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Posts posted by tommorichards

  1. If you were bothered, you could probably get some wood veneers off ebay to fill in the space around the bridge, something like


  2. I recorded a soundclip with it today. My mate was testing the recording capabilities of his blackberry torch. Amazing sound resolution for what was quite loud. But i played it through my trace combo with one of the EQ presets active, so im not sure how much sound is down to the bass, but it was on neck J and MM bridge coil in parallel.

  3. When i first started it, i had on/off switches for each pickup, and a separate volume for each, then a master volume and tone. Not a lot of choices. So then i had a look around, and realised that i could utilize this:

    If you think about it, the bridge MM has 2 coils, the P and J could act as 2 coils, then the 2 outputs from those switches could act as a third set of coils, which means there are 3 super switches, then a vol and tone. I can get a wide variety of sounds from it too. Like the J and bridge coil of the MM in parallel. Or the P and J parallel. or each coil in parallel.

    I have been asked about it a few times, so i think ill have to make a build thread about it sometime soon.

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