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Everything posted by colda

  1. It's stupid, pointless, not in the least bit good looking, would never get used - I want one!
  2. I prefer Wenger to Victorinox (you can't blame me - I spent 5 years living close to Delemont) but am very interested in replacing my old leatherman that went walkies - let me know when you're selling again
  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='75253' date='Oct 16 2007, 08:34 PM']Abso-f***in-lutely[/quote] okies - wheels are in motion towards getting the TE stuff, to be honest I was gonna buy this rig in the first place but then got posessed by the idea that I need to have 10" speakers now to photograph my stuff and sell so I can afford it thanks for puttin' my mind right
  4. [quote name='elom' post='75372' date='Oct 17 2007, 12:27 AM']Hi Phaedrus, We cover quite a few of the same songs. We've wanted to do 'Killing in the Name' for a while but haven't because we've just thought it is a bit too much for a regular pub gig. I'd be interested to know what sort of reaction it gets. cheers elom[/quote] I know two bands around swindon that have in their set, one a tradition female fronted covers band (that really should become a blondie tribute act) and the other a high school band who play mostly and original set with a few covers thrown in - I've seen both bands on more than one occasion in more than one venue and the song always does down really well. That said I can't say for certain if it's the contrast between singer and song that makes it work - i.e. 4ft 4st fem with an amazing voice or a 15 year old school boy belting it out
  5. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='75067' date='Oct 16 2007, 02:14 PM']+1 for the ampeg B15 - a legendary peice of kit. Combo's dont have to be cheap and there are some good options out there like Eden Metro and SWR Redhead. Laney is cheap junk whether its a head/stack or combo so I would be inclined to wait until you can get something better.[/quote] Hmmm, budget is limited so the really sweet stuff will have to wait a while, I've also been offered a Trace Elliot GP7 Series 6 1x15 combo with 1x15 extention cab for a very good price - would this be a better option?
  6. My rack 'head' consists of a Behringer V-Amp, a Behringer compressor/noise gate and a 600W (2 x 200W into 8 ohm) power amp I have a Laney RBC115 and am looking for a Laney RBC210 (or poss. RBC410 8ohm) to complete the stack but alas finding the correct cab is proving difficult. My mind has now started drifting towards selling the rack and simply getting an RB7 (2x10 300W combo thing) and just using the 1x15 as an extention cab Financially this would not make any notable difference and as I'm not using the effects on the V-amp and the cab simulation lives on 'tube pre-amp' it seems that the biggest thing that I'm going to lose by doing this is the joy of flashing lights Has anyone else 'gone back' from using a rack/stack setup? Will I regret it if I do?
  7. one of our monitors is doing that - for us it's the mounting screws around the driver that are loose, settles a bit after a while as the driver beds itself in (until moved again) - i've just been too lazy to tighten the screws note to self: tonight, tighten screws on monitor (and fix the dodgy cables)
  8. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='73302' date='Oct 12 2007, 12:55 PM']Dont know much about Vester but there is a danger that the pups and bridge will be worth more than the bass and at the end of the days you will have a cheap bass with expensive bits as opposed to getting a better bass.[/quote] I think that this might well be the case, reading reviews and from my own experience the body is the greatest plus that the bass has, as I've already abused the neck in getting it straight it seems that I'm leaning more to defretting
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='73299' date='Oct 12 2007, 12:51 PM']I have exactly the same bass, and I too am very sentimental about it (but it was my first bass). I've got Schaller PUs in mine and that's the only upgrade I've done, it growls like a beast now. Removing the scratchplate will leave you a nasty surprise I expect, a la the Mexi Jazzes - the neck PU is in a big hole rather than a nice tight rout![/quote] Hmmm, I took the scratchplate off when I first got it (as the screws were rusted) and remember liking the look of it without the plate but the screw holes annoyed me - now I dunno if in my mind I thought that it would not be a problem to fill/cover the problems (but the screw holes would never be perfect) - the more I think about it the more I think that this is the case. - Right, so the plate stays/gets replaced/gets decorated
  10. Okies, I have had the idea of restoring my Vester Stage Series (60's Jazz copy), had basically decided on bunging in a EMG JHZ pickup set and a Badass II bridge getting it cleaned up BUT whilst doing the sound for a band last night (a seven piece that like to swap around their instruments - was a challenge) I noticed the bassist was using a Fretless Squirer Jazz Custom thing and I kinda fell in love So, do I restore the Vester as planned (also bear in mind it's hardly in mint condition) or do I remove the scratchplate (not that keen on tortoiseshell effect anyway) and defret the thing? It doesn't really owe me anything (£40 from ebay) but I have grown to become very fond of it, am thinking that the money that I spend on the restore could easily go towards another bass (plus would sell my Washburn T14 to avoid 'too-many-basses-earache' from the missus) which would give me a budget of about £300 (which would prolly be spent on a minty dynabass and a 2x10) But also I feel like I kinda owe it to the Vester to restore it (being a bit of a sentimental old git) what to do?
  11. [quote name='MB1' post='72817' date='Oct 11 2007, 01:47 PM']MB1. Drummer or Receptionist whats it to be?[/quote] Why has that made me think about banging the secretary
  12. Never used Phonic stuff myself but a Sound Reinforcement list that I'm on all concur that it's a big pile of doggy do do's - but as I said, never touched the stuff myself although have heard enough to make me not want to. I understand where you're coming from with a need to minimise, I put on gigs at a local venue and have to bring the PA rig with me each week, bass bins, tops, 10u rack for FOH amps and other rack gear, 3u rack for monitor amp, eq and feedback killer, 5 monitors, 16-8-16 studiomaster mixer plus all stands, mics, cables etc, etc. Filling a Toyota Previa (and the boot of an Escort).
  13. I have an old Yamaha RX11 that's just gathering dust that you might be able to put to good use
  14. colda

    What would you do?

