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Posts posted by gypsymoth

  1. I take flipping burgers seriously because it's my living ... and there is an art to selecting the right amount of onion vs pickle :) . and it takes a true artist to please a large lunchtime crowd :huh:

    my kid is a skateboard artist, for his next birthday I think I'll get him a beret and a long cigarette holder. too bad he isn't old enough to grow an artiste's goatee

  2. I have never understood this "artist" thing. what the heck is wrong with being a bassplayer/musician/writer - or entertainer if the music isn't as important as the appearance?

    personally, I avoid people who make sounds but feel the need to classify themselves as artists. diiferent mindset.

  3. there were folded horn cabs from Acoustic, Hiwatt and others in the late 60's /early 70's.

    the thing is, a lot of people like the way less than perfect (totally/tonally flat response) sounds. isn't there a Lemmy thread elsewhere? use what sounds good to you.

  4. doing internet research on my vox custom bass (MIJ neck through), about the only thing I found of interest was that Mr. Sheehans bandmates (UFO?) gave him one as a gift.
    I guess he didn't like or play it much, as it turned up on ebay.

  5. when I recorded the first cd it was with the intention of using it as a guide/learning tool for the next band that hopefully wouldn't fall apart before anything got done - so the vocals were on one side only, and really quiet, as I didn't want to sing - they were there for someone else to learn..both of those cd's were done in one shot single pre-dawn sessions. I now have the luxury of redoing tracks, but yeah, I'll use a track that has the feel I want, regardless of any other issues.

    there's been a gradual acceptance of the "singer" (and the other roles) - and effort to improve in that regard. don't spend much time with my basses though.

    thanks for listening, and the kind words.

  6. if you're gonna do solo bass you shouldn't be looking at anyone else. do what you do.

    if you want to do it at open mic's, I'd suggest not saying it's solo. tell them it's a simple tune in H, and invite them to follow.

  7. as different as fire and ...... water.
    from my old solo bass cd's

    "When Dreamland Burned"
    "St. Barts Blues"

    tracks 5 & 6 on the link below, burning and soothing lyrics posted on the blog.

    edit - replaced with "High Speed Drifter" which has a bit of a solo, and "What a Waste" which is a lovely 8 string piece.

    OK, it's a bit of a stretch, "wind in the face" and "salt of the earth", but what the heck.

  8. thank you so much.

    I always wonder if I should redo or fix stuff to make it more "normal".
    it's nice to get the occasional confirmation that not everyone wants smoothed out and cleaned up.

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