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Posts posted by kingofthestuntmen

  1. My name is KotS and I [i]am[/i] a Guitarist.. :)

    When coming up with bass parts, I usually fall back on Sheehans advice "[i]when the drummer hits his bass drum you play a bass note[/i]" and work up from there. At the other end of the spectrum, being a Guitard who was originally inspired by 80's 'shredders' & 'tappers', I can find my way around a fretboard fairly quickly, thereby sounding impressive..!

    This, ironically, means I have a reputation as a 'tasteful' bassist and get asked to play bass a lot... :huh:

  2. The 19th fret..? Looks OK if you expand the pic.

    Every so often I consider selling my SB-301 -

    - but play it 'one last time' and remember why I bought her in the 1st place. As a Guitard with delusions of adequacy, she suits me perfectly; small body, light weight, fantastic tone.

    In fact, being more versatile, she sees more action than my '72 P..! Must change the knobs though, it's the one original feaure that I really don't like.

  3. Saw him playing with Vai in Glasgow July last year.

    All pics here - [url="http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e334/kingofthestuntmen/Vai%20at%20Glasgow%20Carling%2025th%20July%202007/"]http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e334/kin...%20July%202007/[/url]

    It was an 'all instrumental' nite, as half the band (including Steve) had the flu.

  4. Anyone know of a good, highly visible metronome program..?

    I'm looking for something that would, ideally, take up the whole of a laptop screen. Not so concerned about the click element, it just needs to be BIG enough to be viewed by 3 or 4 people in a rehearsal room.

    I've already checked out Simnor Metronome, Musebook & Tempo Perfect from NCH but they're just not BIG enough.


  5. I went to Jimmy Egypt for the longest time, but more recently have had everything done by the girls at Strung Out in Kings Court in Glasgow. The website is down right now, but here's the link anyway - [url="http://www.strungoutguitars.com/"]http://www.strungoutguitars.com/[/url] -

    Even if you just swing by to check them out, you most likely won't be disappointed as they specialise in vintage/second hand.

    Never used Jimmy Moon, but I hear good things about their work.


  6. Not exactly a support, but an early demo of a former band of mine featured the two Stuarts (Murdoch & David) from Belle & Sebastian (pre B&S) on backing vox... We were all on a 'Training For Work' scheme and anytime there was any recording done, whoever was around was roped into helping.

    Insult to injury, I then attended their album launch, and knocked back an autographed vinyl copy of the original 'Tigermilk' album. The sound you hear is me kicking myself..!

  7. Antorias Rule..! I've never played a bad one.

    Try here - [url="http://www.ibanezcollectors.com/forum/other-replicas/"]http://www.ibanezcollectors.com/forum/other-replicas/[/url] - or here for more info - [url="http://groups.msn.com/antoria"]http://groups.msn.com/antoria[/url] - I joined these when I acquired my most recent one, a 'Hummingbird'

    I was able to compare it to the real thing that a friend of mine had bought new, and it more than held it's own.

    I've also owned a 'Strat' that I intended to use as the basis for a project, and a friend of mine had a J copy that was fantastic.

    What's the history of the one you're looking at..?


  8. I'm hoping to ship a Bass Collection in the next few weeks. If you reckon it'd work for that, I'd happily take it off your hands. PM to discuss further.


  9. If any of it were of far eastern origin, would that make it Jap Crap..?

    And do you play it standing or sitting..?

  10. Dammit..! Too slow in replying, now all I'm left with is -

    What kinda Head you play thru..?

    - or -

    How does it sound thru Can(s)..?


    Sound of tumbleweed and me getting my coat...

  11. That's what I figured... :)

    My original intention was to post this as a freak show in it's own right, then clocked the title of your post. Didn't want to [i]not[/i] make the offer, though.

    I've since had a look under the (aluminium..?) scratchplate, and while there are 2 pots and a jack socket, I'm not confident that they actually do much.


  12. My Dad found this horror at a Car Boot Sale this morning -

    - It came in a job lot with a couple of guitars he figured I could use for projects. Don't know (and don't intend to find out) if it works. Was gonna fleabay it tonite 'as is' but if you, or anyone else, reckon it's of any use then let me know and I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.

    I'm particularly liking the 2-tone effect... It looks like they took the trouble to mask it off, then spray it with aerosol..!

    I haven't had a chance to lift the scratchplate yet, but the pots still seem to be in there. Dreading what else I might find though :)


  13. Hmm, seem to be seeing a lot of this kind of thing recently... Took a guitarist friend of mine to buy a bass last week, and he made straight for a 5-string, fretted one of these -

    (This is the 4 string fretless to directly compare) When I saw it I thought 'Curbow', but it's actually a Hudson Project Bass. Unfortunately, Guitar Guitar in Glasgow only had a 5 and a 6, and Allan was after a 4.

    Then, I was in another Glasgow shop and saw a Tanglewood Curbow (£129 S/H) and had to resist the urge to try it, knowing GAS would get the better of me.

    So, we have the original Curbow's, the well known Cort version, the lesser known Tanglewood & Hudson..! IIRC, there were actually a lot of Cort/Tanglewood crossovers. Seems like it was Cort in the U.S. and T/wood in the U.K.

    Anyway, the only place that seems to sell the Hudson's in the UK is Cranes in Cardiff, though they do have an eBay store - [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Cranes-Music-Store"]http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Cranes-Music-Store[/url] -

    I'm thankful that I have no money, and am fairly happy with what I've got...


    p.s. Gorgeous finish on that Cort, mate..!

  14. Dunno 'bout this..!

    Last thing I remember reading About Journey was that they've 'replaced' Jeff Scott Soto with some guy that Schon found on YouTube..! He was singing with a Filipino/Philipino tribute band. :)

    Wonder if they'll be staying in the same hotel as Bon Jovi, who play Glasgow the next day...


  15. Or, if you need a few check out - [url="http://www.easybrew.co.uk/product_results.php?PHPSESSID=50e954bd62ec715e77a6d483c4decc62&category=64&kit=5&PHPSESSID=50e954bd62ec715e77a6d483c4decc62"]http://www.easybrew.co.uk/product_results....7a6d483c4decc62[/url] - Scroll down to 'Swing Top Bottle Washers - Spare washers for your "groslch" style, swing top bottles'

    50 for £9.99..!


  16. Folk were asking me how it went, and I was saying stuff like "it was great, but..." or "Didn't feel like 3 hours, but.." and then I realised what had been bothering me was the lights. Not the lasers or the pyro's or the suspended 'things', but the basic light show. Like when they crashed into a big chorus, the lighting just didn't seem equally dynamic or sympathetic...

    Having said that, it's only the last couple of years that I've really got into Rush, and they played a ton of stuff that I absolutely love.

    Biggest problem of the night, however... I now want a Les Paul with a Floyd..!

  17. Acidplanet.com gives you a free version of Acid (Acid Express) - [url="http://www.acidplanet.com/tools/?p=acid&T=9184"]http://www.acidplanet.com/tools/?p=acid&T=9184[/url] - and every week they give you '8 Packs'. These are collections of loops from their Pro Collections. If you have the patience to go thru the back catalog, you can pick up lots of (very) varied percussion & drum loops.

    Let us know how you get on, eh?

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