    I have a B2 which now I only ever use as a practice amp (into headphones) or as a tuner, also have a Behringer V-Amp Pro (rack mount thingy) and have never used the effects on it, am slowly building up a small pedal collection. I like the idea of multi effects but in reality need the tangibility of pedals - maybe this will change when I get bored enough to spend some real time programming the B2 or the V-Amp
  15. I have a Washburn T14 that had a great sound and is very easy to play, only reason I don't use is that the body shape does not suit me (well, that plus I love my Dynabass)
  16. The Smiths - 'Barbarism Begins At Home' (but have to confess to only now having learned it 'properly')
  17. Nothing for me, got the missus a new drum throne plus some feelgood factor, we were in of our local music shops and she found the throne she liked, I said 'cool, we'll get on from ebay for about half the price' to which I got a stern glare and a mini lecture that if everyone did that then we would not have local music shops, so £70 lighter but feel good for supporting the local lads
  18. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it! I played my very first gig (as in first one ever in my life) last Friday night, I wondered when the nerves would kick in, for the weeks leading up to the gig I just remained in denial (ah - it's ages away yet kinda thing), as the night approached, no nerves, travelling there - nothing, got there, got set-up - not a flutter, bass tuned and ready to go - all smiles, drummer counted us in with the sticks - total terror! brain opened up emergency negotiations with rectal muscles to remain in operations, sweat glands thought they were working for Red Adair and I tried to bring the fretboard into focus as my nervous system was dealing with the effects of a vitual 14 pints of espresso. Bang, the song started and almost in an out-of-body-experience type state I plumbed G 7 times sliding down to F on the 8th, quite soon on I made an slight error (nothing that an audience would pick up on) and tensed in fear of making another mistake to which I did almost immediately then the fear snapped, a realisation rushed over me as my body relaxed, the mistakes were irrevant (yeah, would have been happier not making them), I was there, I was playing and it sounded good - no more fear, totally relaxed and smiled my way though the set - loved it! Now of course I'm like a kid with a new toy and want to gig every night
  19. [quote name='Telebass' post='70004' date='Oct 5 2007, 02:35 PM']Doesn't work... [/quote] LA LA LA LA *hands over ears* - I can't hear you! Moderator! - Telebass is trying to upset me!!!
  20. [quote name='metaltime' post='69942' date='Oct 5 2007, 12:15 PM']my friends is the exact same but a different colour his bass is a freak he has a £700 yamaha and still much prefers his peavey it just sounds so dam good. Have you noticed the lack of info on this model on the peavey website im sure it dosnt acctually exsist. andrew[/quote] Indeedy, since having mine I've tried to find out a bit of history but there is little out there, mine's far from pristine, which is one of the reasons I'm looking for a 2nd one, compared to the Fenders etc that I've tried there is just a feeling of being 'at one' with the bass that only exists with this thing - I think that they are actually some mystical/magical thingy from another realm Had another recent 'ooohh' thing, I was planning on making a 2 x 12 combo with a behringer v-amp thing set in the top and an old FAL PA150 amp that I picked up off ebay for £15. I'd taken the FAL apart and realised, with the help of a hacksaw and adding a fan I could condense the amp to squeeze in with the drivers but shortly before it was placed on the operation table I looked it up on 'tinternet and it turns out to be a bit of a vintage from the early 70's (rather like myself), so just for the hell of it I bunged a little valve pre-amp between my bass and the FAL and connected a 1 x 15 - ooooohhhhh, very sweet indeed! - so sod the combo idea, I'm happy! - now, to sell or not to sell the v-amp
  21. [quote name='metaltime' post='69896' date='Oct 5 2007, 10:42 AM']welcome welcome my friend had a dyna bass and loved it[/quote] gotta love the dynabass although I'm a bit confused, seems that there are 2 types, mine looks like this: although there also seems to be one with 4-in-a-line tuners, obviously as this 'imposter' is not like mine it must be the devil's spawn and should be cast aside - all hail Darren's dodgy bass!
  22. [quote name='Telebass' post='69159' date='Oct 3 2007, 05:07 PM']Welcome! And it's just a bad rumour that they will disappear when they get older...[/quote] That's not even funny! No worries though, we have a masterplan, if the're not out in a few years we're selling up and moving somewhere small and remote to get rid of 'em
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  24. I think that I want this - being a bit of a noob I'm gonna go out on a limb and risk sounding foolish, but in essence, whilst I know this will not make me a better bassist, does it help to cover my more subtle mistakes?
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