can at a distance of about 500mm, so the jet isn't too intense.

    Spray with smooth, even strokes, side to side. When you get to the end of each stroke go past the edge of the bass body before you change direction. The reason for this is because if you stop and change direction over the surface, the point at which you do this will get too much paint. This way runs happen - bad news.. start over.

    Prepare yourself to do loads of thin coats. When finished you may find you've got small nibby-bits in the surface. You can remove these when it's dry by rubbing over with your hand, or rubbing over with the BACK of the sandpaper. If in doubt; use fine sand paper (as fine as you can find to buy) and, maybe re-spray and hope for better next time. But don't lose sight of the fact that it's the lacquer that will leave the shine. SMOOTHE even paint finish is what you're after.

    [i]I imagine it'd need lacquer or something on top to finish it.[/i]
    Yes, probably. Use Nitrocelulose lacquer. This is the stuff [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nitrocellulose-Lacquer-Aerosol-Clear-GLOSS/dp/B007VBCLS0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367050779&sr=8-1&keywords=nitrocellulose+lacquer"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nitrocellulose-Lacquer-Aerosol-Clear-GLOSS/dp/B007VBCLS0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367050779&sr=8-1&keywords=nitrocellulose+lacquer[/url]
    When doing this try to do it in a clean environment. A bare, well cleaned room with no carpet and no windows and loads of extraction fans is ideal... but you won't have this luxury.

    [i]What do you think?[/i]
    Bass is cool and I'd like to have the opportunity to do these for myself too.

    [i]Is there any reason it won't work? [/i]
    Yes, if you're a plonker and you rush it.

    [i]Or any reason it will work?[/i]
    Err.. you read and followed these points?

    [i]Stupid idea? Will my basses look like shiny new washing machines afterwards? [/i]
    White's not to my taste, but hey! They're yours and with a cool pickguard and stuff, who knows.

    Post pics of them before, after, durring etc. I'd like to see them.

  15. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1366983973' post='2059887']

    LOL she paid me £280 :D

    ...Acorn Antiques?


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